Issue - meetings

Remainder of Applications

Meeting: 04/12/2013 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 12)

12 Remainder of Applications pdf icon PDF 907 KB

12.1 10LPA980A/FR/CC – Pont Ganol, Aberffraw


12.2 11LPA533C/AD/CC – Amlwch Leisure Centre, Amlwch


12.3 19C693A – Former Depot Site, Cross Street, Holyhead


12.4 19LPA988/TPO/CC – Llys Mair, Ty’n y Parc, Mill Bank, Holyhead


12.1 10LPA980A/FR/CC – Full application for the re-alignment of the road and construction of a new bridge at Pont Ganol, Aberffraw


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s report subject to the conditions listed therein.

12.2 11LPA533C/AD/CC – Erection of 6 banners around Amlwch Leisure Centre, Amlwch

It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s report subject to the conditions listed therein.

12.3 19C693A – Full application for the erection of a 5 two storey terraced dwellings together with associated off-road parking on land adjacent to the site at Former depot, Cross Street, Holyhead

It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s report subject to the conditions listed therein.

12.4 19LPA988/TPOCC – Application for works to fell trees which are protected under a Tree Preservation Order at Lays Mai (Mill Bank Frontage), Tyn –y –Parc, Mill Bank, Holyhead

It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s report subject to the conditions listed therein.



12.1     34C655 – Full application for alterations and extensions at 2 Ty’n Coed Uchaf, Llangefni

The application was brought to the attention of the Planning and Orders Committee as the applicant is related to a serving officer as defined within paragraph 4.6.10.The application has been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.

Having declared an interest in the application, Councillor Nicola Roberts withdrew from the meeting.

The Planning Development Manager informed the Committee that a letter of objection had been received by the Planning Office yesterday and given that the Planning Officer had not had sufficient time to consider its content, he was recommending that consideration of the application be deferred.

It was resolved to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reason given.

12.2 37C187 – Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of a dwelling, together with alterations to the existing access on land adjacent to Bryn Garth, Brynsiencyn

The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the applicant is a relevant member of staff. The application has been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.

The Chair asked Mr Eric Jones to address the Committee in support of the application.Mr Eric Jones made the following points –

·         The family’s longstanding link with the Brynsiencyn area.

·         The land which forms the application site borders on the current UPD and has been included in the candidate sites register for planning. There are various properties bordering on the land in question and one more dwelling on the site will bear no effect naturally and environmentally and will not be a blot on the landscape.

·         His daughter as the applicant and her husband and their young family have always expressed a wish to live in Brynsiencyn and the community in general will benefit from their presence.

·         That he had faced a similar situation himself in wanting to build a home in the locality and that the Local Member at the time had emphasised the importance of keeping local people within their communities.

·         His daughter and her husband are both employed by Anglesey County Council and wish to make their home where their roots lie.


The Planning Development Manager sated that he proposal is contrary to the Local Plan and the Stopped Unitary Development Plan and is therefore a departure from policies. The Officer explained that there is a definite settlement boundary for Brynsiencyn and the application site lies outside this boundary and is located in the countryside. Given that the application site is on the edge of the settlement there is a policy that applies if the application was for an affordable dwelling. However, it is an application for an open market dwelling and not for an affordable dwelling.


Members queried whether the application would be acceptable were it for an affordable dwelling. The Planning Development Manager explained that there is a relevant policy which allows for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12