Declaration of Interest
To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.
Councillor Bryan Owen declared a personal but not prejudicial interest with regard to any matter that may arise in connection with the Authority’s small group homes (Cartrefi Clyd) on the grounds that the Authority had bought a property to be utilised as a small group home close to where he lived.
Councillor Aled Morris Jones declared a personal but not prejudicial interest on the basis that the Authority is in the process of purchasing the next door property for conversion into a small group home (Cartref Clyd).
Councillors Dylan Rees declared an interest with regard to item 3 on the agenda as a volunteer with Bwyd Da Môn; Councillor Alun Roberts in also declaring an interest in respect of item 3 having volunteered during the pandemic said that he understood that that did not prevent him from taking part in the discussion.
Councillor Bryan Owen declared a personal but not prejudicial interest with regard to any matter that may arise in connection with the Authority’s small group homes (Cartrefi Clyd) on the grounds that the Authority had bought a property to be utilised as a small group home close to where he lived.
At the request of the Chair, the Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer confirmed that the interest was not prejudicial unless the Committee was to enter into full discussion with regard to the specific small group home nearby Councillor Owen’s own home.
Likewise Councillor Aled Morris Jones declared a personal but not prejudicial interest on the basis that the Authority is in the process of purchasing the next door property for conversion into a small group home (Cartref Clyd).
Councillors Dylan Rees declared an interest with regard to item 3 on the agenda as a volunteer with Bwyd Da Môn; Councillor Alun Roberts in also declaring an interest in respect of item 3 having volunteered during the pandemic said that he understood that that did not prevent him from taking part in the discussion.
At the request of the Chair, the Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer confirmed that an interest of the kind was neither personal nor prejudicial unless a specific body/organisation in which a Member(s) had an interest was to be the subject of discussion.