Agenda and minutes

Extraordinary, Isle of Anglesey County Council - Tuesday, 16th April, 2013 2.00 pm

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions

Contact: Mr John Gould 

No. Item


Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.


The Head of Function (Legal and Administration) and the Head of Service (Policy) declared an interest in Item 7 of these minutes and were not present at the meeting during any discussion or voting thereon.


To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader of the Council, Board of Commissioners or the Head of Paid Service


None to declare.


Presentation to the Retiring members by the Chair


The Chief Executive paid tribute to the following Councillors who had declared their intention to retire as Councillors prior to the Council elections this May:-


Councillor Cliff Everett


Councillor Cliff Everett was elected as a Labour Member for the Holyhead Town Ward in 1991 and had been a former Chairman of the Audit Committee and the Principal Scrutiny Committee and the Executive.


Councillor Fflur M. Hughes


Councillor Fflur M.Hughes was elected as a Plaid Cymru member for the Cefni Ward in May 1999 and had been a former Chair of the Lifelong Learning and Culture Committee and former Chair of the Housing and Social Services Committee.


Councillor W.I.Hughes


Councillor W.I.Hughes was elected as a Plaid Cymru member for the Bodffordd Ward in 1999. He had served on the Executive in the past as the Portfolio Holder for Housing.


Councillor Eric Jones


Councillor Eric Jones was elected member for the Llanfihangel Ysceifiog Ward in 2007 and had been Chair of the General Grants Committee and a former Vice-Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Tom Jones


Councillor Tom Jones was elected member for the Llanfechell Ward in 2004. He had been an Executive member with responsibility as Portfolio Holder for Finance. He had also been the Chair of the Audit Committee and the Appointments Committee.


Councillor Clive McGregor (unable to be present today)


Councillor Clive McGregor was elected to the County Council in May 2008 and represented the Llanddyfnan Ward. He was appointed Portfolio Holder for Highways, Transportation and Maritime upon entering the Council. In April 2009, he was elected Leader of the Original Independents’ Group and was Leader of the County Council between May 2009 to May 2011.


Councillor Rhian Medi


Councillor Rhian Medi was elected as a Plaid Cymru member for the Cyngar Ward in 2008. She had been a former Chair of the Education and Leisure Scrutiny Committee and also the Executive at its inception in 2000.



Councillor J.V.Owen


Councillor J.V.Owen was elected to the Isle of Anglesey Borough Council in 1976 and was elected Mayor of the Borough Council between 1985-86. He was elected as member for the Parc a’r Mynydd Ward, Holyhead in 2008. He was the current Chairman of the Economic Development, Tourism and Property Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor R.L.Owen


Councillor R.L.Owen was elected as member for the Beaumaris Ward in May 1999. He had served as a Beaumaris Town Councillor since 1986 and was Mayor of Beaumaris between 1996-97. Councillor Owen was Chairman of the County Council in 2002-03, during the visit by Her Majesty The Queen as part of her Golden Jubilee visit to Beaumaris. He also served as Chairman of the Planning and Orders Committee. He had also served as the former Chair of the Environment and Technical Services Scrutiny Committee and was currently its Vice-Chair.


Councillor G.O.Parry,MBE


Councillor G.O.Parry,MBE had been a member of the Valley Community Council since 1976. He had been the Chairman of the Association of Local Councils, Gwynedd for five years. He  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


North Wales Police

Presentation to the Council by the newly appointed Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales, Mr Winston Roddick, CB, QC.


(Members will be provided with a short question and answer session).


The Chair extended a warm welcome to the Police Commissioner.


A presentation was provided to the Council by the newly appointed Police and Crime Commissioner for North Wales, Mr. Winston Roddick, CB, QC, regarding his invitation to North Wales residents to share their views on local policing and crime.


Views expressed would be used in the development of a Police and Crime Plan that would set out a clear direction for the police service in North Wales over the next few years.


The Police Commissioner wanted this Plan to reflect the needs of the North Wales public and sought to obtain the views of the local community about policing matters concerning them.


Following the Commissioner’s address, the members of the Council were provided with a question and answer session with particular regards to problems being encountered on the Island. Mention was also made that consideration should be given to erecting a commemorative plaque at perhaps the new Llangefni Police Station for the late Dr.Tom Parry Jones of Menai Bridge, the inventor of the electronic breathalyser.


The Chair thanked the Commissioner for his address and on behalf of the Council wished him well in his new post and looked forward to further visits by the Commissioner during his term of office.


Treasury Management - Quarter 2 Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 438 KB

To submit the report of the Head of Function (Resources).


Submitted – the report of the Head of Function (Resources) on the Treasury Management Strategy Statement and Annual Investment Strategy : Mid Year Review Report for 2012/13.This report was presented to Council in order to comply with the recommendations of the CIPFA Code of Practice on Treasury Management.


The Council had resolved that this report be also considered by the Audit Committee.  The Audit Committee considered the content of the report at its meeting on 12 December, 2012 and resolved to accept its content and to refer it to the County Council.


RESOLVED to note the contents of the report, which has also been scrutinised by the Audit Committee.


Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider adoption of the following:-


“Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from meeting during discussion on the following item on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the said Act and in the attached Public Interest Test”.


RESOLVED to adopt the following :-


“Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the press and public from the meeting during discussion on the following item on the grounds that it may involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12A of the said Act and in the attached Public Interest Test.”


Heads of Service Structure Considerations

(a)    To submit a verbal report by the Chief Executive on the recommendation of the Executive held yesterday in this respect.


Reported verbally by the Deputy Chief Executive upon the recommendation of the Executive held yesterday in this respect and which resolved ‘to support the recommendations contained in the report and to endorse them to full Council.’


Reported by the Deputy Chief Executive – That a key component of the Transformation Plan was to review the Heads of Service management structure of the Council in line with the priorities emerging from the Plan and the way in which the Council would need to operate to deliver these priorities over the term of the next Council post May 2013.


Re-designing the Heads of Service Structure was the next stage of the process.  This report sets out the case, design principles, key considerations, the proposed new structure (with a rationale), and the details on implementation for a new Heads of Service Structure. 


A general consultation would then take place after the election, with staff and stakeholders on the service changes agreed by Council, and a detailed implementation plan would be drawn up.


As stated in the report, concern had been expressed regarding the implementation of the HOS Review prior to the completion of Job Evaluation.  It was proposed therefore that an implementation date of 1st October be set for the new HOS structure and that this should also be the implementation date for Job Evaluation, for the purpose of back pay and salary protection arrangements.


RESOLVED to support the recommendations contained in the Deputy Chief Executive’s report.


(Councillor Rhian Medi wished it to be recorded that she had abstained from voting on the matter).





The meeting concluded at 3.50 p.m.