Issue - meetings

Weekly Waste Collection Options Appraisal

Meeting: 25/01/2016 - The Executive (Item 8)

8 Weekly Waste Collection - Options Appraisal pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To submit the report of the Head of Highways, Waste and Property.

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It was RESOLVED :-


·           To implement a three weekly residual waste collection from October 2016 onwards to achieve recycling targets, avoid heavy fines and to improve the environment;

·           To provide £509k capital funding to purchase new recycling boxes, a new plastic baling machine and to fund consultancy work to encourage greater recycling;

·           That a staged introduction of stackable trolley boxes is introduced as funding becomes available;

·           That four weekly collections of residual waste in the future could be avoided if three weekly collections achieves the recycling target i.e. 70%.


The report of the Head of Highways, Waste and Property was presented with

regard to the above.


The Portfolio Holder (Highways, Property and Waste Management) reported that changes to the black bin waste collection must be addressed to avoid heavy fines, reach the Welsh Government recycling target and improve the environment. By 2019/20 Anglesey’s Welsh Government recycling target is 64% of its municipal waste and 70% by 2024/25. Changing the current collection systems would encourage households on Anglesey to recycle more as well as reduce the cost of dealing with residual waste. Households will still receive a weekly collection of dry recycling (red and blue boxes) and food waste (brown bin) and a fortnightly collection of green garden waste (green bin together with an extra 55 litre box for the weekly collection of mixed plastics. He further stated that over 75% of the waste produce in the home is recyclable and a high level of recyclable materials are thrown into the black bin.


The Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee considered the matter at their meeting held on 12 November, 2015 when all members of the Council were invited. The Scrutiny Committee favoured a three weekly collection and thereafter a public consultation process was undertaken which also favoured a three weekly collection rather than a four weekly collection of residual waste, with the collection of food waste, green waste and recyclate staying the same, but increased capacity would be provided for collecting recyclate. Whilst the financial savings from implementing three weekly collection (Option 2a) are minimal it is hoped that it will achieve around 68% recycling targets which may avoid having a four weekly collection in the future.


A capital sum of £509k will be required to purchase additional recycling bins to collect all types of plastics; purchase a new baler for collected plastics at the Gwalchmai Recycling Site and also to fund additional work for consultants to encourage the public to increase recycling. It is hoped that external funding can be provided from external sources (Holyhead VVP and WRAP) to purchase around 12,000 trolley boxes which can be distributed during 2016 in the Holyhead area and elsewhere. Additional funding from WRAP will be requested for 2017/18.


Members of the Executive supported the recommendations within the report as the Welsh Government recycling target must be achieved to avoid immense fines. It was stressed that the education of people with regards to recycling and the possible fines imposed for disposing of residual waste needs to be at the forefront to meet the WG recycling targets.


It was RESOLVED :-


· To implement a three weekly residual waste collection from October 2016 onwards to achieve recycling targets, avoid heavy fines and to improve the environment;

· To provide £509k capital funding to purchase new recycling boxes, a new plastic baling machine and to fund consultancy work to encourage


· That a staged introduction of stackable trolley boxes is introduced as

fundingbecomes available;

· That four weekly collections of residual waste in the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8