Issue - meetings

Remainder of Applications

Meeting: 02/10/2019 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 12)

12 Remainder of Applications pdf icon PDF 307 KB

12.1 - OP/2019/5 - Huws Gray, Bridge Street, Llangefni


12.2 - FPL/2019/200 - Pentraeth Primary School, Lôn Tanrallt, Pentraeth


12.3 - FPL/2019/226 - Fronwen, Newborough

Additional documents:


12.1  OP/2019/5 – Outline planning application for the demolition of the existing buildings together with the erection of 52 affordable dwellings with associated developments together with full details of the vehicular access on land adjacent to Huws Gray, Bridge Street, Llangefni


It was RESOLVED to visit the site for the reasons given.


12.2  FPL/2019/200 – Full application for the erection of fencing at Pentraeth Primary School, Tanrallt Road, Pentraeth


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.3  FPL/2019/226 – Full application for the siting of three holiday chalets, formation of a new access track, amendments to an existing access together with the installation of a new treatment plant on land at Fronwen, Newborough


It was RESOLVED to visit the site for the reasons given.


12.1  OP/2019/5 – Outline planning application for the demolition of the existing buildings together with the erection of 52 affordable dwellings with associated developments together with full details of the vehicular access on land adjacent to Huws Gray, Bridge Street, Llangefni


The Chair, Councillor Nicola Roberts declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the application but spoke as Local Member.  She left the meeting during discussion and voting thereon.  The Vice-Chair took the Chair for this application.


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application site is located on Council owned land.


The Local Members, Councillors Dylan Rees and Nicola Roberts requested that the application site be visited as the planning application is substantial and there has been some local concerns as to overlooking, proximity, traffic management and mitigation measures.


Councillor Eric W Jones proposed that the site be visited and Councillor Bryan Owen seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to visit the site for the reasons given.


12.2  FPL/2019/200 – Full application for the erection of fencing at Pentraeth Primary School, Tanrallt Road, Pentraeth


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is made by the County Council on Council owned land.


Councillor Robin Williams proposed that the application be approved and Councillor Bryan Owen seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.3  FPL/2019/226 – Full application for the siting of three holiday chalets, formation of a new access track, amendments to an existing access together with the installation of a new treatment plant on land at Fronwen, Newborough


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


The Development Management Manager outlined the application to the Committee and gave the planning history of a previous application that was refused.  She noted that a further letter of support was received in respect of this application.  The applicant has submitted amendments to the vehicular access so as to address the third reason for refusal of the previous application.  The height of the proposed holiday chalets have also been reduced.  However, the location and the siting of the holiday chalets has not been modified and are within a prominent position on the site and without any nearby facilities.  The recommendation was of refusal. 


Councillor Bryan Owen said that the site lies on the main road between Pentre Berw and Newborough and near the Tacla Taid tourist facility.  He said that the area is a tourist attraction with Llanddwyn Beach nearby; the facilities are all within walking distance to local villages.  Councillor Owen expressed that such a proposal at Fronwen is what tourist require and further said that there is no objection locally to the application nor by the Rhosyr Community Council. 


Councillor K P Hughes proposed that the application be approved contrary to the Officer’s recommendation as such a facility for tourist is  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12