Finance Scrutiny Panel - Progress Update
To receive a verbal report by the Chair of the Panel.
The Committee noted the Panel’s recommendations and thanked Councillor Dafydd Roberts for the feedback.
Councillor Dafydd Roberts, Chair of the Finance Scrutiny Panel updated the Committee on the Panel’s discussions from its meeting held on 20 January, 2022 and highlighted the following points –
· The Panel received a detailed verbal presentation summarising the draft proposed revenue budget for 2022/23 based on the report to be presented to the Executive on 24 January, 2022 (as under item 3 above). The Panel noted the funding position in terms of the settlement received, the main budget changes and adjustments from 2021/22, the service budget pressures, and the key financial risks and challenges that may impact on the Council’s financial plans for 2022/23. The Panel also noted the funding gap which it was proposed be bridged by a 2% increase in Council Tax. Having considered all these and the responses to matters raised at the meeting, the Panel resolved to put forward for the Corporate Scrutiny Committee’s consideration the initial draft revenue budget of £158.365m for 2022/23; the proposed 2% increase in Council Tax and that the Executive should seek the opinion of the public on the initial budget proposal and Council Tax rise for 2022/23.
· The Panel also received a detailed verbal presentation summarising the draft proposed capital budget for 2022/23 based on the report to be presented to the Executive on 24 January, 2022 (as under item 4 above). The Panel noted the schemes making up the proposed capital programme for 2022/23 including the ongoing refurbishment and/or replacement of existing assets in accordance with the Capital Strategy principles and additional one off projects, as well as the resources available to fund the capital programme noting that because of a £677k reduction in the General Capital Grant from Welsh Government for 2022/33 it was proposed that £1.681m of the General Reserve be utilised to fund a deficit in the capital budget. It was further noted that the 21stst Century Schools Programme will continue in 2022/23 and is partly supported by Welsh Government Grant funding and that the HRA capital programme includes works totalling £18.74m. Having considered all these and the further clarifications provided on matters raised at the meeting, the Panel resolved to put forward for the Corporate Scrutiny Committee’s consideration the draft proposed Capital Budget for 2022/23 as presented.
The Committee noted the Panel’s recommendations and thanked Councillor Dafydd Roberts for the feedback.