Issue - meetings

Applications Arising

Meeting: 28/07/2021 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 7)

7 Applications Arising pdf icon PDF 842 KB

Additional documents:


7.1 FPL/2019/338 – Full application for the part removal of the existing concrete sea defence and the erection of a replacement sea defence wall in its place on the boundary of Cerrig, Penmon


It was resolved to defer determination of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reason given.


7.2 FPL/2020/165 – Full application for the conversion of outbuilding into holiday let together with the felling of 3 trees protected by a tree preservation order and replacement planting in lieu at Outbuilding 1, Lleiniog, Penmon


It was resolved to delegate approval of the application to Officers at the end of the consultation period in accordance with the recommendation and report subject to the conditions listed therein and the deletion of condition 6 as outlined.


7.3 VAR/2021/27 – Application under Section 73 for the variation of condition (02) (Approved plans) and (03) (Access and parking accommodation) of planning permission reference FPL/2019/322 (Conversion of church into dwelling together with construction of a new vehicular access) so as to amend the parking accommodation to omit the provision of a turntable at Christ Church, Rhosybol, Amlwch


It was resolved to refuse the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation as it was deemed a turn circle is required in the interests of highway safety.


(In accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution, the application was automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow Officers the opportunity to prepare a report in respect of the reason given for refusing the application)




7.1 FPL/2019/338 – Full application for the part removal of the existing concrete sea defence and the erection of a replacement sea defence wall in its place on the boundary of Cerrig, Penmon


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of the Local Members. At the Committee’s 7 July, 2021 meeting it was resolved that a site visit was required. A virtual site visit was subsequently carried out on 21 July, 2021.


The Chief Planning Officer reported that during the virtual site visit it was confirmed by the Planning Case Officer that amended plans had been received in connection with the application. It is therefore recommended that determination of the application be deferred to allow the amended plans to be considered and further consultation to take place.


It was resolved to defer determination of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reason given.


7.2 FPL/2020/165 – Full application for the conversion of outbuilding into holiday let together with the felling of 3 trees protected by a tree preservation order and replacement planting in lieu at Outbuilding 1, Lleiniog, Penmon


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member. Determination of the application was deferred at the Planning and Order’s 7 July, 2021 meeting pending the receipt of amended plans to demonstrate the compensatory planning required consequent on the proposed removal of 3 trees which are currently protected by a tree preservation order. The amended plans were received on 7 July, 2021 following which amended consultations and neighbourhood notifications were issued with the latest date for representations to be made being 29 July, 2021.


Public Speaker


Mr Rhys Davies, Cadnant Planning spoke in support of the application highlighting that Listed Building Consent for the conversion of the outbuilding into a holiday unit has already been granted and that the Officer’s report confirms that the principle of the conversion of outbuildings into holiday accommodation is established under policy TWR2 of the Joint Local Development Plan (JLDP). The proposal complies with the criteria presented under Policy TWR 2 in that it makes use of a suitable previously developed site; it is appropriate in scale and does not significantly harm the residential character of the area. The proposal is also in a sustainable location being within walking distance of a bus stop and the village of Llangoed via foot or bicycle. The access from off the highway leading to Penmon is considered acceptable with minor improvements as are the plans from a heritage perspective. Questions have arisen regarding what might be the economic benefits to the locality from such a development especially as the developer is not local. The applicant has confirmed in a response to the Head of Service that Amos Leisure has to date invested £4m across three sites in Anglesey and that it directly employs four local members of staff Additionally the company employs eight local sub-contractors on a full time basis  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7