Issue - meetings

Corporate Scorecard - Quarter 3, 2021/22

Meeting: 21/03/2022 - The Executive (Item 5)

5 Scorecard Monitoring Report - Quarter 3, 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 611 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Profession, HR and Transformation.

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It was resolved to accept the Scorecard monitoring report for Q3 2021/22, to note the areas which the Senior Leadership Team are managing to secure improvements into the future and to accept the mitigation measures as outlined in the report.



The report of the Head of Profession (Human Resources) and Transformation incorporating the Corporate Scorecard setting out the position of the Council against its operational objectives at the end of Quarter 3 2021/22 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


Councillor Dafydd Rhys Thomas, Portfolio Member for Corporate Business presented the final corporate scorecard report for the current Administration and said that it was encouraging to note that 85% of Corporate Health Performance Indicators are performing well against targets while 82% of Performance Management Indicators are performing above or within 5% tolerance of their targets. The Portfolio Member for Corporate Business referred to a number of standout areas in relation to bringing empty properties back into use, street cleaning and the increase in the number of people benefitting from the Exercise Referral Scheme. Some areas of underperformance have been identified and are being addressed as outlined within the report. Overall the Council’s performance is holding up well with thanks being due to the Council’s staff and its contractors for their commitment over what has been a challenging period.


Councillor Dylan Rees, presented Scrutiny’s assessment of the Scorecard performance report from the Corporate Scrutiny Committee’s 7 March, 2022 meeting highlighting areas of performance that were challenged by the Committee and confirming that having taken assurance from the clarifications provided by Officers and Portfolio Members, the Committee had recommended the Scorecard report and mitigation measures to the Executive.


The Executive welcomed the report and the solid performance it reflected; reference was made to areas of improvement over the course of reporting including attendance at work which now stands at 6.67 days lost to absence per FTE against a challenging target of 6.19 days compared to a target of 9.78 days lost  to absence per FTE set in 2017. In Education the performance in relation to Indicator 4 – the percentage of pupils assessed in Welsh at the end of the Foundation Phase at 87% was highlighted as something to take satisfaction in as was the fact that no Anglesey school is in special measures. The use of the Council Tax Premium to bring empty properties back into beneficial use was also highlighted enabling the  the Council to recover what would otherwise be a wasted resource at a time of housing need, and to also address what is often a source of community concerns. Additionally, it was noted that the performance trend for the majority of indicators is now upwards.


It was resolved to accept the Scorecard monitoring report for Q3 2021/22, to note the areas which the Senior Leadership Team are managing to secure improvements into the future and to accept the mitigation measures as outlined in the report