Issue - meetings

Ceisiadau yn Codi

Meeting: 02/03/2016 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 7)

7 Applications Arising pdf icon PDF 417 KB

7.1  14C171H/ENF – Stryttwn Farm, Ty’n Lon

7.2  28C116U – Maelog Garden Centre, Llanfaelog

7.3  39C561/FR – The Lodge, Holyhead Road, Menai Bridge

Additional documents:


7.1  14C171H/ENF – Retrospective application for the erection of a new build holiday accommodation at Stryttwn Farm, Ty’n Lon


It was RESOLVED to refuse the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reasons given in the written report.


7.2  28C116U – Application under Section 73A to vary pre-conditions (05), (06), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15) on appeal decision reference no. APP/6806/A/07/2053627 so as to allow for their discharge following commencement of works on site together with the deletion of condition (16) at Maelog Garden Centre, Llanfaelog


It was RESOLVED to re-affirm the previous decision to refuse the application insofar as it related to the affordable housing condition contrary to the Officer’s decision.


7.3  39C561/FR – Full application for the erection of a Zorb Centre together with the construction of a vehicular access and car park on land at The Lodge, Holyhead Road, Menai Bridge


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the recommendation of the Officers.


7.1  14C171H/ENF – Retrospective application for the erection of a new build holiday accommodation at Stryttwn Farm, Ty’n Lon


The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.  At its meeting held on 3rd February, 2016 the Committee resolved to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation for the reasons that it was considered that the existing consent on the site to create a residential unit to the same footprint and appearance as the current proposal outweighs the specific policies and guidelines which offers have used to assess the application.  The effect upon the environment would be no greater than would have been the case had the existing building been converted and extended as previously approved.


Councillor Bob Parry OBE, as a Local Member said that as he reported at the previous meeting the applicant acted upon the advice of a professional officer to carry on with the work following the stable wall collapsing during building work. He referred that he considered that the application is no different to what has been previously granted permission. 


Councillor Lewis Davies proposed that the application be refused in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and Councillor K.P. Hughes seconded the proposal.


Councillor Nicola Roberts proposed that the application be approved and Councillor Vaughan Hughes seconded the proposal. 


Following the subsequent vote it was RESOLVED to refuse the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


7.2  28C116U – Application under Section 73A to vary pre-conditions (05), (06), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15) on appeal decision reference no. APP/6806/A/07/2053627 so as to allow for their discharge following commencement of works on site together with the deletion of condition (16) at Maelog Garden Centre, Llanfaelog


The application is reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.  At its meeting held on 3rd February, 2016 the Committee resolved to refuse the application contrary to officer recommendation for the reasons given that there is a demonstrable need for affordable housing in the locality and that the case put forward by the applicant does not outweigh this need.


The Planning Development Manager reported that correspondence had been received by the applicant’s agent stating that they would appeal the decision if the application was refused.  He further stated that the Affordable Housing Advisor has confirmed that based upon the information provided in the Viability Appraisal that it has been satisfactorily demonstrated that the development would not be viable if the requirement to provide 30% affordable housing remains.


Councillor R.A. Dew, a Local Member said that he did not object to the  variation of pre-conditions (05), (06), (11), (12), (13), (14), (15) on appeal decision reference no. APP/6806/A/07/2053627 being deleted.  However he was objecting to the removal of the condition providing 30% affordable housing.  He emphasised that there is a dire need for affordable housing within the area.


Members of the Committee agreed that the affordable housing element of the application should remain but  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7