Issue - meetings

Applications Arising

Meeting: 11/05/2016 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 7)

7 Applications Arising pdf icon PDF 485 KB

7.1  16C202 – Capel Salem, Bryngwran

7.2  31C210H – Graig, Lôn Graig, Llanfairpwll

Additional documents:


7.1  16C202 – Full application for change of use of chapel into two dwellings which include a balcony at Capel Salem, Bryngwran


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed within the report.


7.2   31C210H – Full application for the erection of a dwelling which includes a balcony, erection of a detached garage together with the construction of a vehicular access on land at Graig, Lon Graig, Llanfairpwll


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed within the report together with an additional condition regarding rock excavation and traffic management.



7.1  16C202 – Full application for change of use of chapel into two dwellings which include a balcony at Capel Salem, Bryngwran


The application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.  At the meeting held on 6 April, 2016 the Committee resolved to visit the site which was subsequently undertaken on 20 April, 2016.


Councillor Bob Parry OBE as a Local Member referred to the reasons he had requested the Committee to visit the site and in particular to the availability of parking spaces on the site. He questioned whether the highways authority was satisfied with the parking spaces available on the site. The Highways Officer responded that 2 parking bays are sufficient for the site which complies with the Authority’s Parking Standards as there is no parking facility on the site at present. Councillor Parry stated that whilst he appreciated that the former chapel needs to be developed, he was of the opinion that conditions need to be applied for the safety of children who use the footpath which runs along the side of the application site and the vehicular access. He further stated that the railings in front of the former chapel should be retained due to difference in land levels with the County Council’s land and the chapel. This would safeguard any children who walk to school or members of the public from slipping whilst walking near the site.


Councillor Parry said that a further condition needs to be imposed on any approval of the application with regard to the wooden posts on the parcel of land alongside the graveyard near the application site. The wooden posts need to be reinstated to deter the parking of cars on the land. This parcel of land would allow children coming from the school to have better visibility in crossing the road.


Councillor Jeff Evans asked the Local Member that he was given to

understand that a child had been injured on Salem Road in Bryngwran last year but no recorded incident has been logged on the Highways incidents records for over 20 years. Councillor Parry responded that the incident has been recorded on the minutes of the Bryngwran Community Council; a Community Council Member had witnessed the accident when the child was hit by a car. The Highways Officer said that recorded incidents on the Highways database are dependent on accidents being reported to the Police.


Councillor Lewis Davies said that consideration should be given to having ‘red markings’ on the road warning traffic that children are crossing from the school near the application site.


The Planning Development Manager stated that planning conditions are unable to be enforced on permissions when the land in question is not in the ownership or control of an applicant.


Councillor Lewis Davies proposed that the application be deferred to allow negotiations with the applicant regarding possible planning gain to the community.  Councillor Nicola Roberts seconded the proposal.


Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the application be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7