Issue - meetings

Remainder of Applications

Meeting: 05/10/2022 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 12)

12 Remainder of Applications pdf icon PDF 5 MB

12.1 – TPO/2022/16 - Land between the reservoir and 30, Ty Mawr Estate, Menai Bridge



12.2 – VAR/2022/48 - Madryn House, Pen Dref Street, Newborough



12.3 – FPL/2022/134 – Tithe Barn, Henblas, Llangristiolus



12.4 – DIS/2022/62 - Ysgol Y Graig, Ffordd y Coleg, Llangefni



12.5 – VAR/2021/65  - Llyn Alaw Windfarm, Llanbabo



12.6 – HHP/2022/46 - Tan Yr Allt Bach, Llanddona



12.7 – HHP/2022/219 – 7 Tre Gof, Llanddaniel



12.8 – HHP/2022/171 - Awel Y Bryn, Trigfa, Moelfre



12.9 – FPL/2022/216 – Glanllyn, Llanedwen



12.10 – FPL/2022/198 – Anglesey County Council Offices, Llangefni



Additional documents:


12.1   TPO/2022/16 – Application for works to 6 trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order at land between the reservoir and 30 Ty Mawr Estate, Menai Bridge


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions within the written report.


12.2   VAR/2022/48 – Application under Section 73 for the variation of Condition (04) of planning permission reference 45C260B (Full application for change of use of the existing building from A1 (retail) to mixed use A1 and A3 (retail and food and drink) so as to change the existing opening hours at Madryn House, Pen Dref Street, Newborough




·           to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation on the basis that the Committee considered that the proposal would not cause unacceptably detrimental effects on the residential amenities of nearby occupiers as  other commercial properties are located in the immediate locality;

·           that the premises be allowed to open from 9.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m., seven days a week, for a trial period of 2 years.


(In accordance with the requirements of the Constitution the application was automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow the Officers to respond to the reason given for approving the application).


12.3   FPL/2022/134 – Full application for conversion of the outbuilding into a 2 bedroom holiday let at Tithe Barn, Henblas, Llangristiolus


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in the written report.


12.4    DIS/2022/62 – Application to discharge condition (02a) (Archaeological), (07) (Biosecurity Risk Assessment) and (17) (Construction Management Plan) of planning permission FPL/2021/361 (erection of a new foundation phase and child care unit) and MAO/2022/16 (Minor amendments) on land adjacent to Ysgol y Graig, Llangefni


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in the written report.


12.5   VAR/2021/65 – Application under Section 73 for the variation of conditions 13 and 14 of planning permission reference 47C74, erection of 34 wind turbines which shall measure 53 metres in total height with the construction of access tracks and ancillary developments to include transformers, a sub-station and three anemometer masts on land to the North of Llyn Alaw so as to extend the operational phase until 22/10/32, extend the decommissioning period to 12 months and clarification regarding the period wind turbines shall be decommissioned if it fails to produce continuous electricity at Llyn Alaw Windfarm, Llanbabo


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions and the planning obligation set out in the written report.


12.6   HHP/2022/46 – Full application for demolition, alterations and extensions at Tan yr Allt Bach, Llanddona


It was RESOLVED to conduct a virtual site visit in accordance with the Local Members’ request for the reasons given.


12.7   HHP/2022/219 – Full application for alterations and extensions at 7 Tre Gof, Llanddaniel


It was RESOLVED to approve  ...  view the full decision text for item 12


12.1   TPO/2022/16 – Application for works to 6 trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order at land between the reservoir and 30 Ty Mawr Estate, Menai Bridge


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the site is owned by the Local Authority.


The Development Management Manager reported that the application refers to works to 6 trees which are subject to a Tree Preservation Order titled ‘Old Reservoir’ Menai Bridge made in 1988.  The trees are situated on land which is part of the northern embankment of the reservoir, located off the Pentraeth road in Menai Bridge.  The trees have recently been surveyed for reasons of ash dieback and six trees are proposed for felling due to their condition and their location near the footpath along the highway used by the public and children walking to Ysgol David Hughes. 


Councillor Robin Williams proposed that the application be approved.  Councillor Ken Taylor seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions within the written report.


12.2   VAR/2022/48 – Application under Section 73 for the variation of Condition (04) of planning permission reference 45C260B (Full application for change of use of the existing building from A1 (retail) to mixed use A1 and A3 (retail and food and drink) so as to change the existing opening hours at Madryn House, Pen Dref Street, Newborough


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


Public Speaker


Ms Sue Madine, in support of the application, said that along with Diane Broad she owns and runs Caffi Wiwer Goch & Oriel Nyth y Wiwer in Newborough. She noted that a 3-minute slot today feels wholly inadequate to respond to objections to the application and to put the case to protect jobs and the future of the business. Planning deem that the cafe opening into the evening will have a detrimental effect on neighbouring residents. This is the only business out of 5 on the square who has to shut at 5pm. Since opening in 2014, the business has provided jobs for 25 mainly Welsh speaking local people; it currently employs 5, with hundreds of thousands of pounds generated into the local economy. The cafe supports or is serviced by 8 Anglesey businesses. The gallery is an outlet for 12 independent Anglesey artisans. Most of the objections raised are conjecture, opinion, false & lack any true evidence. After years of complaints against the cafe, council records confirm that despite numerous council visits and literally hundreds of noise applications submissions by our closest neighbour, no statutory nuisance has ever been found. No enforcement has ever been taken. The current working and kitchen practices have further cut down on noise and odours. It is untrue that customers are told to park across peoples driveways.  Anyone present in Newborough in the summer as the traffic leaves the beach will know the chaos caused by people parking illegally,  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12