11 Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers PDF 415 KB
11.1 – HHP/2022/38 – Mandela, Rhosmeirch
11.2 – FPL/2022/23 – Ger y Bont, Elim
Additional documents:
11.1 HHP/2022/38 – Full application for alterations and extensions at Mandela, Rhosmeirch
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.
11.2 FPL/2022/23 – Full application for the erection of an agricultural shed for the storage of machinery on land near Ger y Bont, Elim
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.
11.1 HHP/2022/38 – Full application for alterations and extensions at Mandela, Rhosmeirch
(Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest with regard to the application, Councillor Nicola Roberts withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and determination thereof)
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the applicant is related to a ‘relevant officer’ as defined within paragraph 4.6.10 of the Constitution. The application has been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.
The Chief Planning Officer reported that the main planning consideration to be taken into account is the effect on local amenities to neighbouring properties as regards the proposed alterations to the property. The property is a detached single storey property with a substantially large front and side gardens as part of its curtilage. The neighbouring properties to either side are two storey properties. The proposed new roofline is to include 4 roof lights and 4 pitched dormer windows for the new bedrooms of the extension. 2 of these new windows are to be erected on the front elevation, which faces the public highway with a distance of approximately 30m from nearest neighbouring adjacent property. The 2 other dormer windows at the rear elevation of the property overlook onto agricultural land with no immediate neighbours facing this elevation. It is considered that the proposal is not detrimental to the character of the area and to neighbouring properties and the recommendation was of approval of the application.
Councillor Eric W Jones proposed that the application be approved and Councillor John Griffith seconded the proposal.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.
11.2 FPL/2022/23 – Full application for the erection of an agricultural shed for the storage of machinery on land near Ger y Bont, Elim
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the applicant is related to a ‘relevant officer’ as defined within paragraph 4.6.10 of the Constitution. The application has been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.
The Chief Planning Officer reported that the proposal complies with local and national planning policies. The proposed building is for the storage of agricultural machinery. The site will be accessed through an existing agricultural access and no tracks or hardstanding areas are proposed as part of the development. The land owned by the applicants at the application site extends to 5.7ha, however in conjunction with the application site, the applicant farms a further 100 acres approximately in Bodedern. The Local Planning Authority is therefore satisfied that sufficient justification exists for the development. The proposed building is appropriate in terms of its siting, scale and design and would not be out of character in the rural landscape. Neither is it considered that it will give rise to unacceptable impacts upon the amenities of nearby properties. The Chief Planning Officer further said that the Tref Alaw Community ... view the full minutes text for item 11