18 Endorsement of the Island's Project Submission to the Levelling Up Fund PDF 235 KB
To submit a report by the Head of Regulation and Economic Development.
Additional documents:
It was resolved –
· To endorse the continued preparation of a Levelling Up Fund (LUF) application which focuses on Holyhead
· Due to application submission deadline uncertainty, to delegate authority to authorise the final submission to the Senior Leadership Team (in consultation with the Leader).
The report of the Head of Regulation and Economic Development seeking the Executive’s approval for the Council’s potential submission to the UK Government’s Levelling up Fund was presented for consideration.
Councillor Carwyn Jones, Portfolio Member for Economic Development and Major Projects presented the report which proposed a potential submission to the Levelling Up Fund centred on a package of Holyhead projects. Based on the factors set out in the report it is considered that this approach represents the best possible opportunity of successfully gaining approval for funding. An open call for Expressions of Interest (EOI) across Anglesey was made by the Council in August, 2021 and a total of 11 EOIs was received 5 of which were from Holyhead. The EOIs were assessed by Officers from the Economic Development Function following which it became clear that a strong bid could be submitted centred around Holyhead. Following Senior Leadership endorsement, Officers supported by external consultants, have been working on developing a potential bid centred in Holyhead which has involved securing further information from each of the 5 EOIs and conducting detailed discussions with them to assess each project’s maturity, viability and alignment to the Levelling Up Fund principles and requirements.
The process to develop and finalise the potential bid is ongoing and will not be completed until March. It is therefore not possible to provide details on scope, value, risks and potential liabilities at this point in time. However, the Executive’s support is sought so that Officers can continue to progress and develop the bid.
It was resolved –
· To endorse the continued preparation of a Levelling Up Fund (LUF) application which focuses on Holyhead.
· Due to application submission deadline uncertainty, to delegate authority to authorise the final submission to the Senior Leadership Team (in consultation with the Leader).