Issue - meetings

Independent Sector Residential and Nursing Home Fees 2017/18

Meeting: 14/02/2017 - The Executive (Item 9)

9 Independent Sector Residential and Nursing Home Fees 2017/18 pdf icon PDF 190 KB

To submit a report by the Head of Adults’ Services.

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It was resolved –


·        To acknowledge the North Wales Fee Methodology as implemented hitherto by Authorities in North Wales as a basis for setting fees in Anglesey during 2017/18 as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

·        To approve the recommendation to increase fee levels as noted in Table 2 of the report.

·        In line with other authorities, to authorise the Social Services and Finance Departments to respond to any requests from homes to explore their specific accounts and to utilise the exercise as a basis to consider any exceptions to the agreed fees. Any exceptions to be agreed with the Portfolio Holder, the Head of Finance and the Head of Adult Social Care from within current budgets. In the absence of agreement, the matter will be referred to the Executive for a decision.


The report of the Head of Adults’ Services seeking the Executive’s approval to set independent sector care home fees for 2017/18 was presented for consideration.


The Head of Adults’ Services reported that in setting the fee levels for independent sector care homes, the Authority is required to show that it has fully considered the costs of the provision in determining the standard care fees. This is done in collaboration with the other North Wales authorities and the Health Board by utilising a regional fee methodology (Appendix 1). The North Wales Methodology recommendations are set out in Table 1 of the report. The Authority proposes to use the methodology for all the categories in Table 1 apart from Residential (Adults) on the basis that implementing the model in full across all sectors is not deemed affordable. The recommendation is therefore to implement the rates set out in Table 2 of the report. The Officer added that as part of the process of consulting on the fees with local providers, it may be necessary to consider individual submissions. Should there be clear evidence that the fee set is not sufficient in any individual case, the Council will need to consider exceptions to the fee rates.


It was resolved –


           To acknowledge the North Wales Fee Methodology as implemented hitherto by Authorities in North Wales as a basis for setting fees in Anglesey during 2017/18 as set out in Appendix 1 to the report.

           To approve the recommendation to increase fee levels as noted in Table 2 of the report.

           In line with other authorities, to authorise the Social Services and Finance Departments to respond to any requests from homes to explore their specific accounts and to utilise the exercise as a basis to consider any exceptions to the agreed fees. Any exceptions to be agreed with the Portfolio Holder, the Head of Finance and the Head of Adult Social Care from within current budgets. In the absence of agreement, the matter will be referred to the Executive for a decision.