Issue - meetings

2013-14 Revenue Budget Monitoring Report - Quarter 1

Meeting: 09/09/2013 - The Executive (Item 6)

6 2013-14 Revenue Budget Monitoring Report - Quarter 1 pdf icon PDF 339 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Function (Resources).




·        To note and monitor the position set out in respect of financial performance to date, the projected year-end deficit and the actions being taken to address this;


·        That the impact increase of claimants be noted and monitored;


·        That approval is given for the use of £60k from the Performance Improvement Reserve, to fund the costs in 2013-14 of the post of Corporate Programme Manager. (As referred to in Table B2 of the report).


·        That the funding of this post for future years be the subject of a growth bid within the 2014-15 budget process.


Submitted – The progress report of the Head of Function (Resources) on the Council’s revenue spending for the first quarter of 2013-14, together with a projected position for the year as a whole, an overview of available reserves and a review of progress by services in achieving agreed savings.


Based on Quarter 1, the report set out a projected year-end position of an overspend of £1.299m, the principal one being the continuing overspend in Adult Social Care, which at £1.295m was almost equal to the net projected deficit.  A number of other overspending services were identified, together with some offsetting underspends, the main one resulting from additional grant income in Education of £600k.


Councillor Bob Parry, OBE, stated that he was unhappy with an overspend so early in the financial year. He expressed concern that there did not seem to be any movement by the Executive as to where next year’s cuts could be achieved. Earlier in the year, the Portfolio Holder had promised to convene a seminar at the end of August to discuss the budget but this was yet to take place. Scrutiny would also require an opportunity to comment on any proposals. He also requested further clarification at the meeting as regards the Social Services’ overspend.


The Portfolio Holder in response stated that today’s report dealt specifically with projections following Quarter 1 of the financial year. As far as next year’s budget was concerned, the Department had only last month received bids by Departments on the savings and the way forward and these would be discussed at a seminar between the Executive and the SLT in the near future. He could not recall promising a seminar on the budget for the end of August. However, once more information was to hand, budget seminars would be held later in the year where an input was expected from all members of the Council. There was also a requirement in November to consult on the budget with the general public.


The Head of Service (Adult Services) provided a response to the projected overspend and stated that there were positive signs that the Service was on track for the second quarter.




·        To note and monitor the position set out in respect of financial performance to date, the projected year-end deficit and the actions being taken to address this;


·        That the impact increase of claimants be noted and monitored;


·        That approval is given for the use of £60k from the Performance Improvement Reserve, to fund the costs in 2013-14 of the post of Corporate Programme Manager. (As referred to in Table B2 of the report).


·        That the funding of this post for future years be the subject of a growth bid within the 2014-15 budget process.