Issue - meetings

Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers

Meeting: 06/03/2019 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 11)

11 Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers pdf icon PDF 306 KB

11.1 MAO/2019/3 – Bryntwrog, Gwalchmai


11.2 HHP/2019/39 – Gardd y Plas, Llanddeusant

Additional documents:


11.1    48C182B/MIN – Minor amendments to the scheme previously approved under planning permission 48C182A/DA so as to amend the design on land adjacent to Bryntwrog, Gwalchmai


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the condition outlined therein.


11.2    HHP/2019/39 – Full Application for alterations and extensions together with the erection of a detached garage at Gardd y Plas, Llanddeusant


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions contained therein and subject to no new matters being raised before the expiry of the consultation period on 8 March, 2019.


11.1    48C182B/MIN – Minor amendments to the scheme previously approved under planning permission 48C182A/DA so as to amend the design on land adjacent to Bryntwrog, Gwalchmai


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee because the applicant is related to a relevant officer. The file has been reviewed by the Monitoring Officer.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the application follows on from an application recently approved by the Committee to remove planning conditions relating to the Code for Sustainable Homes and to add a condition requiring the development to be undertaken in accordance with approved plans so as to allow the applicant to submit an application under Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act to vary the design of the scheme. An amended scheme has been received and it is the Officer’s view that the amendments proposed are non-material and as such can be dealt with under Section 96A of the Act. It is not anticipated that the amendments as detailed in the report will detrimentally affect the amenities currently enjoyed by the occupants of neighbouring properties any more than that previously approved. The recommendation is to approve the application.


Councillor Eric Jones proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Bryan Owen.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the condition outlined therein.


11.2    HHP/2019/39 – Full Application for alterations and extensions together with the erection of a detached garage at Gardd y Plas, Llanddeusant


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is made by a close relative of a relevant officer. The application has been reviewed by the Monitoring Officer in accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the proposal involves erecting a single storey pitch roof detached garage which will be sited to the side elevation of the dwelling. The existing garage will be converted into living space to provide an additional bedroom and a utility room. The Officer said that the scheme is acceptable within its location and will not result in a reduction to the residential amenity of any neighbouring properties. As the consultation period does not expire until 8 March, 2019, the planning consent if granted, would not be released until after that date.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions contained therein and subject to no new matters being raised before the expiry of the consultation period on 8 March, 2019.