Issue - meetings

Applications Arising

Meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 7)

7 Applications Arising pdf icon PDF 1 MB

7.1 – FPL/2022/60 – Former Newborough School, Pen Dref Street, Newbrough



7.2 – FPL/2022/173 - Lon Penmynydd, Llangefni



Additional documents:


7.1  FPL/2022/60 – Full application for the erection of 14 dwellings together with the creation of an internal access road and associated works on the former site of Newborough School, Pen Dref Street, Newborough


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


7.2  FPL/2022/173 – Full application for the change of use of agricultural land to site 32 holiday lodges, reception building, construction of new vehicular access, construction of new on site roads, and parking areas and associated works on land adjacent to Lon Penmynydd, Llangefni


It was RESOLVED to refuse the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation as the proposal was deemed to be contrary to planning policy PCYFF 3 and the ecology report has not addressed the effect on the Red Squirrels habitat in the area.


In accordance with the requirements of the Constitution the application will be automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow the Officers to respond to the reason given for refusing the application.


 7.1  FPL/2022/60 – Full application for the erection of 14 dwellings together with the creation of an internal access road and associated works on the former site of Newborough School, Pen Dref Street, Newborough


Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the application, Councillor John I Jones left the meeting during discussion and voting thereon.


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is on Council owned land.  At the last meeting of this Committee held on 1st February, 2023 the application was deferred to allow for further statutory consultation on the information received as regards to pedestrian safety and highways information submitted by the applicant. 


The Development Management Manager reported that the proposal is a full application for the erection of 14 dwellings together with the creation of an internal access road and associated works on the former Newborough Primary School site at Pendref Street.  The land is located within the development boundary of Newborough as identified within the Joint Local Development Plan.  The proposal entails a semi-detached, terrace of 4 properties and flats with all units provided with designated parking and private amenity spaces.  No public open space will be provided within the site, however, there will be a need to provide a financial contribution towards informal and equipped play space which will be secured through a planning condition.  He further said that the site lies within the Newborough development boundary as identified in the Joint Local Development Plan and represents the site of the old primary school and therefore the proposal can be considered under planning policy TAI 3.  Criterion (3) with Policy PCYFF 2 seeks to ensure that proposals make the most efficient use of land, including achieving densities of a minimum of 30 housing units per hectare for residential development.  The density of this proposal is approximately 35 units per hectare which complies with the requirements of the Policy.  As the application is presented by the County Council’s Housing Department, the development will therefore be for 100% affordable housing which will comply with the requirement of planning policy TAI 15.  The indicative supply level for Newborough over the Plan period is 40 units (2011 – 2021), a total of 21 units have been completed.  This means that at present there is insufficient capacity within the indicative supply for the settlement of Newborough for this development and the applicant must justify that there is a need for this development.  Further information was submitted by the applicant to prove the need for this development in the area.  A Housing Need Survey was undertaken and the proposed mix does address the identified need as identified in the Housing Need Survey.  Since this proposal would result in an unexpected windfall site for a large scale housing development in line with Criterion (2) of planning policy PS1, a Welsh language impact assessment needed to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority.  It is considered that the impact upon the Welsh language will be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7