Issue - meetings

Capital Budget 2023/24

Meeting: 09/03/2023 - Isle of Anglesey County Council (Item 10)

10 2023/24 Budget pdf icon PDF 496 KB

(a)      Medium Term Financial Strategy and Budget 2023/24 


         To submit a report by the Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151

         Officer, as presented to the Executive on 2 March 2023.


(b)      Capital Budget 2023/24      


To submit a report by the Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151

         Officer, as presented to the Executive on 2 March 2023.


(c)      Council Tax Resolution 2023/24


    To submit a report by the Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151

         Officer, as presented to the Executive on 2 March 2023.

Additional documents:




·           To approve the capital budget for 2023/2024.

·           To accept the draft Council Tax Resolution as (c) in the Agenda.



The Portfolio Member for Finance, Corporate Business and Customer Experience presented the Executive’s proposals for the Revenue Budget resulting Council Tax for 2023/2024 the Council’s updated Medium Term Financial Strategy and the use of any one-off funds to support the budget – Item 10 (a) to (c) within the Agenda.  He said that the Executive discussed the initial budget proposals at its meeting held on 24 January, 2023 and the provisional budget settlement which the Welsh Government had published on 14 December, 2022.  The Executive proposed a budget for 2023/2024 of £172.438m and, given the provisional AEF of £123.555m, this would require an increase of 5% in Council Tax and the use of £1.78m of the Council’s general balances to balance the budget.  However, there has been a significant change impacting on the budget since the presentation of the initial draft proposals arises from the announcement two weeks ago of an initial pay offer to the Council’s non-teaching staff for 2023/24 which amounts to an average increase of in the region of 7%; this has been put forward by the employer as a “full and final offer.” Given that the 2023/24 draft budget allows for a pay increase of 3.5%, this places an additional £2m as a pressure on the budget. The Executive has considered how this additional cost can be funded and proposes that it be met through the use of reserves deeming the identification of £2m of unplanned for savings at this late stage unrealistic and a higher increase in Council Tax as unacceptable.  The Corporate Scrutiny Committee at its meeting held on 28 February, 2023 accepted the recommendations.


The Portfolio Member emphasised the importance of having sufficient reserves to meet such additional costs and especially when unexpected situations arise. Having been prudent of the Council’s finances in recent years has allowed reserves to be built up and those resources are now available to help support the Council during difficult times and also ensure its financial security for the future. He proposed the recommendations to the full Council.


The Leader seconded the proposal and she wished to thank the Portfolio Member, the Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer and his staff for their work in presenting the budget before the meeting.


Councillor Aled M Jones said that the budget of the Council is nearly £175m, however, it must be considered as to how the Council will spend the resources in total.  He referred to the total spent on the employment of agency staff within the services of the Council as each services are able to employ agency staff without having to confirm with the Human Resources Department.  He considered that local people should have the opportunity to be able to apply for these posts and not filling the posts with agency staff.  Councillor Jones asked for a report on the number of posts within the Council that are filled with agency staff.  He also raised the need to afford work required by the Council to local businesses on  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10