Issue - meetings

The Executive's Forward Work Programme

Meeting: 14/02/2017 - The Executive (Item 14)

14 The Executive's Forward Work Programme pdf icon PDF 753 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Democratic Services.

Additional documents:


It was RESOLVED to confirm the Executive’s updated Forward Work Programme for the period March to October, 2017 subject to the additional changes outlined at the meeting.


The report of the Head of Democratic Services incorporating the Executive’s Forward Work Programme from the period from March to October, 2017 was presented for the Executive’s consideration.


The Head of Democratic Services highlighted the changes to the Forward Work Programme as follows :-


Item 4 – 2016/17 Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring Report – Quarter 3 and Item 9 – North Wales Regional Growth Bid – Governance dealt with by this meeting.


Item 7 – North Wales Economic Ambition Board needs to be removed from the Forward Work Programme as it is the same item as Item 9 noted above.


Items new to the Forward Work Programme


Item 15 – Energy Strategy scheduled to be considered by the Executive at its 20 March, 2017 meeting;

Item 16 – Highway Inspection Policy scheduled to be considered by the Executive at its 20 March, 2017 meeting;

Item 17 – Littering and Dog Fouling Enforcement scheduled to be considered by the Executive at its 20 March, 2017 meeting.


Items rescheduled for consideration


Item 12 – Welsh in Education – Strategic Plan 2017 – 2020 rescheduled to be considered by the Executive from the 14 February, 2017 to the 20 March, 2017 meeting. 


New Item to be considered which is not on the Forward Work Programme :-


Childcare Provision up to 30 hours a week will be considered as a delegated item by the relevant Portfolio Holder.


It was RESOLVED to confirm the Executive’s updated Forward Work Programme for the period March to October, 2017 subject to the additional changes outlined at the meeting.