A number of council meetings are live-streamed.
All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.
Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes
No. | Item |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: As noted above. |
Declaration of Interest To receive any declaration of interest by any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Robin Williams declared a personal interest with regard to application 7.3 on the agenda.
Councillor Robin Williams declared a personal and prejudicial interest with regard to application 11.1 on the agenda. |
To present the minutes of the previous virtual meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 12 January, 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous virtual meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 12 January, 2022 were presented and confirmed as correct. |
To present the minutes of the virtual planning site visits held on 26 January, 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the virtual site visits held on 26 January, 2022 were confirmed as correct. |
Public Speaking Additional documents: Minutes: There was a Public Speaker in respect of application 7.3. |
Applications that will be Deferred None to be considered by this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee. |
7.1 - FPL/2021/136 – Wylfa, Bangor Road, Benllech https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H00000OKf7JUAT/fpl2021136?language=en_GB
7.2 – FPL/2021/302 - Bunwerth, Trearddur Bay, Holyhead https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H00000QbN4uUAF/fpl2021302?language=en_GB
7.3 – FPL/2021/304 - The Lodge, Capel Bach, Rhosybol https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H00000QbNP3UAN/fpl2021304?language=en_GB Additional documents: Minutes: 7.1 FPL/2021/136 – Full application for the conversion of the outbuilding into a holiday letting unit together with alterations and extensions thereto at Wylfa, Bangor Road, Benllech
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the applicant is related to a ‘relevant officer’ as defined within paragraph 4.6.10 of the Council’s Constitution. The application has been scrutinised by the Council’s Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution. At its meeting held on 1 December, 2021, the Committee resolved that a virtual site visit be undertaken to the application site. A virtual site visit subsequently took place on 15 December, 2021. At the meeting held on 12 January, 2022 the Committee resolved to approve the application contrary to the Officer’s recommendation as it was deemed that the development conforms with planning policies PCYFF 1, PCYFF 2 and PCYFF 3 and it was considered that the development would not lead to an over-concentration of holiday accommodation within the area. The Development Management Manager wished it be recorded that the Welsh version of the report notes that the application was refused contrary to the Officer’s recommendation rather than the application was approved contrary to the Officer’s recommendation.
Councillor Margaret M Roberts, a Local Member said that she was reiterating her comments as at the previous meeting of this Committee that the application is for the conversion of an outbuilding at the rear of the property for a one bedroomed holiday unit. The location of the outbuilding is within the applicant’s curtilage and there is adequate parking to accommodate such a development. She asked the Committee to reaffirm its decision to approve the application.
The Planning Development Manager reported that the site is sustainable within the village and the Local Planning Authority have raised no concerns in relation to the sustainability of the site and concur that the site is in a suitable location, this however, is only one consideration against which the development must be considered. No other planning factors against the proposal – such as traffic concerns. Development proposals must be acceptable having regard to all relevant development plan policies and material planning considerations. A development which is contrary to a specific policy or policy criterion will not necessarily be acceptable simply because it may conform with other relevant policies. The socio-economic and cultural impacts of second homes and short term holiday lets on communities is highly controversial and sensitive at present, which has further intensified since the beginning of the Pandemic; Welsh Government are currently consulting on proposals to introduce new planning legislation and policy to tackle the negative impacts of second home ownership and short-term holiday lets. At the last meeting Members referred that the current provision of 18.47% is only slightly higher than the threshold of 15% contained in the SPG and that this is only a small development of one, one bedroom holiday unit which would constitute only a small increase in overall provision which would not have a significant impact or ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Economic Applications None to be considered by this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee. |
Affordable Housing Applications None to be considered by this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.
Departure Applications PDF 328 KB 10.1 – FPL/2021/335 – Cwm Deri, Dulas https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H00000Qc2KkUAJ/fpl2021335?language=en_GB Additional documents: Minutes: 10.1 FPL/2021/335 – Full application for amendments to the previously approved scheme to include alterations and extensions to Cwm Deri, Dulas
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the proposal is contrary to policies within the Joint Local Development Plan but is one which the Local Planning Authority is minded to approve.
The Planning Development Manager reported that the principle of developing the site has already been established under planning application 44C34A where permission was granted for conversion of outbuildings into four dwelling in 1993. Planning permission has been safeguarded as some of the units on site have been completed. The proposal is to add an extension to the front elevation to an outbuilding and to alter the windows on the side elevation. The existing outbuilding measures 65 square metres, the extension only equates to 19.24 square metres which is, approximately, a 29% increase. Even though the SPG for Conversion of Rural Buildings in the Countryside states that no more than 10% of the outbuilding should be rebuilt, when considering the conversion scheme as a whole for the 4 outbuildings, it is considered that the 29% increase is acceptable. A structural survey has been submitted with the planning application which states that the existing walls of the existing building is suitable of supporting the pitched roof structure. The amendments to the window material is considered acceptable as the material is high quality and conservation-type windows in anthracite that mimics traditional wooden windows. He further said that the public consultation period does not come to an end until 2 February, 2022 and requested that the Officers be afforded power to act following the public consultation period if no new representations have been received.
Councillor K P Hughes proposed that the application be approved and Councillor Robin Williams seconded the proposal.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application and to grant the Officer’s power to act following the statutory public consultation period coming to an end.
Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers PDF 720 KB
11.1 – MAH/2022/1 – 37 Penlon, Menai Bridge https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H00000QcyTuUAJ/mah20221?language=en_GB Additional documents: Minutes: 11.1 MAH/2022/1 – Minor amendments to scheme previously approved under planning permission HHP/2021/315 (Alterations and Extensions) so as to amend design of proposal at 37 Penlon, Menai Bridge
(Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest with regard to the application, Councillor Robin Williams withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and determination thereof).
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the applicant is a ‘relevant officer’ as defined within paragraph 4.6.10 of the Constitution. The application has been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.
The Planning Development Manager reported that the application is for minor amendments to the previously approved scheme under planning permission HHP/2021/315. The amendments that are proposed are to change the glazing appearance of the two French doors on the South elevation; remove existing kitchen door and block up instead of replacing with full height glazing and making the existing window smaller, now in the lounge, reduce the size of the proposed lantern and change the proposed bio-fold doors to sliding doors. The amendments are considered to be non-material amendments and the scale of the proposed change would not cause an impact different to that caused by the original approval. The proposal would not result in a detrimental impact visually or in terms of local amenity, no third party would be disadvantaged and the proposal would not conflict with national and development plan policies. The application is deemed to be non-material and therefore approved under Section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. The recommendation is of approval of the application, and to authorise the Head of Service to add to, remove or amend/vary any condition(s) before the issuing of the planning permission.
Councillor John Griffith proposed that the application be approved and Councillor K P Hughes seconded the proposal of approval.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.
Remainder of Applications PDF 2 MB 12.1 – FPL/2021/158 - Land adjacent Lon Y Bryn, Trearddur Bay. https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H00000OKwL1UAL/fpl2021158?language=en_GB
12.2 – FPL/2021/310 - Haulfryn, Capel Mawr, Llangristiolus https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H00000QbS2rUAF/fpl2021310?language=en_GB
12.3 - FPL/2021/289 - Holyhead Secondary School, South Stack Road, Holyhead https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H00000Qb9GHUAZ/fpl2021289?language=en_GB Additional documents: Minutes: 12.1 FPL/2021/158 – Full application for the erection of a dwelling together with the construction of a vehicular access on land adjacent to Lon y Bryn, Trearddur Bay
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.
The Planning Development Manger reported that Trearddur Bay is allocated as a rural/coastal village under policy TAI 5 of the Joint Local Development Plan, which supports the erection of affordable and local market housing subject to the size of the units comply with the defined maximum for the particular type of unit proposed and there are adequate arrangements available to restrict the occupancy of any local market house. The maximum size specified under the policy for a 3 bedroom, 2 story property is 100m2 floor space; the proposal has a floor area of 100m2 and its occupancy will be restricted to the use of a S106 legal agreement. It is intended that the dwelling will be occupied by the applicant and information is currently being assessed in relation to the applicant’s eligibility for local market housing. There is evidence that the applicant has lived in the local area since 2014, however if the applicant is not eligible to reside at the property, it will be made available to other in local need. This will be secured by the S106 legal agreement.
The Planning Development Manager further referred to the indicative housing supply for Trearddur Bay as was outlined in the Planning Officer’s report. He further said that a statement has been provided by a local estate agent in support of the application which ensures there is an existing local need for the property and thus complying with the policy and that the development is not speculative in nature. The proposed dwelling is a two storey property which includes 3 bedrooms and living accommodation on the first floor. One of the key issues raised as part of the publicity was the design of the property and impact on neighbouring property’s amenity. The dwelling, which is restricted in its size due to the local market use, has been located to the north west of the plot in order to provide the necessary distances as set out in the local authority supplementary planning guidance design guide between the neighbouring property boundaries and windows. As such, it cannot be considered that the proposal results in impacts upon neighbouring amenity to such an extent that warrants refusal. Several objections also raised concerns that the scheme would be an overdevelopment of the site and would be a cramped/shoehorn form of development. The garden area of the dwelling is 92m2 as indicated on the proposed site layout plan. Under the SPG – Design Guide, guidance is provided in relation to recommend amenity space for properties with 30m2 of reasonably shaped space being the recommendation along with additional space for washing lines and sheds etc. At 92m2, the proposal provides ample amenity space above and beyond what is required by the local authority ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
13.1 - SCR/2021/72 - Red Wharf Bay, Pentraeth https://ioacc.force.com/s/papplication/a1G4H00000O3pgeUAB/scr202172?language=en_GB Additional documents: Minutes: 13.1 SCR/2021/72 – Screening opinion for coastal flood defence works at Red Wharf Bay, Pentraeth
The Development Management Manager reported that the application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee for information only. Further to an application submitted on behalf of Isle of Anglesey County Council for a Screening Opinion as to whether an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) was required in relation to proposals for coastal flood defence works at Red Wharf Bay, it has been determined that an EIA is not required. The Screening Opinion was issued on the 22 January, 2022.
It was RESOLVED to accept the report for information only. |