Issue - meetings

Departure Applications

Meeting: 03/04/2013 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 10)

10 Departure Applications pdf icon PDF 429 KB

10.1 - 38C180D - Gilfach Glyd, Llanfechell


10.1 38C180D - Gilfach Glyd, Llanfechell


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.


10.1 38C180D - Outline Application for the erection of a dwelling together with the creation of a new vehicular access on land at Gilfach Glyd, Llanfechell 


The application was presented to the Committee as it comprises a departure that Officers are minded to approve.


The Planning Development Manager drew the Committee’s attention to the fact that an outline application for the erection of a dwelling and creation of a new access was approved in June, 2011 albeit for a smaller sized plot; however the application under consideration is larger and the illustrative position of the dwelling is different hence the need for its resubmission and reapproval.


Councillor Thomas Jones as the Local Member stated that whilst he did not object to the application in principle he wished to highlight the existence on site of a sewerage pipe and the need subsequently to allow for a leeway of 12 metres between the pipe and any proposed building which had necessitated the repositioning of the proposed development. He also wished to note that the development site is situated at the edge of the indicative boundary of Mynydd Mechell and that because of the need to locate the building at a distance from the sewerage pipe, the proposed dwelling will now stand alone and will appear more conspicuous. Councillor Jones said that although he was comfortable with the application as such, other similar applications have been refused and he believed that this application was at the limit of the interpretation of policy.


There were queries from a Member of the Committee regarding the approach in such cases particularly in terms of consistency and given that the proposed development above will now be more obvious being situated towards the centre of the field in which it is to be sited.


The Planning Development Manager advised that each application must be assessed and determined on its own merits based on the material considerations and information to hand. The Chair reiterated that there is already planning consent for part of the site.


Councillor Kenneth Hughes proposed that the application be approved; Councillor R.L.Owen seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.