Issue - meetings

Applications Arising

Meeting: 02/10/2024 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 7)

7 Applications Arising pdf icon PDF 1 MB

7.1 – FPL/2023/173 – Mostyn Arms, St George’s Road, Menai Bridge.



7.2 – FPL/2022/289 -  Ynys Y Big, Beaumaris Road, Glyngarth, Menai Bridge



Additional documents:


7.1  FPL/2023/173 – Full application for the change of use of the former public house (Use Class A3) to a residential care facility (Use Class C2) together with alterations and extensions at Mostyn Arms, St George’s Road, Menai Bridge


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the planning conditions contained within the written report.


7.2  FPL/2022/289 – Full application for the demolition of the existing dwelling together with the erection of new dwelling and garage together with associated works at Ynys y Big, Beaumaris Road, Glyngarth, Menai Bridge


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the planning conditions contained within the written report.



7.1  FPL/2023/173 – Full application for the change of use of the former public house (Use Class A3) to a residential care facility (Use Class C2) together with alterations and extensions at Mostyn Arms, St George’s Road, Menai Bridge


The application was presented to the Planning and Order Committee at the request of a Local Member.  At the meeting held on 4 September, 2024 the committee resolved to undertake a site visit which subsequently took place on 18 September, 2024.


Public Speaker


Mr Owain Hughes, Russell Hughes Cyf., Architects, spoke as Agent to the application and said that the application is to re-develop an unoccupied public house.  The building has been empty since 2009 and the condition of the building has slowly deteriorated and has become and eyesore and a local nuisance. The development is for a residential care facility – not a HMO as claimed locally – it will be a home for vulnerable elderly people who need a little certainty, some assistance or extra care.  The intention fully conforms with Planning policy TAI 11 as the site is within the development boundary. The site is within easy walking distance of the town centre and its services and facilities including transport to other locations and the Social Services Department have been consulted on a number of occasions and they are supportive and confirm that such a facility is needed.  The Conservation Officer, is supportive of the intention to restore the building to its original form while removing the bay windows and creating a more attractive building which replicates the original building. The Highways Department have been consulted and they are supportive of the intention, it is considered that the parking spaces are sufficient considering the previous use as a pub had no parking provision and that it is in a sustainable location with plenty of parking spaces within the town.  A  number of letters of support have been received by the planning department ; it is clear that local businesses and local people want to see this building developed.  The developer has a proven history of working closely with the authority on high quality developments in Menai Bridge. Without doubt, the proposal will get rid of what is currently considered to be a public nuisance and an eye sore in what is considered as a jewel in the crown of Menai Bridge. It will reduce the number of complaints to the Authority, local councillors and the Police and will therefore reduce the pressure on public services.   The development is in line with the planning policies, highways requirements, character of the conservation area and ecologists.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the application site is located within the development boundary of the local service centre of Menai Bridge.  The building has been empty for 15 years and will continue to deteriorate as it is currently in poor condition.  The proposed use is for a 10-bedroom residential care facility (Use Class C2).  Policy TAI 11 of the Joint Local Development Plan  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7