Issue - meetings

Annual Delivery Document 2020/21 (Improvement Plan)

Meeting: 26/10/2020 - The Executive (Item 5)

5 Annual Performance Report 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To submit a report by the Head of Profession (HR and Transformation).

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It was RESOLVED to approve the 2019/20 Performance Report as a reflection of the Authority’s work and should be published by the statutory date at the end of October.


 The report of the Head of Profession (Human Resources) and Transformation on the Annual Performance Report 2019/20 was presented to the Executive for consideration. The report which the Authority is statutorily required to produce and publish a review of the following:-


·      the Authority’s progress in delivering against its Annual Delivery Document for 2019/20 as outlined under 3 priority objectives (para 1.3 refers);

·      its overall performance including performance based on national indicators (PAM indicators and local KPIs).


The Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services highlighted a number of achievements under the 3 key objectives whilst also recognising that there are areas of performance where further improvement can be made.   He noted that there are 3 performance indicators which is highlighted in red within the report.  The Portfolio Holder further referred to a number of notable successes which was noted within the report. In highlighting these and other achievements, the Portfolio Member thanked the Council’s staff without whose dedication and hard work they would not have been possible. Looking forwards, although the Council continues to face challenge and uncertainty in delivering its services, he was nevertheless confident that with the support of its staff and partners it would be able to make further improvements and achieve positive outcomes for the people of Anglesey.

Councillor Aled Morris Jones, Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee said that the Scrutiny Committee in considering the Annual Performance Report at its meeting on 20 October, and the Scrutiny Committee was pleased to recommend the Annual Performance Report to the Executive.

The Portfolio Holder for Highways, Property and Waste referred that the recycling figures showed a decrease recently.  He noted that previously recyclable material was taken out of the black bins but now the whole contents of black bin waste is taken to Parc Adfer for incineration. It was noted that the target of 70% is expected by 2024 and the Island recycling figures is already near the Welsh Government target.

The Executive acknowledged the many successes to which the report is testament which it agreed were due to clear leadership, a committed workforce and an effective performance management, assessment and reporting system.

It was RESOLVED to approve the 2019/20 Performance Report as a reflection of the Authority’s work and should be published by the statutory date at the end of October.