Issue - meetings

Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers

Meeting: 05/06/2013 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 11)

11 Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers pdf icon PDF 444 KB

11.1 – 33C258B/RUR – Cefn Poeth, Penmynydd


11.1  33C258B/RUR – Outline application for the erection of an agricultural dwelling, alterations to the vehicular access together with the installation of a septic tank on land at Cefn Poeth, Penmynydd


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report and a Section 106 agreement.


11.1  33C258B/RUR – Outline application for the erection of an agricultural dwelling, alterations to the vehicular access together with the installation of a septic tank on land at Cefn Poeth, Penmynydd


Councillor Victor Hughes having declared an interest in this application, withdrew from the meeting and did not take part in the discussion and voting thereon.


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as the applicant is related to a relevant staff member as set out in the Council’s Constitution. The Monitoring Officer had reviewed the file and had raised no concerns.


Mr Rhys Davies speaking in support of the application was invited by the Chair to address the Committee.


Mr Davies said that the application was one for an agricultural dwelling to the north of Penmynydd. The site lies close to the curtilage of the farm and is the closest possible site which the applicant could find that is suitable and near to the agricultural buildings which is what planning policies encourage an applicant to do. The reports accompanying the application show that there is a need for an additional farm dwelling and the proposed development is meant as a dwelling for the son of the farmhouse who wishes to carry on farming with his family on this farm. The application does meet all the criteria which is required under national policy in order to obtain permission for an agricultural dwelling. Mr Davies concluded by saying that he would be happy to answer any questions that may arise with regard to the application.


There were no questions to Mr Davies from the Committee’s Members.


The Planning Development Manager said that both national and local policies permit the erection of dwellings in the countryside if they are required for purposes such as agriculture. Certain criteria have to be met and the Officers are satisfied that those have been fulfilled in this case. Officers are therefore prepared to grant planning consent to the development on condition that it is for agricultural purposes and that a Section 106 agreement is attached to the consent to ensure that the farm is not broken up.


Councillor John Griffith proposed that the application be approved and his proposal was seconded by Councillor R.O. Jones.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report and a Section 106 agreement.