Issue - meetings

Improvement Works to the Highway between A55 J3 and Wylfa Newydd along the A5 and A5025

Meeting: 19/12/2016 - The Executive (Item 10)

10 Improvement Works to the Highway between A55 J3 and Wylfa Newydd along the A5 and A5025 pdf icon PDF 13 MB

To submit a report by the Head of Highways, Waste and Property.

Additional documents:


It was resolved to authorise the Head of Service (Highways, Waste and Property) –


·        Following completion of the Indemnity Agreement, to make and serve CPO(s) under sections 239, 240, 246, 250 and 260 of the Highways Act 1980 and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 and all other powers considered by the Head of Service to be necessary in relation to the making and serving of CPO(s) in respect of all or part of the land outlined in red on the CPO plans at Appendix 1 to the report and such other land as may be considered necessary to deliver the A5025 including any mitigation.

·        Following completion of the Indemnity Agreement, to make and serve any SROs and any other highway orders necessary to enable the carrying out of the AF025 works.

·        Following completion of the Indemnity Agreement, to take all necessary steps to secure the making, confirmation and implementation of the CPO(s), any SROs and any other highway orders including the publication and service of all notices, requisitions for information, statement of reasons and the preparation and presentation of the Council’s case at any public inquiry to secure confirmation of the CPO(s) and SRO(s) by the Secretary of State.

·        Once the CPO(s) is/are confirmed, to exercise the powers conferred by the relevant CPO to acquire land and/or rights or acquire by agreement the land and/or rights.

·        Following completion of the Indemnity Agreement, to enter into such agreements as the Head of Service considers appropriate with landowners and others with an interest in the land the subject of the CPO(s) to acquire land/rights and/or secure withdrawal of objections to the CPO(s) and any SRO(s).

·        Following completion of the Indemnity Agreement, to make any necessary payments of compensation (including interim payments) either as agreed with landowners or as determined by the Lands Chamber of the Upper Tribunal in relation to acquisition of land interests.


The report of the Head of Service (Highways, Waste and Property) regarding improvement works to the highway between the A55 J3 and Wylfa Newydd along the A5 and A5025 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


The Project Director (Major Projects) reported that the Executive has previously authorised preparatory steps to be taken in relation to the making and serving of Compulsory Purchase Orders (CPOs) to progress highway improvement works as part of the development of Wylfa Newydd, and that this report now seeks the Executive’s approval to make, serve and implement such Orders to move forward with the A5025 works. Prior to that, an Indemnity Agreement needs to be completed. The Officer referred to the CPO plans attached to the report showing the extent of the land required, and he drew the Executive’s attention to the fact that as the scheme progresses, minor amendments may be required to the plans shown. The Executive recognised and accepted this.


It was resolved to authorise the Head of Service (Highways, Waste and Property) –


  Following completion of the Indemnity Agreement, to make and serve CPO(s) under sections 239, 240, 246, 250 and 260 of the Highways Act 1980 and the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 and all other powers considered by the Head of Service to be necessary in relation to the making and serving of CPO(s) in respect of all or part of the land outlined in red on the CPO plans at Appendix 1 to the report and such other land as may be considered necessary to deliver the A5025 including any mitigation.

  Following completion of the Indemnity Agreement, to make and serve any SROs and any other highway orders necessary to enable the carrying out of the AF025 works.

  Following completion of the Indemnity Agreement, to take all necessary steps to secure the making, confirmation and implementation of the CPO(s), any SROs and any other highway orders including the publication and service of all notices, requisitions for information, statement of reasons and the preparation and presentation of the Council’s case at any public inquiry to secure confirmation of the CPO(s) and SRO(s) by the Secretary of State.

  Once the CPO(s) is/are confirmed, to exercise the powers conferred by the relevant CPO to acquire land and/or rights or acquire by agreement the land and/or rights.

  Following completion of the Indemnity Agreement, to enter into such agreements as the Head of Service considers appropriate with landowners and others with an interest in the land the subject of the CPO(s) to acquire land/rights and/or secure withdrawal of objections to the CPO(s) and any SRO(s).

  Following completion of the Indemnity Agreement, to make any necessary payments of compensation (including interim payments) either as agreed with landowners or as determined by the Lands Chamber of the Upper Tribunal in relation to acquisition of land interests.