Issue - meetings

Remainder of Applications

Meeting: 01/03/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 12)

12 Remainder of Applications pdf icon PDF 6 MB

12.1 – MAO/2022/27 - Former Roadking Truckstop, Parc Cybi, Holyhead.



12.2 – Amlwch Watchtower,  Amlwch



12.3 – ADV/2023/2 - Upper Car Park, Upper Quay Street, Amlwch Port



12.4 – ADV/2023/3 - Main Square Car Park, Amlwch



12.5 – ADV/2023/4 – Parys Mountain, Amlwch



12.6 – HHP/2022/342  - Islwyn, Holyhead Road, Llanfairpwll



12.7 – HHP/2022/244 – Lancefield, Ffordd Cynlas, Benllech



12.8 – FPL/2021/231 - Land North of  Y Garnedd, Llanfairpwll



12.9 – TPO/2022/24 - Parc Twr, Llanfairpwll



Additional documents:


12.1  MAO/2022/27 - Minor amendments to scheme previously approved under planning permission FPL/2021/337 so as to amend the approved plans at the Former Roadking Truckstop, Parc Cybi, Holyhead


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.2  ADV/2023/1 – Application for the replacement of interpretation sign at Amlwch Watchtower, Amlwch


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.3  ADV/2023/2 – Application for the erection of an interpretation sign at Upper Car Park, Upper Quay Street, Amlwch Port


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.4  ADV/2023/3 – Application for the replacement of interpretation sign at Main Square Car Park, Amlwch


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.5  ADV/2023/4 - Application for the siting of 2 non-illuminated signs at

Parys Mountain, Amlwch


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.6  HHP/2022/342 - Full application for alterations and extensions at

         Islwyn, Holyhead Road, Llanfairpwll


It was RESOLVED that a physical site visit be undertaken for the reasons given.


12.7  HHP/2022/244 - Full application for demolition of the existing garage together with the erection of a two storey annex at

Lancefield, Ffordd Cynlas, Benllech


The application had been withdrawn.


12.8  FPL/2021/231 - Full application for the erection of 27 affordable dwellings, construction of internal access road, diversion of Public Right of Way, creation of a landscaping bund, erection of acoustic fence and associated works on land North of Y Garnedd, Llanfairpwll


It was RESOLVED to refuse the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation as contained within the written report.


12.9  TPO/2022/24 - Application for works to trees protected by a Tree Preservation Order at Parc Twr, Llanfairpwll


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


 12.1  MAO/2022/27 - Minor amendments to scheme previously approved under planning permission FPL/2021/337 so as to amend the approved plans at the Former Roadking Truckstop, Parc Cybi, Holyhead


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is  for minor amendments to the scheme, as noted within the Officer’s reports, which was approved by the Committee in determining planning application FPL/2021/337 at its meeting held on 2 March, 2022. 


The Development Management Manager reported that in considering the scale of the approved development together with the minor nature of the proposed changed, it is considered acceptable to deal with the changes via a non-material amendment application.


Councillor Ken Taylor proposed that the application be approved.  Councillor Jeff Evans seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.2  ADV/2023/1 – Application for the replacement of interpretation sign at Amlwch Watchtower, Amlwch


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is being made by the County Council.


The Development Management Manager reported that the proposal is a small scale development to provide a heritage interpretation board adjacent to the Watchtower in Amlwch.  It is of an appropriate design and scale to ensure integration into the site and no impact upon neighbouring properties, roads or the Conservation Area and complies with relevant planning policies.


Councillor Ken Taylor proposed that the application be approved.  Councillor Jeff Evans seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.3  ADV/2023/2 – Application for the erection of an interpretation sign at Upper Car Park, Upper Quay Street, Amlwch Port


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is being made by the County Council.


The Development Management Manager reported that the proposal is a small scale development to provide a heritage interpretation board in the public ar park located on Upper Quay Street, Amlwch.  It is of an appropriate design and scale to ensure integration into the site and no impact upon neighbouring properties, roads and footpaths, or the surrounding area and complies with relevant planning policies.


Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the application be approved.  Councillor Dafydd Roberts seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


12.4  ADV/2023/3 – Application for the replacement of interpretation sign at Main Square Car Park, Amlwch


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is being made by the County Council.


The Development Management Manager reported that the proposal is a small scale development to provide a heritage interpretation board in the Main Square Car Park located on Upper Quay Street, Amlwch.  It is of an appropriate design and scale to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12