Agenda, decisions and minutes

Planning and Orders Committee, Council Offices, Llangefni and virtually via Zoom, Planning and Orders Committee - Wednesday, 5th June, 2024 1.00 pm

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Hybrid Meeting - Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni & virtually through ZOOM

Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes 


No. Item



Additional documents:


As noted above.


Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest by any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

Additional documents:


Councillor John I Jones declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest in respect of application 7.2 and of which he had received advice.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 122 KB

To submit, for confirmation, the minutes of the following Planning and Orders Committee meetings:-


·       9 May, 2024;

·       21 May, 2024 (Election of Chair/Vice-Chair)

Additional documents:


The minutes of the following meetings of the Planning and Orders Committee were confirmed as correct:-


·       Minutes of the meeting held on 9 May, 2024;

·       Minutes of the meeting held on 21 May, 2024 (Election of Chair/Vice-Chair)


Site Visits pdf icon PDF 49 KB

To present the minutes of the Site Visits held on 22 May, 2024.  

Additional documents:


The minutes of the Site Visits held on 22 May, 2024 were confirmed as correct.


Public Speaking

Additional documents:


There were Public Speakers in respect of applications 7.3 and 12.1.


Applications that will be Deferred

None to be considered by this meeting.

Additional documents:


None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.


Applications Arising pdf icon PDF 2 MB

7.1 – FPL/2023/328 – Capel Jerusalem, Llangoed



7.2 – FPL/2023/61 – Taldrwst, Lon Fain, Dwyran




7.3 – FPL/2023/118 – Wern Farm, Pentraeth Road, Menai Bridge



Additional documents:


7.1  FPL/2023/328 – Full application for the conversion of the chapel into 3 holiday units together with alterations and extensions at Capel Jerusalem, Llangoed


      The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of Local Members due to concerns regarding parking and traffic issues and over concentration of holiday accommodation in the area.


The Planning Enforcement Manager reported that the application site is located within the defined development boundary of Llangoed and the last use of the building was as a chapel which falls within use Class D1.  Numerous objections have been received as regards to the application with 1 letter in support.  A similar scheme for 4 holiday units was refused in 2022.  The scheme has since been reduced in number from 4 to 3 holiday units and has provided Highway Technical Notes to confirm that adequate parking is available in the vicinity of the site to cater for this development.  In addition, the application was accompanied by a detailed business plan which demonstrate the viability of the proposal.  It is acknowledged that the proposal exceeds the 15% threshold for holiday homes at 15.36%. However, this is a marginal increase which assists to bring an otherwise vacant building in the centre of the village back into functional use.  It is also necessary to consider the existing lawful use of the building which is a D1 use.  The building could be used as a community hall or a creche which could potentially have a greater impact on traffic and parking as opposed to the use of the building as 3 holiday units and the robust conditions which would be attached to any approval granted.  In terms of the highway concerns the Highway Authority has considered the proposal and the supporting Technical Highway Notes submitted as part of the latest proposal and on the basis that the proposal has been reduced from 4 to 3 units are now satisfied that parking associated with the proposal can be accommodated in the area identified as Zone A.  If as a result of this development being approved a problem should occur, then the Highway Authority would review the situation and consider a Traffic Regulation Order to manage the parking outside the shop. From a residential amenity perspective, the proposal has been amended during the course of the application to ensure that the development would not overlook the immediate neighbouring property to the south.  All windows on the south and rear elevation will be obscure glazed. In addition, the proposal is also considered acceptable and complies with the requirements of Policy AMG 5, the Environment Wales Act and the latest changes to Chapter 6 of Planning Policy Wales in terms of maintaining and enhancing biodiversity.


The Legal Services Manager read out a statement by Councillor Alun Roberts, a Local Member who was unable to attend the meeting.

The statement referred that the application has raised local and Community Council objections. There is lack of parking provision and the applicant has tried  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Economic Applications

None to be considered by this meeting.

Additional documents:


None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.


Affordable Housing Applications

None to be considered by this meeting.

Additional documents:


None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.



Departure Applications

None to be considered by this meeting.

Additional documents:


None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.



Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers

None to be considered by this meeting.

Additional documents:


None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.



Remainder of Applications pdf icon PDF 5 MB

12.1 - FPL/2023/339 – Lane Ends, Llaneilian



12.2 – FPL/2024/43 –Rhyd Cemetery, Cemaes




12.3 – VAR/2024/26 - English Presbyterian Church, Telford Road, Menai Bridge.



12.4 – FPL/2023/181 - Shirehall, Glanhwfa Road, Llangefni.



12.5 – FPL/2024/64 - Tyddyn Dylifws, Tyn y Gongl



12.6 – HHP/2024/56 - 2 Saith Lathen, Ty Croes




12.7 – FPL/2024/40 - Anglesey Golf Club, Station Road, Rhosneigr.



12.8 – FPL/2024/60 - Trearddur Bay Football Ground



Additional documents:


12.1  FPL/2023/339 – Full application to change the design of the building together with a retrospective application for the installation of a package treatment plant at the boat store adjacent to Lane Ends, Llaneilian


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of two Local Members due to concerns of over development and local concerns.


Public Speakers


Mr Dafydd Griffiths, representing the Llaneilian Community Council, objecting to the application, said that the Community Council did not object to the original Boathouse Planning Application linked to the domestic property Lane Ends. It was to be a high-quality boatshed building to include a double height boat storage area and a workshop with a general storage area above. When a building was constructed that did not have the functional attributes that would be expected of a ‘boatshed’ and of very different visual appearance to the plans granted permission, the Community Council objected to both applications that were lodged to retain the changes. The Community Council also made representations during the Planning and Environmental Decisions Wales (PEDW) appeal process. The applicant’s appeal to retain the changes to the original planning application was rejected.

On receipt of the current planning application to change the design the Community Council prepared two detailed response documents. The second document updated the first as more details became available. The document included comments, objections to some specific aspects, areas where changes were acceptable, two condition suggestions and requests for clarifications and assurances. The Community Council made a request to the Planning Department that a copy of the response to the Planning Application be shared in full, rather than in summary, with members of the Planning Committee. The Community Council understands that this is not the normal procedure, and members of the Planning and Orders Committee are only able to see the summary within the Agenda Reports Pack. As a statutory consultee the Community Council are disappointed that the Planning Committee have not had sight of the full version of the document. The Community Council continue to be concerned about two aspects of the proposed design changes - the boat storage area and the access ramp to the building. Whilst in general the summary of the Community Council’s document notes the issues and comments raised the section on the boat storage area does not capture an important aspect of the Community Council’s response.

The Community Council formal response to the Planning Application noted the following:- “Visually having the main door to the boat store space more imposing due to both its height and width was an important feature of the original planning application. In the Community Council’s view any reduction in the height of the main boathouse aperture is unacceptable both visually and functionally as is the removal of the void for the reasons outlined by the planning inspector at appeal.”


The summary does not record that the Community Council quoted the relevant parts of the PEDW appeal decision document to support the Community Council’s  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Other Matters

None to be considered by this meeting.

Additional documents:


None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.