Issue - meetings

Independent Sector Care Home Fees 2019/20

Meeting: 18/02/2019 - The Executive (Item 10)

10 Independent Sector Care Home Fees 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 931 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Adults’ Services.

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It was resolved –


           To acknowledge the North Wales Fee Methodology as implemented hitherto by the authorities in North Wales as a basis for setting fees in Ynys Môn during 2019/20 (Appendix 2 of the report).

           To approve the increase in the fee level as noted in Table 2 of the report.

           In line with other authorities, to authorise the Social Services and Finance Departments to respond to any requests from Homes to explore their specific accounts and to utilise the exercise as a basis to consider any exceptions to the agreed fees. Any exceptions to be agreed with the Portfolio Holder, the Head of Function (Resources) and the Head of Adults’ Services from within current budgets. If no agreement can be made, the matter will go back to the Executive. 


The report of the Head of Adults’ Services seeking the Executive’s approval for proposed independent sector care home fees for 2019/20 was presented for consideration.


The Chair and Portfolio Member for Social Services reported the Local Authority is required to review independent sector care home fees annually to coincide with Central Government’s changes to benefits and pension levels. In setting levels for independent sector care homes, the Council needs to show that it has fully considered the costs of the provision in determining its standard care fees. This is done in collaboration with the other Authorities in North Wales and the Health Board by utilising a Regional Fee Methodology as done in previous years.  It is proposed to continue to use this model for 2019/20 which has reflected legislation changes in terms of pensions, national living wage and inflation. As part of fee setting for 2018/19, Anglesey consulted on the fees proposed by the methodology for 2018 which is summarised in Appendix 2 to the report. Following discussion with the Section 151 Officer, the Authority is proposing to use the Regional methodology for EMI Residential; and Basic Nursing Care Social Care element. The Service is recommending an increase in ROI on Nursing EMI placements of 12% in recognition of the pressures in this area. Consistent with the strategic direction the Council is taking in developing alternatives to residential care in the form of Extra Care Housing and care at home, and having due regard to the affordability of the increase proposed for residential care homes, it is proposed to set a rate for adults’ residential care based on a lower return of investment of 9%.


The Interim Director of Social Services/Head of Adults’ Services said that it may be necessary to consider individual submissions from providers regarding the fees proposed. Exceptions to the fee rates will be considered if there is clear evidence to indicate that the fee set is not sufficient in any individual case.


It was resolved –


           To acknowledge the North Wales Fee Methodology as implemented hitherto by the authorities in North Wales as a basis for setting fees in Ynys Môn during 2019/20 (Appendix 2 to the report).

           To approve the increase in the fee level as noted in Table 2 of the report.

           In line with other authorities, to authorise the Social Services and Finance Departments to respond to any requests from Homes to explore their specific accounts and to utilise the exercise as a basis to consider any exceptions to the agreed fees. Any exceptions to be agreed with the Portfolio Holder, the Head of Function (Resources) and the Head of Adults’ Services from within current budgets. If no agreement can be made, the matter will go back to the Executive.