Issue - meetings

Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers

Meeting: 07/06/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 11)

11 Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers pdf icon PDF 941 KB

11.1  HHP/2023/53 – 48 Cae Braenar, Holyhead




Additional documents:


11.1 HHP/2023/53 – Full application for alterations and extensions at 48 Cae Braenar, Holyhead


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions set out therein.


11.1 HHP/2023/53 – Full application for alterations and extensions at 48 Cae Braenar, Holyhead


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as the applicant is related to an employee of the Council’s Planning Service. The Legal Services Manager confirmed that the application had been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Council’s Constitution.

The Development Management Manager reported that the application proposes the erection of a single storey porch extension underneath the existing small roof structure to create a new entrance porch. The proposed extension is considered small scale and although the occupants of the neighbouring property have objected on account of loss of sunlight, it is not considered the impact is such as to justify refusal. Several dwellings within the estate have created similar porches underneath their existing roof structures. The proposal complies with the relevant policies of the JDLP and it is recommended that the application be approved.

Councillor Jeff Evans proposed, seconded by Councillor Geraint Bebb, that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.

It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions set out therein.