Issue - meetings

Applications Arising

Meeting: 04/12/2013 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 7)

7 Applications Arising pdf icon PDF 1 MB

7.1 10C118A/RE – Bryn yr Odyn, Soar


7.2 14C135A – Glasfryn, Ty’n Lon


7.3 19C1052C – RNA Club, St David’s Road, Holyhead


7.4 28C483 – Sea Forth, Warren Road, Rhosneigr


7.5 30C713 – Bryn Mair, Llanbedrgoch


7.6 45C438 – Bryn Gwyn, Newborough


7.1 10C118A/RE – Full application for the siting of a 15MW solar array farm on land adjacent to Bryn yr Odyn, Soar


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s report and subject to the conditions listed therein


7.2 14C135A – Full application for the erection of a dwelling and private garage, creation of a new vehicular access together with the installation of a package treatment plant on land adjacent to Glasfryn, Tyn Lon


It was resolved to defer consideration of the application in order to allow the Planning Officer to consult with the applicant regarding the provision of evidence of an affordable housing need.


7.3 19C1052C – Full application for the erection of 12 two bedroomed fats and 3 one bedroomed flats together with the construction of a new access on the site of the former RNA Club, St David’s Road, Holyhead


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s report and subject to the conditions listed therein.

7.4 28C483 – Full application for the siting of a log cabin at Sea Forth, Warren Road, Rhosneigr


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s report and subject to the conditions listed therein.

7.5 30C713 – Erection of one 10kw wind turbine with a maximum hub height of up to 15.5m, rotor diameter of up to 7.5m and a maximum upright vertical height of up to 19.25m


It was resolved on the casting vote of the Chair to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s report subject to the conditions listed therein.

7.6 45C438 – Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of a dwelling, the construction of a vehicular access together with the installation of a septic tank on land adjacent to Bryn Gwyn, Newborough


It was resolved to refuse the application in accordance with the recommendation of the Officer’s report.


7.1          10C118A/RE – Full application for the siting of a 15MW solar array farm on land adjacent to Bryn yr Odyn, Soar

At its meeting held on 6th November, 2013. The Members elected to undertake a site visit prior to making its determination. The site visit took place on 20th November, 2013.

The Chair invited Mr Berwyn Owen to address the Committee as an objector to the proposal.

Mr Owen referred to –

·         The scale of the development at 74 acres.

·         The potential adverse impact of the development on a Special Landscape Area, on the national cycle route and on tourism.

·         The proposal’s visual impact.

·         The cumulative effect of this proposal with the Tai Moelion scheme.

·         Comments made by the Countryside Council for Wales.

·         Green energy policies refer specifically to solar panels on residential/domestic projects rather than to projects on this scale.

·         The Committee is asked to reject the application on account primarily of its effects on landscape and on the character of this part of the countryside but also due to the lack of policy guidance in respect of solar farms on this scale, or at least to defer consideration of such applications until a specific policy is adopted.


There were no questions for Mr Berwyn Owen from the Committee’s Members.

The Chair then asked Mr George Meyrick to speak to the Committee in support of the application.

Mr Meyrick introduced himself as Chair of the Bodorgan Estate which is a major long term investor in the economy of Anglesey, and he proceeded to highlight the positives of the proposal as follows –

·         The Estate should retain significant control over the solar farm notwithstanding external funding will also be required.

·         The Bodorgan Estate spends approximately £1,000,000 annually on repairs and maintenance alone on people’s homes and farms as well as cultural and heritage assets.

·         This will be one of the very few solar farms in the UK that will operate as locally-owned electricity generating company.

·         It is a good project in terms of community benefit.

·         The project is in the right location where there will be no unacceptable landscape or visual impact locally in the wider context or cumulatively.

·         The proposal reflects both local and national planning policy for renewable energy in a responsible manner with very limited local impact.

·         The proposal is supported by Planning Officers and there have been no objections from statutory consultees.


Members of the Committee questioned Mr Meyrick on the following matters -


·         The impact of this development on the agricultural heritage of Anglesey and on tourism.

·         The potentially disruptive effects on narrow roads and on local amenities of the delivery and construction phase of the proposed development.

·         The omission of Gwalchmai from the community  benefits of the scheme,

·         Whether the Bodorgan Estate intended to apply for further similar developments in the area on account of a concern regarding the cumulative effects of this and other similar developments on that area.


Mr Meyrick said that the development has to be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7