Issue - meetings

Economic Applications

Meeting: 01/03/2017 - Planning and Orders Committee (Item 8)

8 Economic Applications pdf icon PDF 213 KB

8.1  45C84R/ECON – The Marram Grass Café, White Lodge, Newborough

Additional documents:


8.1       45C84R/ECON – Full application for the erection of a fridge building, function building and seminar building together with the construction of a vehicular access with customer parking, community parking, recreational space and demolition of outbuilding on land at and adjacent to the Marram Grass Café, White Lodge, Newborough




8.1       45C84R/ECON – Full Application for the erection of a fridge building, function building and seminar building together with the construction of a vehicular access with customer parking, community parking, recreational space and demolition of outbuilding on land adjacent to The Marram Grass Café, White Lodge, Newborough


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


Councillor Ann Griffith stood down as Chair of the Committee for the consideration of this application in order to speak as a Local Member.

Councillor Richard Owain Jones, Vice-Chair took the Chair for the item.


Councillor Ann Griffith requested that the Committee undertake a site visit as she particularly wished Members to view the application site because it bridges the AONB and a special landscape area and because she wished them to see for themselves the potentially urbanising effect the proposal could have on the surrounding landscape as well as its possible impact on the character and appearance of the area and on residential amenities.


Councillor Lewis Davies proposed that the Committee visit the site and the proposal was seconded by Councillor John Griffith.


It was resolved to undertake a site visit in accordance with the Local Member’s request for the reasons given.