Agenda and minutes

First Annual Meeting, Isle of Anglesey County Council - Thursday, 23rd May, 2013 2.00 pm

A number of council meetings are live-streamed.

All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.

Venue: Council Chamber, Council Offices, Llangefni. View directions

Contact: Mr John Gould 

No. Item



To elect a Chairperson of the Isle of Anglesey County Council for 2013-14.


(Members are referred to the Order of Business regarding the ceremony for election of Chairperson of the County Council which will be tabled at the meeting).


RESOLVED that Councillor G O Jones be elected Chairperson of the Isle of Anglesey County Council for 2013-14.


In accepting the honour of being appointed, Councillor Jones promised the Council that he would carry out the duties involved to the best of his abilities. He also took the opportunity of paying tribute to the retiring Chairperson, Councillor R. Llewelyn Jones for his commitment in representing the County Council throughout his term of office.


Councillor R Llewelyn Jones, the retiring Chairperson, thanked all the members and officers of the Council for their support and co-operation during his term of office.  He also gave a synopsis of his duties as Chairperson which involved representing the County Council at various functions throughout the year. He expressed his best wishes to Councillor G.O.Jones and hoped he would also enjoy a happy and successful term of office.



To elect the Vice-Chairperson of the Isle of Anglesey County Council for 2013-14.


RESOLVED that Councillor Raymond Jones be elected Vice-Chairperson of the Isle of Anglesey County Council for 2013-14.


Councillor Raymond Jones thanked the members for their confidence in him and thanked members for their very kind words.  He expressed his intention to co-operate with and support the newly elected Chairperson.



To receive any announcements from the Chairperson or the Chief Executive and any closing remarks from the out-going Chair upon his term of office.


Closing remarks from the out-going Chair upon his term of office.


The Chair extended his congratulations to those newly elected members of the Authority. He also took the opportunity of thanking those former members who had lost their seats at the election and paid tribute to the work they had undertaken whilst they had been in office.


Declaration of Interest

To receive any declaration of interest in respect of any item of business from any Member or Officer.


None to declare.


Candidates Presentation in Support of their Nomination to be Leader of the Council pdf icon PDF 1 MB

In accordance with Paragraph of the Constitution, having already submitted a written presentation (manifesto) to the Chief Executive before 5:00 pm on the 9th May, 2013  (which needs to be supported in writing to the Chief Executive by 2 other Councillors) an oral presentation will be submitted by the following candidates on their vision and values:-


(a)  Councillor R.G. Parry. OBE

(b)  Councillor Ieuan Williams


 [Note 1: The nominated persons will be asked in alphabetical order to present their proposals and programmes to the Council and they should be expected to take questions from Members].


[Note 2: Presentations should not exceed more than 10 minutes and any questions from the floor shall not exceed 10 minutes; making a maximum of 20 minutes in all for each candidate].

Additional documents:


In accordance with Paragraph of the Constitution, having already submitted a written presentation (manifesto) to the Chief Executive before 5:00 pm on the 9th May, 2013 a 10 minute verbal presentation was submitted by the following candidates on their vision and values to the Council:-


(a)  Councillor R.G. Parry. OBE

(b)  Councillor Ieuan Williams


At the end of each presentation, the candidates responded to questions from Members of the Council.


To Appoint a Leader of the County Council

To elect the Leader of the Isle of Anglesey County Council (normally a term of 4 years) in accordance with Article 7 and in particular the rules of procedure contained under Paragraphs and of the Council Constitution.


RESOLVED that Councillor Ieuan Williams be elected Leader of the Isle of Anglesey County Council  for a period of 4 years in accordance with Article 7 and in particular the rules of procedure contained under Paragraphs and of the Council Constitution.


(Following a secret ballot, the voting was 17 – 12 in favour of Councillor Ieuan Williams)


Deputy Leader of the County Council

The Leader of the Council to inform Council of the name of the Deputy Leader he has chosen (the Deputy Leader shall be a member of the Executive).


The Leader of the Council informed Council that he had appointed Councillor J.Arwel Roberts to serve as Deputy Leader.


Confirmation of Committees

The Chairperson will confirm the re-appointment of the following Committee structure as referred to in Section 3.4 of the Council’s Constitution, together with the following:-


·         Pay and Grading Panel (a sub-committee of the County Council)

·         Standards Committee Appointments Panel

·         Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education

·         Special Educational Needs Joint Committee

·         Indemnities Sub-Committee




[Members are kindly requested to note that the adjourned meeting of this Council (in compliance with Paragraph of the Council Constitution) will be held at 2:00 pm on Thursday, 30th May, 2013] (papers to follow).




The Chairperson confirmed the re-appointment of the Committee structure as referred to in Section 3.4 of the Council’s Constitution, together with the following:-


  Pay and Grading Panel (a sub-committee of the County Council)

  Standards Committee Appointments Panel

  Standing Advisory Council on Religious Education

  Special Educational Needs Joint Committee

  Indemnities Sub-Committee