Issue - meetings

Departure Applications

Meeting: 06/01/2016 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 10)

10 Departure Applications pdf icon PDF 270 KB

10.1  40C154A – Nant Bychan Estate, Moelfre

10.2  42C237D/VAR – Plas Tirion, Helens Crescent, Pentraeth

Additional documents:


10.1  40C154A – Outline application for the erection of 5 dwellings and the creation of a new vehicular access together with full details of the access and layout on land adjoining Nant Bychan Estate, Moelfre


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


10.2  42C237D/VAR – Application under Section 73 to vary condition (07) (in accordance with approved plans) from planning permission 42C237 so as to amend the layout scheme at Plas Tirion, Helens Crescent, Pentraeth


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions listed in the written report.



10.1  40C154A – Outline application for the erection of 5 dwellings and the creation of a new vehicular access together with full details of the access and layout on land adjoining Nant Bychan Estate, Moelfre


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the development is contrary to the adopted Ynys Môn Local Plan but can be supported under the Stopped Unitary Development Plan. 


The Chair invited Mr. Rhys Davies to address the meeting as a supporter of the application.  Mr. Davies stated that the Community Council supports the application and welcomes that one of the dwellings is to be an affordable one.  A local member also supports the application as the land is included within the Stopped UDP.   Mr. Davies stated that not many houses have been built in Moelfre over recent years.  He referred to the objector’s comments regarding drainage problems in the area and noted that the applicant has spent a lot of money over the last few years in alleviating drainage issues in the area.  


The Committee asked questions of Mr. Davies with regard to the affordability element of the proposed dwellings and design element of the houses.  Mr. Davies responded that one dwelling has been offered as an affordable dwelling; 2 dwellings will be semi-detached which are two bedroomed, one dwelling will be 4 bedroomed and another with three bedrooms. 


The Planning Development Manager updated the Committee that an additional letter of objection has been received which totals 15 letters of objection in respect of this application.  He noted that there is a policy foundation to support this application as the Stopped Unitary Development Plan has identified the area for development.  Due to the distances between the proposed dwellings and neighbouring properties it is not anticipated that the proposal will have an adverse impact on neighbouring properties.  The Planning Development Manager further stated that if the application was approved, an additional condition would be attached regarding landscaping to certain boundaries of the site.


Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the application be approved and Councillor K.P. Hughes seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


10.2  42C237D/VAR – Application under Section 73 to vary condition (07) (in accordance with approved plans) from planning permission 42C237 so as to amend the layout scheme at Plas Tirion, Helens Crescent, Pentraeth


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is a departure application for which the recommendation is to permit. 


Councillor John Griffith proposed that the application be approved and Councillor Jeff Evans seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions listed in the written report.