
Isle of Anglesey County Council - Tuesday, 5th March, 2013 2.00 pm

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions

Contact: John Gould (01248 752 515 

No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To submit for confirmation and signature, the minutes of the meetings of the County Council held on the following dates:-


·        6th December, 2012

·        14th December, 2012 (Extraordinary)

·        24th January 2013 (Extraordinary)

Additional documents:


Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business.


To Receive any Announcements from the Chairperson, Leader of the Council, Commissioners or the Head of Paid Services.


Minutes for Information - Improvement and Sustainability Board 1 October 2012 pdf icon PDF 190 KB

To submit for information, the minutes of the meeting of the Anglesey Improvement and Sustainability Board held on the following dates:-


·         1st October, 2012

·         29th November, 2012

·         20th December, 2012

·         31st January, 2013

Additional documents:


Presentation of Petitions

To receive any petition in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.11 of the Constitution.


Medium Term Budget Strategy, Budget, Council Tax, Treasury Management and Prudential Indicators 2013-14 pdf icon PDF 340 KB

6.1 To submit the Executive’s Proposals for a medium term revenue budget strategy, interim capital plan and revenue and capital budgets for 2013-14.


6.2 Improvement Priorities 2013-14


(a) To report that the Executive upon consideration of the above at its meeting on 18th February, 2013, had resolved to recommend to the County Council:-


·         ”That it approves the Improvement Priorities for 2013-14;


·         That authority be given to officers in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders to develop associated work programmes for each of the Improvement Priorities and that the Council’s Improvement Priorities for 2013-14 be published in April following the annual business planning cycle.”


(b)To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy).

(Copy previously issued to all Members as part of the Executive papers for 18th February, 2013).


6.3 Consultation on Budget Proposals


To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy) on the outcome of consultations on the budget proposals.

(Copy previously issued to all Members as part of the Executive papers for 18th February, 2013).


6.4 To submit the report of the Head of Function (Resources) on the budget dealing with statutory matters relating to the budget.


6.5 To consider the formal resolution as enclosed in the report of the Head of Function (Resources).


6.6 To submit any amendments to the Budget of which notice has been received under Paragraph of the Constitution.


(Note: All of the above papers need to be considered as a single package).

Additional documents:


Single Integrated Plan pdf icon PDF 4 MB

To report that the Executive upon consideration of the above at their meeting on 11th February, 2013, had resolved “to refer the final version of the Single Integrated Plan to the County Council for approval”.


To submit the report of the Head of Service (Policy)


Changes to the Council's Constitution

Changes to the following parts of the Constitution:-


1.         Committee Structure

2.         Member Officer Protocol

3.         Multi Member Ward Protocol

4.         Compulsory Training


To report that the Executive upon consideration of the above at their meeting on 18th February, 2013, had resolved as follows:-


“To recommend to the County Council that it amends the Council’s Constitution as indicated in the report (namely in respect of Member Training, the Committee Structure, a Multi Member Ward Protocol and Member/Officer Protocol) and to authorise officers to make any consequential amendments to the Constitution”.


To submit the report of the Head of Function (Legal and Administration) on the above changes.

(Copy previously issued to all Members as part of the Executive papers for 18th February, 2013).



Complaints and Concerns Policy pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To submit the report of the Head of Function (Legal and Administration).


Revision to the Council's Indemnities Policy pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To submit the report of the Head of Function (Legal and Administration)


Flood and Water Management Strategy

To report that the Executive upon consideration of the above at their meeting on 11th February, 2013, had resolved:-


to recommend to the County Council that it approves the Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.”


To submit the report of the Head of Service (Highways and Waste Management)


(Copy previously issued to all Members as part of the Executive papers for 11th February, 2013).


Review of the Authority's Gambling Policy pdf icon PDF 795 KB

To submit a report by the Chief Trading Standards Officer


Review of the Authority's Licensing Policy pdf icon PDF 610 KB

To submit a report by the Chief Trading Standards Officer


A Prison in North Wales pdf icon PDF 844 KB

To submit the report by the Chief Executive


Motion Received Pursuant to Rule of the Constitution

To submit the following Notice of Motion by Councillors Richard A Dew and Aled Morris Jones:-


“We the undersigned, call upon the Isle of Anglesey County Council to consider placing a commemorative plaque in the village of Rhosneigr as the birthplace in 1883 of Admiral Sir Max Kennedy Horton, GCB, DSO, Commander-in-Chief of Western Approaches in the latter half of WWII.


Admiral Sir Max Kennedy Horton, GCB, DSO was responsible for British participation in the Battle of the Atlantic, of which in May this year the 70th anniversary will be commemorated.”


Exclusion of the Press and Public

To consider adoption of the following:-


“Under Section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, to exclude the

pressand public from the meeting during discussion on the following item

onthe grounds that it may  involve the disclosure of exempt information as

definedin Schedule 12A of the said  Act and in the attached Public Interest



Pay Policy Statement 2013-14

To submit the report of the Head of Human Resources