Issue - meetings

Ceisiadau yn Codi

Meeting: 03/12/2014 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 7)

7 Applications Arising pdf icon PDF 767 KB

7.1 15C91D – Ty Canol, Malltraeth


7.2 21C40A – Penrhyn Gwyn, Llanddaniel


7.3 40C233B/VAR – The Owls, Dulas


7.4 44C311 – 4 Council Houses, Rhosgoch


7.5 46C129B/FR – Dinghy Park, Porth Castell, Ravenspoint Road, Trearddur Bay

Additional documents:


7.1       15C91D – Full application for the demolition of the existing garden room together with the erection of a swimming pool building in its place at Ty Canol, Malltraeth


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in the written report and as reported to the Committee.


7.2       21C40A – Full application for the erection of an agricultural shed to house livestock and a slurry pit on land at Penrhyn Gwyn, Llanddaniel


It was resolved to refuse the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation due to its proximity to the nearest dwelling and the potential for noise and odour impact.


In accordance with the requirements of the Council’s Constitution, the application will be automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow the Officers to respond to the reasons cited for refusing the application.


7.3       40C233B/VAR - Application to vary condition (01) (The track hereby approved shall be retained for agricultural purpose only) from planning permission 40C233 to allow the track to be retained for the purposes of agriculture and vehicle movement for the operational requirements of Tyddyn Isaf Caravan Park only at The Owls, Dulas


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in the written report and subject to restricting the use of the track for the operational requirements of the Caravan Park to 4 hours per day (either a.m. or p.m.)  for 5 days per week.


7.4       44C311 – Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of one dwelling on land adjacent to 4 Council Houses, Rhosgoch


It was resolved to reaffirm the Committee’s previous decision to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation on the basis that it is deemed to comply with Policy 50 and will not cause unacceptable harm to the appearance and character of the location.


7.5       46C129B/FR - Full application for the placement of rock armour to the front of the existing gabion wall structure at Dinghy Park, Porth Castell, Ravenspoint Road, Trearddur Bay


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in the written report.



7.1  15C91D – Full application for the demolition of the existing garden room together with the erection of a swimming pool building in its place at Ty Canol, Malltraeth


The application has been called in by a Local Member for determination by the Planning and Orders Committee. At its meeting on 5th November, the Committee resolved to defer determination in order to receive a porosity test relating to the drainage, and to receive observations by the AONB Officer.


The Development Control Manager confirmed that the AONB Officer had not raised any objections to the proposal. Drainage matters can be addressed by conditions attached to the planning consent. The recommendation is to approve the application subject to the conditions listed and subject to the receipt of details prior to consent being issued. Should those not be forthcoming, or prove unacceptable to the Planning Authority then the application will be re-submitted to the Committee.


Councillor Vaughan Hughes proposed that the application be approved. His proposal was seconded by Councillor Richard Owain Jones.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions set out in the written report and as reported to the Committee.


7.2  21C40A – Full application for the erection of an agricultural shed to house livestock and a slurry pit on land at Penrhyn Gwyn, Llanddaniel


The application has been called in by a Local Member for determination by the Planning and Orders Committee. At its meeting on 3rd September, 2014, the Committee resolved that a site visit be undertaken and the site was visited on 17th September. At its meeting on 1st October, the Committee resolved to defer determination of the application following the receipt of the Environmental Health consultation response and additional objections. These were forwarded to the applicant to allow them to be considered before a decision is made. At its meeting on 5th November, the Committee resolved to again defer determination of the application to allow the applicant an opportunity to make comments.


Mr Rhys Davies addressed the Committee in opposition to the application on the basis of serious local concerns regarding the proposal. He said that the Officer’s report recommends approval conditional upon screening and an odour management plan which mitigating measures it is considered will be too late once the proposal has been implemented given its close proximity to the nearest property of Penrhyn Gwyn. A noise and odour impact assessment should have been conducted prior to determining the application which is a guideline which other authorities in Wales follow when the proposed development is within 200m of the nearest property. In this case it will be sited within 100m of Penrhyn Gwyn. Planning guidelines state that buildings to house livestock or slurry pits can be erected without planning permission if they are sited more than 400m from the nearest dwelling, making it clear therefore that 400m is the benchmark in proposals such as this. The Environmental Health Officer comments to the effect that reasons  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7