Issue - meetings

Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2020/21

Meeting: 18/05/2021 - Isle of Anglesey County Council (Item 8)

8 Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To submit a report by the Chairs of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee and the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee.

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It was RESOLVED to :-


·      approve the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2020/21;

·      note the continued progress made in implementing the local Scrutiny development journey and the impact this is having on practice;

·      appoint the Chair of the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee as the Scrutiny Champion for the period May 2021 to May 2022.


The Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2020/21 was presented by the Chairs of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee and the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor A M Jones, Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee reported that the Scrutiny Chairs have been involved in developing the forward work programmes of both Scrutiny Committees.  Councillor G O Jones wished to thank the Scrutiny Panels for their work in supporting the scrutiny process of the Council.   It was noted that a Scrutiny Champion needs to be appointed to promote the overview and scrutiny function both within the Council and also with external partners of the Authority.      


It was RESOLVED to :-


·      approve the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2020/21;

·      note the continued progress made in implementing the local Scrutiny development journey and the impact this is having on practice;

·      appoint the Chair of the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee as the Scrutiny Champion for the period May 2021 to May 2022.