Agenda, decisions and minutes

Planning and Orders Committee, Council Offices, Llangefni and virtually via Zoom, Planning and Orders Committee - Wednesday, 24th July, 2024 1.00 pm

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Hybrid Meeting - Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni & virtually through ZOOM

Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes 


No. Item



Additional documents:


As noted above.


Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest by any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.

Additional documents:


Councillor John Ifan Jones declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest in respect of application 7.5.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 249 KB

To submit, for confirmation, the minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee held on 5 June, 2024.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the previous meeting of the Planning and Order Committee held on 5 June, 2024 were confirmed as correct.


Site Visits pdf icon PDF 111 KB

To present the minutes of the Site Visits held on 19 June, 2024.

Additional documents:


The minutes of the Site Visits held on 19 June, 2024 were confirmed as correct, subject to an amendment that Councillor Robin Williams attended applications 1, 3 & 4.


Public Speaking

Additional documents:


There were Public Speakers in respect of applications 7.1, 7.4, 7.7 and 12.2.


Applications that will be Deferred pdf icon PDF 601 KB

6.1 FPL/2023/15 – Haulfryn, Scotland Terrace, Bodffordd



Additional documents:


 The Planning Development Manager reported that a Local Member has requested that a site visit be undertaken due to local concerns as regards to highways issues and residential amenities. 


Councillor Dylan Rees, a Local Member said that he supported that the site be visited but he understood that the site visit needed to be deferred as Officer’s report were awaited due to road safety.  He expressed that the Highways Authority report should be availabe before conducting a site visit. 


The Planning Development Manager reported that as the Local Member had indicated that he requested a site visit prior to this Committee.  The applicant is Grwp Cynefin and they have targets to secure funding for such an affordable dwellings development.  He considered that receiving the Highways Authority report prior to the site visit would not be possible, but he could outline the concerns of the Local Members and the residents during the site visit. 


Councillor Dylan Rees accepted the comments of the Officer but disagreed as the Highways Authority report is important to be afforded before the site visit is conducted to the site.


Councillor Robin Williams proposed that a site visit be undertaken for the reasons given.  Councillor Neville Evans seconded the proposal.


It was RESOLVED to defer the application to allow for a site visit to take place. 




Applications Arising pdf icon PDF 4 MB

7.1 FPL/2023/181 - Shirehall, Glanhwfa Road, Llangefni.



7.2 FPL/2023/118 – Wern Farm, Pentraeth Road, Menai Bridge



7.3 FPL/2023/328 – Capel Jerusalem, Llangoed



7.4 FPL/2024/64 - Tyddyn Dylifws, Tyn y Gongl



7.5 FPL/2023/61 – Taldrwst, Lon Fain, Dwyran



7.6 FPL/2023/339 – Lane Ends, Llaneilian



7.7 FPL/2024/40 - Anglesey Golf Club, Station Road, Rhosneigr.



7.8 HHP/2024/56 - 2 Saith Lathen, Ty Croes



Additional documents:


7.1  FPL/2023/181 – Full application for the erection of 6 residential units together with associated development at Shirehall, Glanhwfa Road, Llangefni


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of Local Members due to local concerns on over-development, the need for these units, lack of parking and access in and out of the site. At its meeting held on 5 June, 2024 the members resolved to conduct a site visit which subsequently took place on 19 June, 2024.


Public Speaker


Mr Owain Hughes, applicant’s Agent, in support of the application said that the Shire Hall is an important building in the centre of this town, a building that has been an important part of the entrance to the historic town.  This application gives the applicant an opportunity to add value to the land and to develop the old building. Work has been undertaken with the planning department, to come up with a modern building which is also in keeping with the historical building. Discussions have been undertaken with Natural Resources Wales and they have agreed that there are no flooding issues. The Highways Department has confirmed that they are satisfied with the parking provision on the site and Llangefni has other car parks.

The effect of the proposal, especially on the amenity of nearby land users has been considered in line with the criteria and the intention has been located about 53 meters away from the nearest residential house on Glanhwfa Road. Located between the proposed building and the nearest residential building is a large car park which is used by the staff of Anglesey County Council. Due to the distance and the intervening distance between the intention and nearest residential property, it is not considered that there is a negative effect on nearby residential amenities.  The intention conforms with all policies, the statutory consultants are satisfied with the development. The changes and mass of the building are now acceptable to the department and is not detrimental to the listed building.

The Planning Development Manager reported that Llangefni is identified as an Urban Service Centre under Policy TAI 1 within the Joint Local Development Plan (JLDP).  This policy supports housing to meet the Plan’s strategy through housing allocations and suitable unallocated sites within the development boundary based upon the indicative provision shown within the Policy.  The indicative supply level for Llangefni over the Plan period is 673 units.  During the period 2011 to 2022, a total of 197 units have been completed.  The windfall land bank i.e. sites with existing planning consent, and likely to be developed in April 2022 stood at 67 units; the allocated sites landbank stood at 235.  This proposal would mean that the indicative housing provision in Llangefni would not be exceeded.  Considering the above-mentioned figures under criterion (1b) of Policy PS1, there is no need for a Welsh language statement to support the application.  A housing statement has been received with the planning application and the Housing Department have confirmed  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Economic Applications

None to be considered by this meeting.

Additional documents:


None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.


Affordable Housing Applications

None to be considered by this meeting.


Additional documents:


None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.



Departure Applications

Additional documents:


None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.



Development Proposals Submitted by Councillors and Officers

None to be considered by this meeting.


Additional documents:


None were considered by this meeting of the Planning and Orders Committee.



Remainder of Applications pdf icon PDF 3 MB

12.1 FPL/2024/37 – Haulfryn, Capel Mawr, Llangristiolus



12.2 FPL/2023/353 - Cae Rhos, Porthdafarch Road, Holyhead,



12.3 FPL/2020/104 - Ty'n Llain Estate, Llanfairpwll



12.4 FPL/2023/364 - Ysgol Gynradd Morswyn, Cyttir Road, Holyhead.



12.5 VAR/2024/31 - Land near Bryn Glas Estate, Brynsiencyn.



12.6 FPL/2024/66 - Bryncelli Ddu, Llanddaniel



Additional documents:


12.1  FPL/2024/37 – Full application for an extension to the day centre to provide residential accommodation at Haulfryn, Capel Mawr, Llangristiolus


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee as the application is made on council owned land.


The Planning Development Manager reported that the site is located in the rural cluster of Capel Mawr as defined under the Joint Local Development Plan.  The existing site consists of a building which was previously a dwelling but has recently undergone works to change its use into a day care centre in line with planning permission FPL/2021/310.  The building is a single storey building and set within ample curtilage and includes 2 private accesses from the public highway for access and egress from the site.  The proposal is made for the erection of an extension to the rear of the building which will create space for 3 bedrooms which will be used as living accommodation for 1 member of staff and 2 service users.  It is considered that the proposal conforms with planning policy TAI 11, as the site is within a large plot of land and would not be detrimental to the neighbouring properties.  The Highways Authority has no objection to the application as the proposal will utilise the current access and egress as previously approved.


Councillor Geraint Bebb proposed that the application be approved in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation.  Councillor Robin Williams seconded the proposal of approval.


It was RESOLVED to approve the application in accordance with the Officer’s recommendation, subject to the planning conditions contained within the written report.


12.2  FPL/2023/353 – Full application for the erection of 54 new dwellings, construction of new vehicular access and road together with soft and hard landscaping on land adjacent to Cae Rhos, Porthdafarch Road, Holyhead


The application was presented to the Planning and Orders Committee at the request of two Local Members due to concerns regarding over-development of the area, highway safety and local concerns.


Public Speaker


The applicant’s Agent, in support of the application said that planning permission has already been granted to develop the site and this application by Clwyd Alyn is for the erection of 54 dwellings including 4 two-bedroom bungalows, 1 two bedroom and 1 three-bedroom wheelchair accessible bungalows, 10 two-bedroom dwellings, 12 three-bedroom dwellings, 6 four-bedroom dwellings and 20 one bedroom flats. The number of dwellings is higher than the previously approved scheme, but this is because this application is proposing smaller homes and flats to meet the local need for affordable homes. The site is within the development boundary of Holyhead and has been earmarked for a housing development in the Joint Local Development Plan. The JLDP estimates that the site is suitable for 53 units (one less that this proposal). Therefore, this application complies with the JLDP and makes better use of the site than the previously approved application.   It is important to note that even though the site has been designated as a residential site requiring only a small  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Other Matters pdf icon PDF 2 MB

13.1 MAO/2024/4 - CaeBraenar, Penrhos, Caergybi



13.2 RM/2024/1 – Land adjacent to, Tyn y Ffynnon, Llannerch-y-medd



13.3 MAO/2024/7 – Tre Angharad, Bodedern



Additional documents:


 13.1  MAO/2024/4 – Minor amendments to scheme previously approved under planning permission FPL/2022/53 so as to amend the finishing material at Cae Braenar, Penrhos, Holyhead


The Committee were informed that minor amendment application was approved on 14 June, 2024 in order to amend the finishing material.


13.2  RM/2024/1 – Application for reserved matters for the erection of 10 dwellings along with information to discharge condition (05) (Construction Traffic Management Plan), condition (06) (Access Arrangement) and condition (09) (Public Watermain) of planning permission OP/2021/10 at land adjacent to Tyn y Ffynnon, Llannerchymedd


The Committee were informed that a Reserved Matters application was approved on 7 June, 2024.


13.3  MAO/2024/7 – Minor amendments to scheme previously approved under planning permission FPL/2022/71 so as to amend the design at Tre Angharad, Bodedern


The Committee were informed that a minor amendment application was approved on 3 July, 2024 in order to amend the finishing material.