Issue - meetings

Science Park Development

Meeting: 04/11/2013 - The Executive (Item 15)

Science Park Development

To submit the report of the Head of Economic and Community Regeneration.




·        To commence negotiations with Bangor University for the possible disposal of IACC land at Gaerwen without a prior marketing campaign and at the same time obtaining advice from the District Valuer’s Office.


·        To investigate the County Council’s potential future role in any Science Park related entity or organisation.


·        To ensure the ring fencing of any income generated to invest in the smallholdings estate.



Submitted - The report of the Head of Economic and Community Regeneration on the disposal of Council owned land to Bangor University to support their development of a Science Park.


Councillor R Dew, Portfolio Holder considered that any income generated from the land in question should be ring fenced and invested within the Smallholdings Estate.




·        To commence negotiations with Bangor University for the possible disposal of IACC land at Gaerwen without a prior marketing campaign and at the same time obtaining advice from the District Valuer’s Office.


·        To investigate the County Council’s potential future role in any Science Park related entity or organisation.


·        To ensure the ring fencing of any income generated to invest in the smallholdings estate.