Issue - meetings

Changes to the Council Constitution

Meeting: 06/12/2012 - Isle of Anglesey County Council (Item 7.)

7. Changes to the Council Constitution pdf icon PDF 539 KB

(a)Democratic Services Committee


To report that the Democratic Services Committee at its meeting on 18th October, 2012, had resolved to recommend to the County Council:-


“That it extends the remit of the Committee to undertake responsibilities for the Member training and development programme, including their I.T. skills and support;


That the Committee holds three general meetings in addition to its Annual Meeting each Municipal Year, with the right to arrange further meetings as required”.


To give consideration to the above, and if so minded that Paragraph 3.4.12 of the Council Constitution (Democratic Services Committee) be amended accordingly.


(b) Review of Fraud and Corruption Policies


To submit the report of the Head of Service (Audit)


[Note: These policies were considered and approved by the Audit Committee on 25th September, 2012 and by the Executive on 15th October, 2012]