Agenda, decisions and minutes

10.30 a.m. & 2.30 p.m., Planning and Orders Committee - Wednesday, 6th November, 2013 10.30 am

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions

Contact: Mrs. Mairwen Hughes 


No. Item




Apologies are noted above.


Declaration of Interest


Declarations of interest were made as follows :-


Councillor Raymond Jones in respect of application 7.4 – Local Member.


Councillor John Griffith in respect of application 7.4 (personal interest)


Councillors Lewis Davies, Ann Griffith, John Griffith, Vaughan Hughes and Nicola Roberts declared personal interests on account of the reference to wind turbines within the Plaid Cymru Manifesto but stated that they would consider each application on its own merits.


Councillor J. Arwel Roberts, Portfolio Holder ( Planning) although not a Member of the Committee, he declared a personal interest in respect of application 7.3.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 193 KB

To submit, for confirmation, the minutes of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 2 October, 2013.


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 2nd October, 2013 were presented and confirmed as a true record.


Site Visits pdf icon PDF 23 KB

To submit the minutes of the Site Visits held on 16 October, 2013.


The minutes of the Site Visits held on 16th October, 2013 were presented and confirmed as correct.


Public Speaking


There were public speakers in respect of applications 7.3, 11.1, 12.1, 12.2 and 12.6.



Applications that will be Deferred pdf icon PDF 612 KB

6.1 - 30C713 – Bryn Mair, Llanbedrgoch

6.2 – 34C553A – Ty’n Coed, Llangefni

6.3 -  42C114ATai’n Coed, Pentraeth

6.4 -  44C294Plas Newydd, Rhosybol


6.1  30C713 – Erection of one 10kw wind turbine with a maximum hub height of up to 15.5m, rotor diameter of up to 7.5m and a maximum upright vertical tip height of up to 19.25m on land at Bryn Mair, Llanbedrgoch


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it has been decided that delegated powers will not be used in connection with wind turbine developments.  The Officer’s recommendation was that the application be deferred to allow further negotiations to take place.


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


6.2  35C553A – Outline application for residential development including extra care facility, highway and associated infrastructure at Ty’n Coed, Llangefni


The application was a departure application that Officers were minded to approve.  The Officer’s recommendation was that the application be deferred to allow further consultations in respect of housing supply figures and education contribution to take place.


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


6.3 42C114A – Outline application for the erection of an agricultural dwelling together with the installation of a septic tank at Tai’n Coed, Pentraeth


The Officer’s recommendation was that the application be deferred to allow for the assessment of additional correspondence received.


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.


6.4 44C294B – Full application for the erection of two 20kW wind turbines with a maximum hub height of 20.5m, a rotor diameter of 13.1m and a maximum vertical upright height of 27.1m on land at Plas Newydd, Rhosybol


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it has been decided that delegated powers will not be used in connection with wind turbine developments.  The Officer’s recommendation was that the application be deferred to allow for the assessment of additional correspondence received.


It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.




Applications Arising pdf icon PDF 12 MB

7.1 – 16C119B – Pen yr Orsedd, Engedi

7.2 -  39C285D – Lôn Gamfa, Menai Bridge

7.3 -  46C147D – Tan y Graig, Trearddur Bay


7.4 -  46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON – Penrhos Coastal Park, Cae Glas and Kingsland, Holyhead



7.1  16C119B – Full application for the erection of a building to provide a workshop and office at Pen yr Orsedd, Engedi


It was reported that at the meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 2 October, 2013 it was resolved to approve the application contrary to Officer’s recommendation as it was considered that it would safeguard and retain employment in the locality and on Anglesey.


Councillor Bob Parry OBE, a Local Member reiterated his support for this application as it is a small workshop for a carpenter.  He stated that the applicant’s wishes are to be able to work near his home and to employ an apprentice in the future.


Councillor T. Victor Hughes proposed to reaffirm the decision to approve the application and Councillor Vaughan Hughes seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to reaffirm the decision to approve the application, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation, with an additional condition that the worship and office will be for the applicant’s own use as a carpenter.


7.2 39C385D – Full application for the erection of 17 dwellings on land at Lôn Gamfa, Menai Bridge


It was reported that the application is being reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it comprises a departure from the development plan which Officers are minded to approve.  The site was visited by the Planning and Orders Committee in January 2013 and by the current Members on the 16 October, 2013.


Councillor K.P. Hughes proposed that the application be approved and Councillor R.O. Jones            seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the conditions contained within the report.


7.3 46C147D – Retrospective application for the use of paddock as a touring caravan site and retention of two containers used as a toilet and shower block, the use of land and retention of hardstanding for the commercial storage of caravans, boats and trailers, the residential use of a single touring caravan and retention of portacabin used as an office together with the replacement of the existing septic tank with a new sewerage treatment plant and soakaway at Tan y Graig, Trearddur Bay


It was reported that the application is being reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.  The site was visited by the Planning and Orders Committee on 2nd October, 2013.


The Chair invited Mr. Iain Hodgson, an objector to the application, to address the meeting. 


The main points raised by Mr. Hodgson were that he had reported this retrospective application 2½ years ago.  The access to the site is on a bad bend and a number of accidents have occurred in the vicinity over the years.  He was concerned that the Highways Department had not objected to the application.


The Chair invited Mr. Elfed Williams, the agent to the applicant, to address the meeting.


The main points raised by Mr. Williams was the applicant is willing to plant 200 trees as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Economic Applications

None to be considered by this meeting.


None were considered at this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.


Affordable Housing Applications

None to be considered at this meeting.


None were considered at this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.


Departure Applications

None to be considered by this meeting.


None were considered at this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.


Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers pdf icon PDF 251 KB

11.1 – 45C438 – Bryn Gwyn, Newborough


 11.1  45C438 – Outline application with some matters reserved for the erection of a dwelling, the construction of a vehicular access together with the installation of a septic tank on land adjacent to Bryn Gwyn, Newborough


The application was brought to the Committee as the applicant is related to a relevant officer.  The application has been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.


It was noted that Councillor P. Rogers, a Local Member requested that the application be deferred as the applicant was unable to attend the meeting.


Councillor John Griffith proposed that the application be deferred and Councillor R.O. Jones             seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to defer the application in accordance with the request of a Local Member.



Remainder of Applications pdf icon PDF 1 MB

12.1 – 10C118A/RE – Bryn yr Odyn, Soar

12.2 – 14C135A – Glasfryn, Tyn Lon

12.3 – 14C28G/1/ECON – Mona Industrial Estate

12.4 – 14C28H/1/ECON – Plot 14, Mona Industrial Estate

12.5 – 19C1052C – RNA Club, St. David’s Road, Holyhead

12.6 – 28C483 – Sea Forth, Warren Road, Rhosneigr

12.7 – 40C315B – Moelfre Seawatch Centre


12.1 10C118A/RE – Full application for the siting of a 15MW solar array farm on land adjacent to Bryn yr Odyn, Soar


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


The Vice-Chair, Councillor Ann Griffith, a Local Member requested that the application be visited  as a landscape assessment is required and there is a solar array farm only 1.6 km from the site which has had approval; a cumulative effect needs to be assessed. 


Councillor K.P. Hughes proposed that the site be visited and Councillor Nicola Roberts seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to undertake a site visit for the reasons given.


12.2  14C135A – Full application for the erection of a dwelling and private garage, creation of a new vehicular access together with the installation of a package treatment plant on land adjacent to Glasfryn, Tyn Lon


The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.


The Chair invited Mrs. Angharad Crump, the applicant, to address the Committee


The main points raised by Mrs. Crump was that the application should be approved under Policy 50 and HP5 which allows individual dwellings on infill sites, close to the development part of small villages and rural cluster; with Llynfaes already identified.  As a family they wish to build a home in their local community and near their family.  Planning Policy Officers have stated that the plot is part of a rural cluster in the Temporary Planning Policy for Rural Clusters.  The current access is used by agricultural machinery, cars and business traffic with no accidents reported in the last 20 years.   As applicants they are willing to cut down the trees on the site to allow better visibility. 


The Chair invited Councillor Bob Parry OBE, one of the local members to address the Committee.


Councillor Parry stated that he support this application, he questioned the Highways Officers in respect of the issues raised by Mrs. Crump in respect of the access to the site.  The Highways Officers responded that they accept that to the access to the site is used by other vehicles but it is substandard.  A pre-application meeting had been conducted regarding a new access to the dwelling but the Highways Officers were of the opinion that it would be unacceptable. 


Councillor T. Victor Hughes proposed that the application be approved, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor Vaughan Hughes seconded the proposal.


Councillors Lewis Davies, Ann Griffith, John Griffith, T. Victor Hughes, Vaughan Hughes, R.O. Jones voted in favour of the application.  Councillor Jeff Evans abstained from voting.  


It was RESOLVED to approve the application, contrary to the Officer’s recommendation on the basis that it conforms with Policy 50, as it is within a cluster.  (Councillor N. Roberts as a Local Member did not vote on the application).


In accordance with the requirements of the Constitution the application will be automatically deferred to the next meeting to allow the Officers  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Other Matters pdf icon PDF 623 KB

13.1 – 34C40Z/EIA/ECON – Peboc, Llangefni Industrial Estate

13.2 – 38C267B – Clegyrog Uchaf, Carreglefn

13.3 – 38C292C – Rhosbeirio Farm, Rhosgoch


13.1  34C40Z/EIA/ECON – Erection of a new Biomass Energy Plant comprising of a wood pellet plant, a biomass combined heat power plant, debarking and chipping plant, wood storage yard and construction of a new vehicle access on land adjacent to Peboc, Industrial Estate, Llangefni


It was RESOLVED to note the report for information and to agree not to contest the two reasons for refusal as mentioned in the report.


13.2  38C267B – Full application for the erection of two 20kW wind turbines with a maximum hub height of up to 20.5m, rotor diameter of up to 13.1m and a maximum upright vertical tip height of up to 27.1m and associated works on land at Clegyrog Uchaf, Carreglefn


It was RESOLVED to note the report for information and to agree to the Officers defending the appeal on the grounds stated in the report.


13.3 38C292C – Full application for the erection of one 500kW wind turbine with a maximum hub height of up to 50 meters, rotor diameter of up to 58 meters and a maximum upright vertical tip height of up to 79 meters, together with associated electrical infrastructure, grid connection and improvements to the existing vehicular access and new access tracks on land at Rhosbeirio Farm, Rhosgoch


It was RESOLVED to note the report for information and to agree to the Officers defending the appeal on the grounds stated in the report.



ORDERS pdf icon PDF 3 MB

14.1 Isle of Anglesey County Council (Off Street Parking Places)(Various Car Parks Anglesey)(1) Order 2013


To submit report in relation to the above.


14.1 Isle of Anglesey County Council (Off Street Parking Places)(Various Car Parks Anglesey)(1) Order 2013


It was RESOLVED to defer the report.