A number of council meetings are live-streamed.
All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.
Venue: Hybrid Meeting - Council Chamber - Council Offices/Virtually via ZOOM
Contact: Ann Holmes
No. | Item |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: The apologies for absence by Councillors Trefor Lloyd Hughes, MBE and Alwen Watkin were presented and were noted.
Declaration of Interest To receive any declaration of interest by any Member of Officer in respect of any item of business. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Jackie Lewis declared a personal and prejudicial interest with regard to application 7.3 on the agenda on the basis of a personal association with the group opposing the proposal.
Councillor Glyn Haynes declared a personal and prejudicial interest with regard to application 12.3 on the agenda as a Governor of Ysgol Llanfawr and because his daughter is employed as a teacher at the school. Should application 12.3 be approved, the developer would be required to make a financial contribution of £110,313 towards facilities at Ysgol Llanfawr.
Councillor Robin Williams also declared a prejudicial interest with regard to application 12.3 on the agenda on the basis that the matter of the development had previously been considered by the Executive of which he is a member.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting PDF 456 KB To present the minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 5 October, 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 5 October, 2022 were presented and were confirmed as correct.
To present the minutes of the virtual planning site visits held on 19 October, 2022. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the virtual site visits held 19 October, 2022 were presented and were confirmed as correct.
Public Speaking Additional documents: Minutes: There were Public Speakers in respect of applications 7.1 and 7.3
Applications that will be Deferred None to be considered by this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.
7.1 HHP/2022/46 - Tan Yr Allt Bach, Llanddona
7.2 VAR/2022/48 - Madryn House, Pen Dref Street, Newborough
7.3 HHP/2022/171 - Awel Y Bryn, Trigfa, Moelfre
7.4 FPL/2022/66 – Porth Wen, Llanbadrig
Additional documents: Minutes: 7.1 HHP/2022/46 – Full application for demolition, alterations, and extensions at Tan yr Allt Bach, Llanddona
The application was reported to the Planning and Orders at the request of the three Local Members. At its meeting held on 5 October, 2022 the Committee resolved to visit the site; a virtual site visit subsequently took place on 19 October, 2022.
The Legal Services Manager read out a statement by Mr Richard Sandbach of JAR Architecture in support of the application which highlighted how the clients had engaged with the planning process through taking on board the issues raised by the consultation response and making adjustments to the proposal accordingly; the modest nature of the proposal as regards scale, form and materiality in order to minimise any detrimental visual impact on the local context, and the purpose of the renovations and improvements which were to meet family needs and to make the existing building safe, liveable an sustainable beyond its current capabilities.
The Planning Development Manager outlined the main planning considerations as detailed in the Case Officer’s report in relation to the proposal’s siting and design and its impact as regards Dark Skies and Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty designations. He advised that based on the Officer’s view that the proposal is acceptable in land use planning terms, that it is subservient to the existing property in respect of scale and size and does not dominate the original elevation and is considered appropriate to the dwelling and its surrounding area, the recommendation is to approve the application.
Councillors Alun Roberts and Carwyn Jones spoke as Local Members to convey the many concerns of the locality and the Community Council about the siting, scale and design of the proposal which they felt would have a detrimental effect on the character of the village and a negative visual impact on the landscape and surrounding area particularly the AONB as well as potentially generating light pollution. There were also concerns about highway and construction issues the application site being located at the top of a hill adjacent to the narrow and steep road down to Llanddona beach. Councillor Carwyn Jones thought that these aspects had not been sufficiently captured by the virtual site visit that was conducted. Issues around potential usage as a holiday home/let; the creation of two dwellings with a glass link and the lack of sustainable housing for local people were also raised.
The Planning Development Manager responded to the points made by the Local Members and confirmed the following – that planning consent would be conditional upon the submission of a traffic management plan; that the application is for the demolition of the existing uPVC extension and the erection of a glass linked single storey extension not two dwellings; that a Dark Skies Strategy has been presented to address and mitigate light effects and that a proposed Landscape Strategy has also been submitted in response to comments and advice given by the Landscape Officer.
Councillor Ken Taylor, although sympathetic to the ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Economic Applications None to be considered by this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.
Affordable Housing Applications None to be considered by this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.
Departure Applications None to be considered by this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.
Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers None to be considered by this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.
Remainder of Applications PDF 4 MB 12.1 DIS/2022/68 – Plot 9 (eastern half) Parc Cybi, Holyhead
12.2 FPL/2022/189 – Bilash, Dew Street, Menai Bridge
12.3 FPL/2022/53 – Cae Braenar, Penrhos, Holyhead
12.4 HHP/2022/230 – Dinas Bach, 5 Y Fron, Aberffraw
12.5 VAR/2022/41 - 1 Blue Water Close, Treaddur Bay.
12.6 DIS/2022/63 - Former Roadking Truckstop, Parc Cybi, Holyhead
12.7 FPL/2022/225 – Cae Mawr, Trefor
12.8 FPL/2022/172 – Eirianallt Goch, Carmel
Additional documents: Minutes: 12.1 DIS/2022/68 – Application to discharge condition (07) (signage scheme) of planning permission FPL/2022/65 (for the retention of HGV parking area and associated works for a temporary period of 12 months) at Plot 9 (eastern half), Parc Cybi, Holyhead
The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is to discharge a condition imposed by the Committee under planning application reference FPL/2022/65 for the retention of HGV parking area and associated works for a temporary period of 12 months at Plot 9 (eastern half), Parc Cybi, Holyhead at its meeting held on 15 June, 2022.
The Planning Development Manager reported that condition (07) required the applicant provide details of all internal and external signage for the site the purpose being to safeguard and maintain the Welsh language and culture. Details have been received from the applicant confirming that the signage scheme will be bilingual. The Highways Authority is satisfied with the information provided which is considered sufficient to fully discharge the condition.
Councillor Robin Williams proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation; the Committee supported the proposal.
It was resolved to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation and report.
12.2 FPL/2022/189 – Retrospective application to retain use of a flat at Bilash, Dew Street, Menai Bridge
The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee having been called in by a Local Member.
Councillor Robin Williams, speaking as a Local Member proposed that a site visit be carried out due to local concerns regarding the appearance of the proposal in what is a conservation area. Councillor Geraint Bebb seconded the proposal.
It was resolved that a site visit be undertaken in accordance with the Local Member’s request for the reason given.
12.3 FPL/2022/53 – Full application for the erection of 22 open market dwellings and one affordable dwelling, alterations to the existing access, creation of an internal access road together with associated works on land adjacent to Cae Braenar, Holyhead
The application was reported to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of a Local Member.
Having declared a prejudicial interest in the application, Councillors Glyn Haynes and Robin Williams withdrew from the meeting during the discussion and voting thereon.
Councillor Jeff Evans raised issues with regard to the application on the basis of the matter of the development having been previously considered by the Executive and the implications thereof as well as the substance of the information presented to the Executive in comparison with the application submitted to this Committee, specifically the reduction in the number of affordable homes and whether the Executive would have come to the decision of approving the development (the wording of which was queried given that within the democratic process, it is the Planning and Orders Committee that has jurisdiction over planning applications) had it been presented with the application in its present form.
The Legal Services Manager advised that as long as the Planning Officers are ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Other Matters None to be considered by this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.