A number of council meetings are live-streamed.
All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.
Venue: Hybrid Meeting - Council Chamber - Council Offices/Virtually via ZOOM
Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes 01248 752518
No. | Item |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: As noted above. |
Declaration of Interest To receive any declarations of interest by any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business. Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Glyn Haynes declared a personal and prejudicial interest in application 12.8.
Councillor John I Jones declared a personal and prejudicial interest in application 7.1.
Councillor Ken Taylor declared a personal interest in application 12.8. |
To submit, for confirmation, the minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 1 February, 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 1 February, 2023 were confirmed as correct. |
To present the minutes of the Site Visit held on 15 February, 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the Site Visit held on 15 February, 2023 were confirmed as correct.
Councillor Robin Williams said that he had requested that a video of the physical site visit to Lon Penmynydd, Llangefni be available following the site visit. The Chair responded that the video of the site visit had been placed on TEAMS for Members of the Committee to view. Councillor Williams said that he was unable to find the recording and suggested that future recording should be better signposted on the TEAMS facility to the Members of the Committee.
Public Speaking Additional documents: Minutes: There were Public Speakers in respect of applications 7.2 and 12.8. |
Applications that will be Deferred PDF 330 KB 6.1 - S106/2020/3 - Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead
6.2 - COMP/2021/1 - Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead
6.3 – 46C427L/COMP - Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead
Additional documents: Minutes: 6.1 S106/2020/3 – Submission of ‘Penrhos Coastal Park Welsh Language Scheme’ under Section 1 (Welsh Language Scheme) of schedule 12 of the Section 106 Agreement completed in connection with planning permission 46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON and the submission of a Deed of Variation to vary the following provisions of this legal agreement: paragraphs 2.1.1 Schedule B (Cae Glas Nature Reserve and Visitor Centre Specification), Appendix 2 Bond Table Penrhos Visitor Centre (including the Penrhos Visitor Centre Toilets) and their maintenance, paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2 of Schedule 12 (Welsh Language Scheme) and the substitution of Plan 2 Penrhos Land Drawing – Plan 2 drawing reference PL1114.VW008/Rev 03 dated 03/03/2016 at Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead
The Development Management Manager reported that following the receipt of correspondence from Richard Buxton Solicitors on behalf of their clients, who were challenging the validity of the Land and Lakes planning permission as noted within the report. At the meeting held on 1st February, 2023 the application was deferred to allow the Council sufficient time to consider the contents of the correspondence received and respond accordingly. Given the complexity of the matters raised, the Planning Officers are still considering the application and it was recommended that the application be deferred.
It was RESOLVED to defer consideration of the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation for the reasons given.
6.2 COMP/2021/1 – Submission of information necessary to discharge sections: Schedule 8, Section 1, Clause 1.1; Car Parking and Public Access Strategy – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Clause 12.1: Ancient Woodland Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 15, Clause 15.1: Green Linkages Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 17, Clause 17.1: SSSI Management Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 19, Clause 19.1: Ecological Survey and Monitoring Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 9, Section 19, Clause 19.4: Ecological Compliance Audit – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 20, Clause 20.1 – Existing Tree Management Scheme – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 21, Clause 21.1 – Warden Service Appointment/Warden Service Annual Reporting – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 8, Section 21, Clause 21.3 – Warden Service, AONB Impact and use of Green Linkages monitoring assessment – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 9, Section 3, Clause 3.1: Penrhos Leisure Village Phasing Plan – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase. Schedule 11, Section 1, Clause 1.1; Local Labour Plan – Penrhos Coastal Park Phase of the S106 agreement obligations attached to planning permission 46C427K/TR/EIA/ECON at Land and Lakes, Penrhos Coastal Park, Holyhead
The Development Management Manager reported that following the receipt of correspondence from Richard Buxton Solicitors on behalf of their clients, who were challenging the validity of the Land and Lakes planning permission as noted within the report. At the meeting held on 1st February, 2023 the application was deferred to allow the Council sufficient time to consider the contents of the correspondence received and respond accordingly. Given the complexity of the matters ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
7.1 – FPL/2022/60 – Former Newborough School, Pen Dref Street, Newbrough
7.2 – FPL/2022/173 - Lon Penmynydd, Llangefni
Additional documents: Minutes: 7.1 FPL/2022/60 – Full application for the erection of 14 dwellings together with the creation of an internal access road and associated works on the former site of Newborough School, Pen Dref Street, Newborough
Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the application, Councillor John I Jones left the meeting during discussion and voting thereon.
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is on Council owned land. At the last meeting of this Committee held on 1st February, 2023 the application was deferred to allow for further statutory consultation on the information received as regards to pedestrian safety and highways information submitted by the applicant.
The Development Management Manager reported that the proposal is a full application for the erection of 14 dwellings together with the creation of an internal access road and associated works on the former Newborough Primary School site at Pendref Street. The land is located within the development boundary of Newborough as identified within the Joint Local Development Plan. The proposal entails a semi-detached, terrace of 4 properties and flats with all units provided with designated parking and private amenity spaces. No public open space will be provided within the site, however, there will be a need to provide a financial contribution towards informal and equipped play space which will be secured through a planning condition. He further said that the site lies within the Newborough development boundary as identified in the Joint Local Development Plan and represents the site of the old primary school and therefore the proposal can be considered under planning policy TAI 3. Criterion (3) with Policy PCYFF 2 seeks to ensure that proposals make the most efficient use of land, including achieving densities of a minimum of 30 housing units per hectare for residential development. The density of this proposal is approximately 35 units per hectare which complies with the requirements of the Policy. As the application is presented by the County Council’s Housing Department, the development will therefore be for 100% affordable housing which will comply with the requirement of planning policy TAI 15. The indicative supply level for Newborough over the Plan period is 40 units (2011 – 2021), a total of 21 units have been completed. This means that at present there is insufficient capacity within the indicative supply for the settlement of Newborough for this development and the applicant must justify that there is a need for this development. Further information was submitted by the applicant to prove the need for this development in the area. A Housing Need Survey was undertaken and the proposed mix does address the identified need as identified in the Housing Need Survey. Since this proposal would result in an unexpected windfall site for a large scale housing development in line with Criterion (2) of planning policy PS1, a Welsh language impact assessment needed to be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. It is considered that the impact upon the Welsh language will be ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Economic Applications None to be considered by this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee. |
Affordable Housing Applications None to be considered by this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: None considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee. |
Departure Applications None to be considered by this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee. |
Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers PDF 716 KB Additional documents: Minutes: 11.1 FPL/2022/128 - Full application for an extension to the existing building together with the demolition of the existing workshop together with the erection of a replacement workshop at Site 5, Amlwch Industrial Estate, Amlwch
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the applicant is a relevant officer as defined within paragraph 4.6.10 of the Constitution. The application has been scrutinised by the Monitoring Officer as required under paragraph of the Constitution.
The Development Management Manager reported that the proposed development is located on the Llwyn Onn Industrial Estate, Amlwch which has been designated as a secondary employment site under Policy CYF 1 of the Joint Local Development Plan for B1, B2 and B8 uses and consequently the principle of the proposal is acceptable.
Councillor Geraint Bebb proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Jeff Evans seconded the proposal of approval.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.
Remainder of Applications PDF 6 MB
12.1 – MAO/2022/27 - Former Roadking Truckstop, Parc Cybi, Holyhead.
12.2 – Amlwch Watchtower, Amlwch
12.3 – ADV/2023/2 - Upper Car Park, Upper Quay Street, Amlwch Port
12.4 – ADV/2023/3 - Main Square Car Park, Amlwch
12.5 – ADV/2023/4 – Parys Mountain, Amlwch
12.6 – HHP/2022/342 - Islwyn, Holyhead Road, Llanfairpwll
12.7 – HHP/2022/244 – Lancefield, Ffordd Cynlas, Benllech
12.8 – FPL/2021/231 - Land North of Y Garnedd, Llanfairpwll
12.9 – TPO/2022/24 - Parc Twr, Llanfairpwll
Additional documents: Minutes: 12.1 MAO/2022/27 - Minor amendments to scheme previously approved under planning permission FPL/2021/337 so as to amend the approved plans at the Former Roadking Truckstop, Parc Cybi, Holyhead
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is for minor amendments to the scheme, as noted within the Officer’s reports, which was approved by the Committee in determining planning application FPL/2021/337 at its meeting held on 2 March, 2022.
The Development Management Manager reported that in considering the scale of the approved development together with the minor nature of the proposed changed, it is considered acceptable to deal with the changes via a non-material amendment application.
Councillor Ken Taylor proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Jeff Evans seconded the proposal of approval.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.
12.2 ADV/2023/1 – Application for the replacement of interpretation sign at Amlwch Watchtower, Amlwch
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is being made by the County Council.
The Development Management Manager reported that the proposal is a small scale development to provide a heritage interpretation board adjacent to the Watchtower in Amlwch. It is of an appropriate design and scale to ensure integration into the site and no impact upon neighbouring properties, roads or the Conservation Area and complies with relevant planning policies.
Councillor Ken Taylor proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Jeff Evans seconded the proposal of approval.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.
12.3 ADV/2023/2 – Application for the erection of an interpretation sign at Upper Car Park, Upper Quay Street, Amlwch Port
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is being made by the County Council.
The Development Management Manager reported that the proposal is a small scale development to provide a heritage interpretation board in the public ar park located on Upper Quay Street, Amlwch. It is of an appropriate design and scale to ensure integration into the site and no impact upon neighbouring properties, roads and footpaths, or the surrounding area and complies with relevant planning policies.
Councillor Jeff Evans proposed that the application be approved. Councillor Dafydd Roberts seconded the proposal of approval.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.
12.4 ADV/2023/3 – Application for the replacement of interpretation sign at Main Square Car Park, Amlwch
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is being made by the County Council.
The Development Management Manager reported that the proposal is a small scale development to provide a heritage interpretation board in the Main Square Car Park located on Upper Quay Street, Amlwch. It is of an appropriate design and scale to ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
13.1 – DEM/2023/2 – Pencraig, Llangefni
13.2 – DEM/2023/3 – Pencraig, Llangefni
13.3 – DEM/2023/4 - Maes Hyfryd, Llangefni.
13.4 – DEM/2023/5 - Bro Tudur, Llangefni
Additional documents: Minutes: 13.1 DEM/2023/2 - Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of garages at Pencraig, Llangefni
The Development Management Manager reported that the application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee for information only. The proposal entails to demolish a singular disused and dilapidated domestic type garages at Pencraig, Llangefni and considered to be permitted development under Part 31 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995. As part of the application to demolish the garages, an application needs to be submitted and the Local Authority must respond within 28 days to the application which has subsequently expired.
To note the information presented to the Planning and Orders Committee.
13.2 DEM/2023/3 - Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of garages at Pencraig, Llangefni
The Development Management Manager reported that the application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee for information only. The proposal entails to demolish a block of 8 disused and dilapidated domestic type garages at Pencraig, Llangefni and considered to be permitted development under Part 31 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995. As part of the application to demolish the garages, an application needs to be submitted and the Local Authority must respond within 28 days to the application which has subsequently expired.
To note the information presented to the Planning and Orders Committee.
13.3 DEM/2023/4 - Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of garages at Maes Hyfryd, Llangefni
The Development Management Manager reported that the application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee for information only. The proposal entails to demolish a block of 10 disused and dilapidated domestic type garages at Maes Hyfryd, Llangefni and considered to be permitted development under Part 31 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995. As part of the application to demolish the garages, an application needs to be submitted and the Local Authority must respond within 28 days to the application which has subsequently expired.
To note the information presented to the Planning and Orders Committee.
13.4 DEM/2023/5 - Application to determine whether prior approval is required for the demolition of 28 garages at Bro Tudur, Llangefni
The Development Management Manager reported that the application is presented to the Planning and Orders Committee for information only. The proposal entails to demolish a block of 28 disused and dilapidated domestic type garages at Bro Tudur, Llangefni and considered to be permitted development under Part 31 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995. As part of the application to demolish the garages, an application needs to be submitted and the Local Authority must respond within 28 days to the application which has subsequently expired.
To note the information presented to the Planning and Orders Committee.