Agenda, decisions and minutes

Planning and Orders Committee - Wednesday, 31st July, 2013 1.00 pm

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions

Contact: Ann Holmes 01248 752518 

No. Item




Apologies for absence were submitted and noted.


Declaration of Interest


Declarations of interest were made as follows:-


Councillor W.T.Hughes in respect of application 7.1

Councillor Victor Hughes in respect of application 7.3

Councillor Vaughan Hughes in respect of application 12.3

Councillor Kenneth Hughes in respect of application 13.3

Councillor Ann Griffith declared a personal interest on account of the reference to wind turbines within the Plaid Cymru Manifesto but said that she would consider each application on its own merits


Minutes 3rd July, 2013 meeting pdf icon PDF 226 KB

To submit the minutes of the meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 3rd July 2013


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 3rd July, 2013 were presented and confirmed as correct subject to the following amendment with reference to application 7.1 –


The sentence “Councillor T.V.Hughes proposed that the application be refused. There was no seconder to his proposal,” to read “Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the application be refused. Councillor T.V.Hughes seconded the proposal.”


Site Visits 17 July, 2013 pdf icon PDF 20 KB

To submit the minutes of the planning site visits held on 17th July, 2013.


The minutes of the Site Visits held on the 17th July, 2013 were submitted and confirmed as correct.


The Legal Services Manager informed the Committee that the Chair and Vice-Chair have expressed concern regarding the number of Members absent from the 17th July site visits and would wish to ask Members of the Committee to make every effort to attend site visits both to ensure that there are enough Members to be able to vote on the applications that are the subject of site visits when they are then further considered by the Committee and in recognition of the importance of site visits in the planning determination process.


Public Speaking


The Chair informed that Committee that there would be Public Speakers on applications 12.2, 12.3 and 12.5


Applications that will be Deferred pdf icon PDF 2 MB

6.1 34C553A – Ty’n Coed, Llangefni


6.2 41C8C – Garnedd Ddu, Star


6.3 46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON – Penrhos Coastal Park, Cae Glas and Kingsland, Holyhead


6.1   34C553A - Outline application for residential development including extra care facility, highway and associated infrastructure at Ty’n Coed, Llangefni


The Development Control Manager informed the Committee that the application was originally reported to the Planning Committee in November 2008 because it had been advertised as a departure from the development plan and part of the submitted proposal was being recommended for approval. Due to the nature and context of the proposed development, it is considered that it would be beneficial for Members of the Committee to view the site prior to making any determinations.


It was resolved to defer consideration of the application so that a site visit may be undertaken in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


6.2   41C8C - Full application for the change of use of land for the siting of 33 touring caravans, erection of a toilet block, construction of a vehicular access together with landscaping at Garnedd Ddu, Star


The Development Control Manager summarised the background to the application and said that a site visit had been made by Members of the Committee on 19th June, 2013. Further information was then submitted in support of the application and in order to allow the expiry of neighbour notification and the consideration of representations and consultation replies arising from this additional information, the application was deferred. However, drainage matters remain under discussion and therefore it is recommended that the application is deferred.


It was resolved to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and for the reason given.


6.3   46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON – A hybrid planning application proposing:


Outline with all mattersreserved except for means of access, for:


A leisure village at Penrhos Coastal Park, London Road, Holyhead comprising: up to 500 new leisure units includingnew lodges and cottages; Central new hub building comprising reception with leisure facilities includingindoor sub-tropical water park, indoor sports hall, and cafes, bars, restaurants and retail; Centralnew Farmer's Marketbuilding; Central new spa and leisurebuilding; A new cafe and watersports centre at the site of the former Boathouse; Demolition of the Bathing House and the construction of a restaurant at its formerlocation; Demolitionof other existingbuildings including three agricultural barns andthree residential dwellings; Providing and maintaining 29 hectares of publicly accessible areas withpublic car parking and enhancements to the Coastal Path, including: Managed walkwayswithin 15 hectares of woodland, the retention and enhancement of Grace's pond, Lily Pond, Scout'spond with viewingplatforms , the Pet Cemetery , War Memorial, the Pump Houseand picnic area  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Applications Arising pdf icon PDF 2 MB

7.1 20LPA962/CC – Fron Heulog, Cemaes


7.2 34LPA121Q/CC – Llangefni Secondary School, Llangefni


7.3 42C321 – The Sidings, Pentraeth


7.1   20LPA962/CC - Retrospective application for the recently constructed track together with improvements to the existing access on land opposite From Heulog, Cemaes


The application is presented to the Committee as the Isle of Anglesey Council is the applicant and land owner.


Councillor W.T.Hughes having declared a personal interest in this application did remain at the meeting and provided background information in his capacity as a Local Member but did not take part in the voting thereon. Councillor Ann Griffith as Vice-Chair took the Chair for this item.


The Development Control Manager informed the Committee that the application is made for alterations and improvements to an existing agricultural vehicular access onto the A5025 together with the retention of a stone track agricultural access, set back from the public highway. The principal considerations relate to highway safety, and the applicant has submitted a report which makes submissions as regards highway safety as documented in the written report. The applicant’s report has been objected to and questioned by the objectors to the proposal, and the points of objection are detailed in the report. The objections have been forwarded to the Council’s Highways Section. The Council’s Highways Officer has assessed the applicant’s submission together with the issues raised in the objections and considers the proposal to be acceptable. It should be noted that the landowner could utilise the existing access without making any improvements to it. The Officer’s recommendation is one of approval.


Councillor John Griffith enquired about the access and whether it had been determined how far east it is sited for visibility purposes. He said that he had asked about this at the time of the site visit but that he had not had a definitive answer whether the visibility was within requirements.


The Development Control Officer (Highways) said that visibility from the access is currently poor from both directions towards Cemaes Bay and Amlwch. The modifications proposed as part of the application will widen and improve the access and will also broaden and extend visibility in the direction of Cemaes up to 215m. The access will still not provide as great a visibility towards Amlwch but will allow those exiting the access to have good visibility towards Cemaes and in coming out further onto the highway to be able to see the road in the direction of Amlwch. The Officer said that as the situation stands at present the visibility is very poor towards Cemaes. The Officer added that improvements are being proposed as part of the application and, bearing in mind that the access could be used without any improvements, the Highways section’s viewpoint after weighing up the situation is that that the improvements are well worth accepting.


Councillor John Griffith wished to know the precise extent of the visibility towards Amlwch and whether a visibility of 160m is required by the Highways Section.


The Development Control Officer (Highways) confirmed that it is currently 50m extending to 120 to 150m on coming out onto the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Economic Applications

None to be considered at this meeting.


None considered at this meeting.


Affordable Housing Applications

None to be considered at this meeting.


None considered at this meeting.


Departure Applications pdf icon PDF 519 KB

10.1  45C294C - Minffordd Cottage, Penlon, Newborough


10.1        Full application for the erection of a dwelling together with the formation of a vehicular access on land adjacent to Minffordd Cottage, Penlon, Newborough


The application is presented to the Committee as an application which is contrary to the adopted Ynys Môn Local Plan but that can be supported under the Stopped Unitary Development Plan.


The Planning Development Manager explained that although the application is considered a departure it is one which the Officers are recommending for approval. Penlon is not recognised as a village in the Ynys Môn Local Plan but under the provisions of Policy HP5 of the Stopped Unitary Development Plan it is identified as a hamlet. This policy allows the development of single plots as long as they are infill sites. The site map clearly illustrates that the application site is an infill site with dwellings situated on either side and to the back. The recommendation is therefore one of approval.


Councillor Kenneth Hughes proposed that the application be approved; Councillor Jeff Evans seconded the proposal.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions outlined in the written report.




Development Proposals by Councillors and Officers

None to be considered at this meeting.


None considered at this meeting.


Remainder of Applications pdf icon PDF 3 MB

12.1 12LPA983/AD/CC – Gallows Point, Beaumaris


12.2 22C211C – Yr Orsedd, Llanddona


12.3 23C268B – Uwch y Gors, Mynydd Bodafon


12.4 30LPA/978/AD/CC – Red Wharf Bay


12.5 34C648A – Pwros, Rhosmeirch


12.6 34LPA982/CA/CC – The Stilts Building, Llangefni


12.7 47LPA966/CC - Ysgol Gynradd Llanddeusant, Llanddeusant


12.1  12LPA983/AD/CC – Application for the siting of an interpretation panel at Gallows Point, Beaumaris


The application is presented to the Committee at is made by the Local Authority.


Councillor Kenneth Hughes proposed that the application be approved and his proposal was seconded by Councillor R.O.Jones.


It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions listed in the written report.


12.2     22C211C – Full application for the erection of one wind turbine with a maximum hub height of 25m, a rotor diameter of 19.24m and a maximum vertical upright height of 34.37m on land at Yr Orsedd, Llanddona


The application is reported to the Committee as it has been decided that delegated powers will not be used in connection with wind turbine developments.


The Planning Development Manager said that the report specifies three key issues in connection with the proposal in respect of the principle of development, the landscape and visual impact and residential amenity. Whilst it is recognised that there is support within policies for renewable energy projects it is considered that in this instance the proposed development would create unacceptable harm to this environment and it is on those grounds that the Officer’s recommendation is to refuse the application.


The Chair invited Mr John Alexander, an objector to the proposal, to present his views to the Committee.


Mr Alexander highlighted the following as points of objection to the proposal:


  • Anglesey is not listed as a strategic zone for onshore wind energy and according to TAN 8 it was never intended that these machines should spread willy nilly all over the Island.
  • This turbine application should not have passed the screening process. The Planning Authority should have checked with the transmitter users – Police, BT and Aquiva for problems with interference. There is a major problem and a number of objections pin pointed this possibility. An investigation at the time of screening would have saved time and costs.
  • The noise assessment figures are guesswork as there has not been an anemometer erected in the location. 
  • The site is too close to 3 dwellings, the AONB, ancient and historic sites and 18 designated sites. It will impact on Beaumaris and the Snowdonia National Park. The location is surrounded by high value landscape and an area that is geologically outstanding and of international importance. It would therefore ruin one of the most spectacular views on the Island.
  • The location is very close to the Grade II listed building, Rhos Isaf and the associated dairy used as holiday accommodation. It would also adversely affect Hafoty, one of the oldest properties on the Island.
  • The CCW states that an EIA is not required and that it does not have records of any statutory protected species in the locality. The Council should contact the RSPB and its own Ecological Advisor. An EIA would be required due to the height of the proposed development and the presence in the area of bats, otters, goshawks, hobbies, peregrine  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Other Matters pdf icon PDF 3 MB

13.1 20C27D/2/CONS – Wylfa Power Station, Cemaes


13.2 34LPA982A/CC – The Stilts Building, Llangefni


13.3 38C185C – Maes Mawr, Llanfechell


13.1     20C27D/2/CONS – Consultation for the de-commissioning of Wylfa A


A report setting out a proposed response on behalf of the Authority on the Health and Safety Executive Consultation which makes observations on the current Nuclear Power Station at Wylfa was presented for the Committee’s consideration.


The Chief Planning Officer informed the Committee that the Office of Nuclear Regulation (ONR) an agency of the Health and Safety Executive and the enforcing authority on nuclear reactors is currently undertaking a formal consultation, and the Isle of Anglesey County Council as a consultee has been invited to comment on the application for decommissioning, and in particular on the Environmental Statement which contains the environmental impact assessment and mitigation measures to avoid or minimise significant impact on the environment.


Wylfa Nuclear Power Station obtained EIADR consent to decommission in March 2009 based on an Environmental Statement prepared in 2008 (the 2008 ES).The existing EIADR consent provided for the decommissioning project to commence within 5 years, but due to the extended generation Wylfa is not expected to shut down and begin decommissioning until 2015 by which time the current consent will have expired, and thus Wylfa is seeking a new consent.


As a consultee, the Council resolved in November 2008 to forward the comments as listed in the report to the Health and Safety Executive. The current consultation period began in May 2013 and the ONR requires comments by 9th August, 2013. The report sets out in detail consultation responses and reviews changes to the updated ES (March, 2013) and other material changes in circumstances. It also makes recommendations on matters which the Council consider that ONR should take into account as part of the EIADR consent process. These are detailed in section 12 of the report.


The Officer referred Members to the site map for Wylfa to illustrate what the three main stages of

the decommissioning process will entail encompassing  Care and Maintenance preparations; Care and Maintenance and Final Site Clearance.


Councillor Kenneth Hughes pointed out that there will be an increase in traffic through the village of Llanfachraeth and he was disappointed that no bypass route for Llanfachraeth had been taken into consideration.


The Planning Officer said that the development of the proposed new nuclear power station which will be an application made to the Welsh Government and the decommissioning of the current nuclear power station need to be differentiated. If the new nuclear power station proceeds then discussions have commenced with regard to providing a bypass for Llanfachraeth. The Officer said that he would be happy to include the observation made in the comments it is proposed are forwarded to the ONR.


It was resolved to endorse the recommendations of the report as set out in section 12 with the addition of a comment in respect of consideration being given to the provision of a bypass route for the village of Llanfachraeth.


13.2  34LPA982A/CC – Prior notification for the demolition of a building at the Stilts  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.