Issue - meetings

Remainder of Applications

Meeting: 06/09/2023 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 12)

12 Remainder of Applications pdf icon PDF 3 MB

12.1 FPL/2022/186 – Esgobaeth Bran, Llanbedrgoch



12.2 FPL/2023/177 - Plas Arthur Leisure Centre, Llangefni



12.3 FPL/2022/296 – The Lodge, Ffordd yr Ysgol, Llanddaniel



12.4 FPL/2023/143 – Ysgol Gymuned Y Fali, Lôn Spencer, Valley



12.5 FPL/2023/155 – Llwyn Onn, Llanfairpwll



12.6 VAR/2023/36 – Stad y Felin, Llanfaelog



Additional documents:


12.1 FPL/2022/186 – Change of use of agricultural land into touring caravan park, change of use of existing building to use ancillary to the caravan park with the installation of a package treatment plant at Esgobaeth Bran, Llanbedrgoch


It was resolved that a physical site visit be conducted in accordance with the Local Member’s request for the reason given.


12.2 FPL/2023/177 – Full application for the replacement of the existing floodlights on the synthetic turf pitch at Plas Arthur Leisure Centre, Llangefni


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions set out therein.


12.3 FPL/2022/296 – Full application for the erection of solar panels array consisting of two rows of 20 solar panels at The Lodge, Ffordd yr Ysgol, Llanddaniel


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions set out therein.


12.4 FPL/2023/143 – Full application for a new childcare modular building at Ysgol Gymuned Y Fali, Lôn Spencer, Valley


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions set out therein.


12.5 FPL/2023/155 – Full application for the conversion of the outbuilding into holiday unit together with associated works at Llwyn Onn, Llanfairpwll


It was resolved that a physical site visit be conducted in accordance with the Local Member’s request for the reason given.


12.6 VAR/2023/36 – Application under Section 73 for the variation of condition (05) (Road layout and street lighting) of planning permission reference FPL/2020/149 (erection of 8 affordable dwellings together with the creation of a new vehicular access and associated development) so as to change the pre-commencement condition to pre-occupation condition on land at Stad y Felin, Llanfaelog


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions set out therein and subject also to the applicant signing a new Section 106 agreement.



12.1 FPL/2022/186 – Change of use of agricultural land into touring caravan park, change of use of existing building to use ancillary to the caravan park together with the installation of a package treatment plant at Esgobaeth Bran, Llanbedrgoch


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of two of the Local Members because of local concern.


Councillor Non Dafydd, a Local Member requested that the Committee’s members visit the site in person because of local concerns regarding highway issues. The request was supported by Councillor Paul Ellis, a fellow Local Member.


Councillor Neville Evans proposed, seconded by Councillor Jeff Evans that the site be visited in accordance with the Local Member’s wishes.


It was resolved that a physical site visit be conducted in accordance with the Local Member’s request for the reason given.


12.2 FPL/2023/177 – Full application for the replacement of the existing floodlights on the synthetic turf pitch at Plas Arthur Leisure Centre, Llangefni


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is on Council owned land.


The Development Management Manager reported that the proposal seeks permission to replace the existing old metal floodlighting system and columns at the Plas Arthur Leisure Centre with new energy efficient modern directional LED lamps to recognised sporting performance standards. The predominant floodlit facility usage will be for football activities at the Leisure Centre. The proposed plans show 8 replacement floodlights at the site of the same dimensions as the existing columns located within the existing rectangular pitch area. The new system will not incorporate columns that are larger or greater in number that those under the current lighting arrangement. No objections to the proposal have been received and the Environmental Health Department has raised no issues following its assessment of the information presented in respect of lighting /illuminance levels which accompanied the application. The recommendation is therefore one of approval.


Councillor Trefor Lloyd Hughes MBE queried whether he should declare an interest given that the proposed new lighting scheme will be used for football purposes in the main and given his own personal involvement with footballing activities. The Legal Services Manager advised that the interest amounts to no more than a personal interest if that and the member could therefore fully participate in the discussion and voting.


Councillor Geraint Bebb proposed, seconded by Councillor Trefor Lloyd Hughes MBE that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report subject to the conditions set out therein.


12.3 FPL/2022/296 – Full application for the erection of solar panels array consisting of two rows of 20 solar panels at The Lodge, Ffordd yr Ysgol, Llanddaniel


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee having been called in by a Local Member due to concern about the impact on the amenities of neighbouring properties.


Public Speakers


Mr David Tudor addressed the Committee as an objector to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12