Issue - meetings

Transformation of the Library Service

Meeting: 14/02/2017 - The Executive (Item 21)

21 Transformation of the Library Service pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To submit a report by the Head of Learning.

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It was RESOLVED :-


·           To note the process followed to develop the strategy and the reasoning behind what is being proposed within the Draft Library Service Strategy;


·           To approve the Equality Impact and Needs Assessment;


·           To authorise the Officers to proceed to a public consultation on the Draft Library Service Strategy in line with the timetable as shown within the report;


·           To note that the service will continue to discuss and consult with interested parties and to report back with options identified for the transformation of the Library Service to the October meeting of the Executive.




The report of the Head of Learning with regard to incorporating the Draft Library Service Strategy for 2017 – 2022 was presented to the Executive for consideration.


The Portfolio Holder for Education said that the Draft Library Service Strategy has been discussed at the Corporate Scrutiny Committee held on 6 February, 2017.  He wished to thank the Officers for their work in respect of the matter and wish it to be noted that the service will continue to discuss and consult with the parties that are interest within the communities before any final decision is taken transform the Library Service.


The Head of Learning said that the purpose of the Strategy is seeking to ensure that the Library Service on Anglesey meets the needs of the residents of the Island and to fulfil the statutory requirements over the coming years.  She noted that a public and stakeholder consultation process was undertaken during October 2015 to gather views on the options identified and to invite any alternative ideas.  There were nearly 2,000 responses to the consultation but there was no clear favoured option.  However there was evidence that it would be beneficial to seek opportunities for a ‘community support’ models.  The Library Service is now planning to hold a public consultation on the Draft Strategy and to progress discussions with interested parties.  Following the public consultation exercise a definitive Library Service Strategy will be presented to the Executive for a final decision in the autumn of 2017.


The Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee reported on the discussions and recommendations of the Scrutiny Committee to the Executive.


It was RESOLVED :-


·           To note the process followed to develop the strategy and the reasoning behind what is being proposed within the Draft Library Service Strategy;


·           To approve the Equality Impact and Needs Assessment;


·           To authorise the Officers to proceed to a public consultation on the Draft Library Service Strategy in line with the timetable as shown within the report;


·           To note that the service will continue to discuss and consult with interested parties and to report back with options identified for the transformation of the Library Service to the October meeting of the Executive.