A number of council meetings are live-streamed.
All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.
Venue: Council Chamber - Council Offices, Llangefni & virtually via ZOOM
Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes
No. | Item | |
Apologies Additional documents: Minutes: As noted above. |
Declaration of Interest To receive any declaration of interest by any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business. Additional documents: Minutes: None received. |
To submit, for confirmation, the minutes of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 7 June, 2023. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 7 June, 2023 were confirmed as correct, subject to an amendment in the Welsh version of the minutes at 12.1 that Councillor Geraint Bebb proposed approval of the recommendation and Councillor Liz Wood seconded the proposal. |
Site Visits None convened. Additional documents: Minutes: None convened. |
Public Speaking Additional documents: Minutes: There were Public Speakers in respect of application 7.1. |
Applications that will be deferred None to be considered by this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee. |
Additional documents: Minutes: 7.1 HHP/2023/51 – Full application for demolition of the existing garage together with the erection of a two storey annex at Lancefield, Ffordd Cynlas, Benllech
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of the Local Member on the grounds of over-development of the site and adverse impact on the neighbouring amenities. At its meeting held on 3 May, 2023 it was resolved that a physical site visit be conducted and subsequently the site visit took place on 17 May, 2023. Additional plans and amendments to the proposed plans relating to the application were received on 15 May, 2023 and were distributed to Local Members and to the Committee’s members during the site visit. Re-consultation was conducted on 17 May, 2023 and it was recommended at the Planning and Orders Committee held on 7 June, 2023 that the application be deferred during the consultation period and a full report be presented to the Committee’s July, 2023 meeting.
Public Speakers
Mrs Andrea Thorburn, objecting to the application, said that she was objecting to the application to build an annex at Lancefield, Ffordd Cynlas, Benllech. She said that the architects by their own admission has stated that the first-floor southeast elevation window invades the privacy in her bedroom. The architect has proposed that a 2.2m fence will negate the overlooking and the planning office has agreed with this findings but drawing D918.09 version C streetscape shows that this information is incorrect and completely misleading. In addition, the drawing shows that the bedroom window is in an incorrect position, lower than it is should be which gives inaccurate information. Drawing D918.10 also demonstrates that the fence that is been built to height of 2.2M which should negate the overlooking and is higher than the permission applied for. She further said that she has built a 2.2m fence to ascertain whether the fence is fit for purpose, this confirmed that the fence will not negate the overlooking. The existing single story garage which is 3M high was clearly still visible over the fence line. She asked the planning committee to consider whether her privacy will be protected by the building of a fence and the planning application is correct; this is because on the 4 May, 2023 the planning office instructed the architect to resubmit their drawings as the information in relation to the fence was misleading. However, the day before on the 3 May, 2023 the planning office had published its findings stating it would permit the application and accepted incorrect information despite her constant objections. This application is still at the same position with incorrect information in relation to the boundary fence. She said that on the advice of her Solicitor, she had been instructed to inform the committee that if permission for the annex is passed and the fence does not negate the overlooking, Anglesey Council will be liable to pay compensation for trespass and nuisance. The planning office has also stated that Lancefield ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Economic Applications None to be considered by this meeting. Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee. |
Affordable Housing Applications None to be considered by this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.
Departure Applications Additional documents: Minutes: 10.1 VAR/2023/18 – Application under Section 73 for the variation of condition (01) of planning permission reference 43C54G/VAR (erection of a dwelling) so as to allow a further 5 years to commence development at Gwynfryn Lodge, Rhoscolyn
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as it is a departure from the Joint Local Development Plan which the Local Planning Authority is minded to approve.
The Planning Management Manager reported that planning permission was granted in 1992 for the erection of a single dwelling on the site. In 2012, a certificate of lawfulness was approved to secure the permission as substantial works had already started on the property. Subsequently permission was given for an amended design in 2013 and in 2018 permission was given to extend the approval for an additional 5 years. He noted that this application is made to further extend the lifetime of the permission and no significant amendments have occurred to the policy context surrounding design to such an extent where the department would reach a different conclusion and the recommendation was to approve the application.
Councillor Trefor Ll Hughes MBE proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation. Councillor John I Jones seconded the proposal of approval.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the condition contained within the written report. |
Development Proposals submitted by Councillors and Officers None to be considered by this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.
Remainder of Applications
Additional documents: Minutes: 12.1 VAR/2023/33 – Application under Section 73 for the variation of condition (18) (Landscaping) and (20) (Pedestrian Paths) of planning permission reference FPL/2021/361 (Full application for the erection of a new foundation phase and child care unit, external play areas, car park and associated works) so as to approve details in relation to condition (18) after the work has commenced on site and allow the re-wording of condition (20) to allow information to be submitted prior to the commencement of any path works on land adjacent to Ysgol y Graig, Llangefni
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is presented by the Local Authority.
The Planning Management Manager reported that the application is submitted under Section 73 for the variation of condition (18) (Landscaping) and (20) (Pedestrian Paths) of planning permission reference FPL/2021/361 which was approved in July last year. Condition (18) required the applicant to provide hard and soft landscaping including an indication of which existing trees were to be retained with Tree Protection Measures for their protection throughout the course of development prior to the commencement of work on the site. However, works has commenced on the site without formally discharging the condition. The application has provided full landscaping details as part of this application together with details of which trees are to be retained. The details also include Tree Root Protection Heras Fence to ensure that the trees are protected throughout the course of the development. The Planning Management Manager further reported that Condition (20) stated that full details of pedestrian link paths shall be submitted to and approved in writing prior to commencement of works on site, however, work has commenced on the site without formally discharging the condition. The applicant has requested that the wording of the condition is amended so that full details of pedestrian link paths are submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority prior to the works commencing on the paths. He further said that landscaping information submitted with the planning application satisfies the requirements of Condition (18) and it is also considered acceptable to amend the wording of Condition (20) to allow the applicant further time to submit details of the pedestrian link paths prior to commencement of the paths.
Councillor Geraint Bebb proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation. Councillor Robin Williams seconded the proposal of approval.
It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation subject to the conditions contained within the written report.
12.2 VAR/2023/8 – Application under Section 73 for the variation of condition (07) (Approved Plans) of planning permission reference FPL/2021/1 (change of use of existing listed building into 4 social housing flats together with alterations and extensions) so as to amend the design at Plas Alltran, 3 Turkey Shore Road, Holyhead
The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application has been presented by the Local Authority.
The Planning Development ... view the full minutes text for item 12. |
Other Matters None to be considered by this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.