6 Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Business Plan PDF 3 MB
To submit a report by the Head of Housing Services.
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It was resolved to approve the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2022-52.
The report of the Head of Housing Services incorporating the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2022 to 2052 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.
Councillor Alun Mummery, Portfolio Member for Housing and Supporting Communities presented the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan for 2022 to 2052 which set out the priorities and investment requirements of the Council’s housing stock over the period. The Portfolio Member for Housing and Supporting Business commended the Plan as testimony of the activities undertaken through the Housing Revenue Account and as a strategic programme of development and improvements looking forwards to the future. Those activities include the development of new housing in several areas; the reacquisition of former council properties; the installation of Solar PV systems as part of energy performance work improving energy efficiency and reducing carbon usage, and continued investment in an apprenticeship programme to address skills shortage.
The Head of Housing Services reported that the aim is to increase the Council’s housing stock to over 5,000 units by the end of the Plan period. The Business Plan demonstrates the Council’s commitment both to continue developing new housing in areas where there is need to include a range of different tenures, and to maintaining and improving on the Welsh Quality Housing Standards in connection with existing stock.
Councillor Dylan Rees confirmed that the Corporate Scrutiny Committee at its meeting on 7 March, 2022 having discussed issues in relation to tenants’ profile, the availability of capacity and skills to deliver the decarbonisation agenda and factors influencing rent levels had resolved to recommend approval of the HRA Business Plan to the Executive.
The Executive acknowledged Housing achievements over the course of a number of years including the proactive and innovative approaches taken by the Housing Service to address the housing challenge on the Island. Also recognised was the Service’s role in improving communities and the contribution it made working as a critical service during the pandemic. The Executive welcomed the HRA Business Plan as representing the continuation of the Service’s vision for improving housing for the people of Anglesey.
It was resolved to approve the Housing Revenue Account Business Plan 2022-52.