Issue - meetings

Applications Arising

Meeting: 06/04/2022 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 7)

7 Applications Arising pdf icon PDF 289 KB

7.1 – FPL/2021/316 – Bryn Glas, Llanrhuddlad


Additional documents:


7.1  FPL/2021/316 – Full application for the change of use and refurbishment of two agricultural buildings into a commercial laundry together with improving the access at Bryn Glas, Llanrhuddlad


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report together with an additional condition that external lighting be regulated at the site.  


 7.1  FPL/2021/316 – Full application for the change of use and refurbishment of two agricultural buildings into a commercial laundry together with improving the access at Bryn Glas, Llanrhuddlad


(Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest with regard to the application, Councillor K P Hughes withdrew from the meeting during discussion and voting thereon).


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a local member.  At the meeting held on 2 March, 2022 the Committee recommended that a virtual site visit be undertaken to the application site.  A virtual site visit subsequently took place on 18 March, 2022. 


Public Speakers


The Legal Services Manager read out a statement by Ms Laura Simons who had previously registered to speak at the meeting but was unable to attend due to work commitments.


The statement by Ms Simons was as follows :-


What is the point to a business being in the most northerly point in Wales.? Ecologically and environmentally it is obscene. We should not be encouraging businesses to set up where a lot of travelling is needed. Better sites are already in industrial parks. Why spend thousands here when units are available more accessibly nearer the A55, which would better serve this kind of industry?.e.g Parc Cybi. What are the future plans? I wouldn't spend thousands if I would not make a profit. So why are they ?




1.  Children use the road beside this property to get to their school bus...THERE IS NO FOOTPATH. So during winter its dark and a real danger as this very small lane is on a BLIND bend. No speed limit is in place and no traffic calming.

2.  Villagers use this lane to walk around the do Horse riders, cyclists, parents with buggies, and dog walkers. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY AROUND THE VILLAGE. Again no paths.

3. Noise and light pollution is constant. Opening hours are therefore irrelevant. Boilers and sensor lights would still be working.

4. Where will the waste go? What happens to detergents? Ammonia? Can the drains deal with this? Steam explosion.

5. Locally I see no market for this? Concern for expansion and longer hours.

6. Loss of quality of life for a mostly elderly population.


An email, received by Ms Simons was also read out as follows :-


Whilst everyone is of the opinion that we want to welcome new business to Anglesey it should never be at the detriment to quality of life in Llanrhuddlad.  Most people that live here seek a peaceful retirement. We already have no speed limits in the village.  No pavements and no signage for junctions make it dangerous for vehicles and pedestrians to move around the village which is used by walkers, cyclists and horse riders. Any increase to movements around the proposed development will further endanger users.


Security lighting will affect sleep quality and wildlife. Assurances need to be made that lighting will not be on 24hrs or machinery  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7