Issue - meetings

Welsh Language Policy

Meeting: 25/04/2016 - The Executive (Item 6)

6 Welsh Language Policy pdf icon PDF 865 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Democratic Services.

Additional documents:


It was resolved:


·        To approve the Language Policy and to authorise the relevant officers in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to complete any further editorial work on the draft policy before it is submitted to full Council.

·        To recommend to the County Council that the Council’s Welsh Language Policy be adopted as a matter of local choice and that the Council’s Policy Framework be amended to reflect this as follows:


·                     Delete “Welsh Language Scheme” from the list of those plans required by law to be adopted by the Council (part of the Constitution)

·                     Include the “Welsh Language Policy” under the list of those other plans and strategies which the Council decided should be adopted by the full Council as a matter of local choice (part of the Constitution)


The report of the head of Democratic Services incorporating a new draft Welsh Language Policy (Appendix1 to the report) was presented for the Executive’s approval prior to its presentation for adoption by the County Council.


The Policy and Strategy Manager reported on the legislative background and why the Language Policy is being updated. The Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 sets Standards of conduct relating to the Welsh language and these became effective on 30 March, 2016. The Officer said that the Council already complies with a significant number of the 160 standards through its current Welsh Language Scheme and that the scheme also goes further than the Welsh Language Standards in many areas. It is considered that the Council’s current position in respect of the language should not be weakened by being restricted to complying with the Standards alone, and a draft language policy has therefore been developed which combines the Standards and the current Welsh Language Scheme.


The Chair informed the Executive that correspondence received on Friday, 22 April made  proposals in respect of the policy; these will be considered and if found necessary, the Policy and Strategy Manager will be asked in consultation with himself as Portfolio Member for the Welsh Language to make revisions to the policy which will then be submitted to the Council.


It was resolved:


           To approve the Language Policy and to authorise the relevant officers in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to complete any further editorial work on the draft policy before it is submitted to full Council.

           To recommend to the County Council that the Council’s Welsh Language Policy be adopted as a matter of local choice and that the Council’s Policy Framework be amended to reflect this as follows:


           Delete “Welsh Language Scheme” from the list of those plans required by law to be adopted by the Council (part of the Constitution).

           Include the “Welsh Language Policy” under the list of those other plans and strategies which the Council decided should be adopted by the full Council as a matter of local choice (part of the Constitution).