A number of council meetings are live-streamed.
All meetings are also uploaded after the event onto the our webcasting site.
Venue: Virtual Meeting (at present, members of the public are unable to attend)
Contact: Mrs Mairwen Hughes
No. | Item | |
To submit for confirmation, the draft minutes of the meeting of the County Council held on 10 March, 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 10 March, 2020 were confirmed as correct. |
Declaration of Interest To receive any declaration of interest from any Member or Officer in respect of any item of business. Additional documents: Minutes: All Members of the County Council declared a personal interest in Item 6. It was reported that a block dispensation has been granted by the Standards Committee’s Dispensation Panel on 29 July, 2020 for all Members to be able to consider an vote in relation to this matter. |
To receive any announcements from the Chairperson, Leader of the Council or the Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair made the following announcements:-
· As everyone knows, the main focus for the country and locally over the last few months has been dealing with Covid pandemic and this task continues. It has had a significant effect on everyone in society and on our services. The Council has prioritised front line services for the most vulnerable in society and sustaining services in different ways. This has meant a lot of partnership working. There has been a lot of demands placed on Council services and that many challenges will continue in the future, as will for every Council. I am also aware that Covid-19 has had a direct effect on many families in Anglesey and our thoughts today are with those who have suffered and who have lost loved ones. The Chair thanked the staff for their hard work and appreciated their commitment to carry on the services of the Council. · Congratulations to the pupils of the Island’s Secondary Schools on their success in the GCSE’s and A level exams as well as college course. Best wishes was extended to the pupils who will be starting their college courses in due course.
* * * * During April, we lost a valued Member of the County Council in Councillor Shaun Redmond. He was a Member of the Council since 2017 and worked hard in his ward of Holyhead. Condolences were expressed to Mrs Redmond and family in their loss.
The Leader of the Council said that the late Councillor Shaun Redmond had strong believes and he always wanted to do his utmost for the residents of his Ward and the people of Anglesey. The Leader expressed her deepest sympathy to the family of the late Councillor Redmond. Councillor Bryan Owen expressed his deepest sympathy to the family of the late Councillor Shaun Redmond. He said that Councillor Redmond had strong believes and would always expressed his opinion strongly within the Council on behalf of his electorate within the Cybi Ward. Councillor Robert Ll Jones said that the late Councillor Shaun Redmond had worked hard for the electorate of the Cybi Ward and the people of Holyhead and made sure that they received the best services possible by the Council. Councillor J Arwel Roberts said that the late Councillor Shaun Redmond had strong believes and work hard for his Cybi Ward in Holyhead. He expressed his deepest sympathy with the family of the late Councillor Shaun Redmond. * * * * Condolences were extended to any Member of the Council or staff who had suffered a bereavement.
Members and Officers stood in silent tribute as a mark of their respect and sympathy. · |
Notice of Motion · To submit the following Notice of Motion by Councillor J Arwel Roberts:-
In April, 2019, the Welsh Government Minister for the Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, AM, declared a climate emergency in Wales.
Gwynedd County Council have already followed WAG and declared along with other authorities to follow the same footpath.
“I call on this Council to follow suit and sign up to the commitment to achieve a Carbon Neutral Public Sector by 2030. We must recognise that this Council cannot continue with business as usual, and prepare an action plan, which can be monitored and implemented.
We need to stop investing in fossil fuels, use our local planning policies to accelerate the delivery of net zero carbon developments and communities.
We are in a position to make a difference for the sake of future generations, and we have a moral duty to act”.
· To submit the following Notice of Motion by Councillor Robert Ll Jones:-
‘Our town centres on Ynys Môn are now being put under tremendous stress as people choose to go online for their merchandise, be it clothes, food supplies, shoes and most other things. We are finding more and more empty shops and also large houses and business premises that are being turned into self-contained one room accommodation. This has happened in other towns in North Wales and has resulted in a deterioration of the whole town.
I am now asking for our Joint Development Plan to be revised and for the legislation to be strengthened in order to give developers the support needed to purchase these premises and to turn them into decent homes that will be available for young families or the elderly who wish to down size as an alternative to the one room developments that are in danger of becoming the norm in our towns. It may lead to looking at a visionary approach to what our present and future role for town centres will be and to build new and innovating buildings in place of our run down Victorian shops as seen in towns all over North Wales. Tourism is growing everywhere and we need to tap into it by being an attractive place to visit while making our County a place for all of us to be proud of.
Do we have the will to take this on as an authority and to take the first step in bringing it into reality or will we continue to muddle on and see our urban environment continue to decline.
Additional documents: Minutes: · Submitted – the following Notice of Motion by Councillor J Arwel Roberts:-
“In April 2019, the Welsh Government Minister for the Environment, Energy and Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, AM declared a climate emergency in Wales.
Gwynedd County Council have already followed WAG and declared along with other authorities to follow the same footpath.
“I call on this Council to follow suit and sign up to the commitment to achieve a Carbon Neutral Public Sector by 2030. We must recognise that this Council cannot continue with business as usual, and prepare an action plan which can be monitored and implemented.
We need to stop investing in fossil fuels, use our local planning policies to accelerate the delivery of net zero carbon developments and communities.
We are in a position to make a difference for the sale of future generations, and we have a moral duty to act.”
The Leader of the Council said that the Notice of Motion was submitted before the full Council meeting in March and the Officers were requested to prepare a full Action Plan on the carbon neutral expectations but due to the Covid-19 pandemic the work on the strategy has not been able to take place. She expressed that she agreed that the Council needs to make a commitment to support Carbon Neutral Public Sector by 2030.
The Leader of the Council seconded the Motion.
Councillor J Arwel Roberts responded that whilst the attention of the Council has been in respect Covid-19 pandemic over the last few months, climate change will be a crisis in the future. There is more CO2 in the atmosphere now than any time in our history. A recent Met Office study that Britain’s 10 hottest years occurred since 2002 with the 5 hottest years since 2014. If CO2 is not controlled by 2070, the temperature will rise by several more degrees would will effect sea levels, food supply, human health and biodiversity. The Welsh Government has recognise a climate change emergency and a strong action plan needs to be in place.
The Chair took a vote on the Motion and a majority vote was in favour of the motion.
The motion was carried.
· To submit the following Notice of Motion by Councillor Robert Ll Jones:-
“Our town centres on Ynys Mon are now being put under tremendous stress as people choose to go on line for their merchandise, be it clothes, food supplies, shoes and most other things. We are finding more and more empty shops and also large houses and business premises that are being turned into self-contained one room accommodation. This has happened in other towns in North Wales and has resulted in a deterioration of the whole town.
I am now asking for our Joint Development Plan to be revisited and for the legislation to be strengthened in order to give developers the support needed to purchase these premises and to turn them into decent homes that will be available for young families or the elderly who wish ... view the full minutes text for item 4. |
Presentation of Petitions To receive any petition in accordance with Paragraph 4.1.11 of the Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: To note that one petition signed by 61 has been received from the residents of Bull Bay, Amlwch. The petition has been forwarded to the Maritime Section of the County Council. |
To submit a report by the Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer, following the decision of the Standards Committee’s Dispensation Panel on 29 July 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer following the decision of the Standards Committee’s Dispensation Panel on 29 July, 2020 was presented for the Council’s acceptance.
· The Council agrees, in accordance with the Welsh Minister’s letter dated 3rd April 2020, to accept the current pandemic, and the circumstances as described within the report as satisfactory reasons for non-compliance by any member with the provision in Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972; · The Council extends the provisions in Section 85 by an additional six months (thus resulting in each member named in Appendix A of the report, having a total of twelve months for the date of their last attendance at a relevant meeting to comply with statutory attendance requirements); · Any member who considers they are at risk of failing to attend a relevant meeting within the original six months and the additional six months (granted under the above) should contact the Monitoring Officer so that an application can be made to full Council for an additional extension. Such application must be considered by Council before the expiry of the additional six months; members are therefore encouraged to monitor their attendance to ensure compliance.
Public Speaking Protocol for Scrutiny PDF 722 KB
Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer, as presented to the Corporate Scrutiny Committee on 9 March 2020, the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee on 11 March 2020, and the Executive on 23 March 2020 was presented for the Council’s acceptance.
The Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee said that the 5 minute rule within the protocol is excessive and it also removes the discretion of the Chair to allow people to speak. He considered that people should be allowed to speak at Scrutiny meetings to express their views.
The Chair of the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee said that he considered that the public speaking protocol for Scrutiny set out clearly the process of public speaking. He noted that the protocol is to be reviewed in 6 months.
It was RESOLVED to adopt the Public Speaking Protocol for Scrutiny and that the Constitution be amended to include the Public Speaking Protocol.
The Public Speaking at Scrutiny Protocol will be implemented on a date to be decided by the Chief Executive, following consultation with Group Leaders.
The Director of Function (Council Business)/Monitoring Officer is delegated to make any technical/practical changes to the Public Speaking at Scrutiny Protocol (but not the principles and timescales currently noted in Appendix 1, which require an Executive decision).
Review of the Electoral Arrangements of the County of the Isle of Anglesey PDF 356 KB To submit a report by the Head of Democratic Services, as presented to the Democratic Services Committee on 30 July 2020.
Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Head of Democratic Services as presented to the Democratic Services Committee on 30 July, 2020 was presented for the Council’s acceptance.
It was RESOLVED to accept the Boundary Commission’s recommendations, subject to changing the proposed name of the Braint Ward to Bodowyr Ward.
Statement of Accounts 2019/20 PDF 3 MB To submit the Statement of Accounts for 2019/20 as presented to the Audit and Governance Committee on 1 September, 2020.
Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer as presented to the Audit and Governance Committee on 1 September, 2020.
It was noted that the Statement of Accounts for 2019/20 will return to the Audit and Governance Committee and full Council and will be signed by the Director of Function (Resources)/Section 151 Officer once the audit opinion and report have been completed.
It was RESOLVED to approve the 2019/20 Interim Final Statement of Accounts for signature by the Leader of the Council and the Chief Executive.
The Leader of the Council's Annual Report for 2019/2020 PDF 810 KB To submit the Council Leaders’ Annual Report in accordance with paragraphs 4.1.11 of the Constitution. Additional documents: Minutes: The Annual Report of the Leader of the Council for 2019/20 was presented.
The Leader of the Council provided highlights of the progress that was achieved in the preceding year as follows:-
· Business Units continue to be developed on the Island. The new units in Llangefni have already been filled and the new Units in Holyhead continue to attract a considerable number of enquiries; · North Anglesey Recovery Plan – following Rehau’s decision to close the factory in Amlwch, the Executive decided to support the area by agreeing the North Anglesey Economic Recovery Plan - ££495,000 was received from the NDA for this work; · Energy Island Programme – continue to support the Energy Island programme to support economic development based on energy generation; · North Wales Growth Bid – the six North Wales leaders signed the ‘Heads of Terms’ with both Governments in order to progress the North Wales Growth Bid to the next stage; · Arfor – a grant scheme for businesses to develop and use the Welsh language; · Supply and construction of Housing – 104 empty homes returned to use for households. 6 sites across the Island are been developed for housing; · Llawr y Dref – refurbishment scheme has been completed; · Trac and Adtrac – the scheme has worked successfully with a group of young people; · Leisure – upgrade of the fitness room at Plas Arthur and a grant was received to fund a small 3G pitch at David Hughes, Menai Bridge; · Market Hall, Holyhead – the Hall was opened following major repairs after being vacant for years. The Library has been incorporated into the new building; · Parc Adfer – opened in Deeside as a recycling centre serving 5 North Wales authorities. This development will generate electricity from the waste; · Rationalizing the Council’s Energy Use; · Flood Prevention Scheme – in Llansadwrn, Pentraeth and Beaumaris; · Foster Parents – a number of foster parents increased during the year; · Care Centres – childcare cabins at Ysgol Morswyn, Holyhead and Ysgol Pencarnisiog; · Denu Talent – scheme was successful again this year with 9 young people taking advantage of the opportunity provided under the scheme; · Place Shaping – in collaboration with Medrwn Môn; · Engaging with young people – invitation given to schools to be able to visit the Council to raise awareness of the Council’s services.
The Leader reported on the response of the Authority to the Covid-19 pandemic and she wished to thank the Chief Executive and the Senior Leadership Team together with all the staff of the Council for their work in protecting the vulnerable within the communities and support those in need. She wished to thank the partnership working between the third party organisations to create community support for the residents of the Island. The Deputy Leader of the Council said that he wished to thank the Leader for her work as regards to the pandemic and has been attending numerous daily internal meetings, regional meetings and meetings with the WLGA. He also said that the Leader worked closely with Public Health Wales ... view the full minutes text for item 10. |
Annual Report of the Chair of the Standards Committee PDF 1 MB To submit a report by the Mr John R Jones, Independent Chair of the Standards Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Annual Report of the Standards Committee for 2019/2020 was presented by Mr John R Jones, the Chair of the Standards Committee.
Mr Jones summarised the achievements of the Standards Committee against the objectives in its 2019/20 Work Programme as set out in the Appendix attached to the report. He wished to thank the previous Members of the Standards Committee for their service over the last two terms.
· To note the programme delivered by the Standards Committee between April 2019 and May 2020 at ENCLOSURE A. · To endorse the Standards Committee’s Work Programme for 2020/21 outlined in ENCLOSURE B, accepting that the extent to which the work can be conducted may be dictated by factors such as council capacity, including that of its officers. · To endorse the Local Resolution Protocol as amended and in accordance with ENCLOSURE C.
Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2019/20 PDF 1 MB To submit a report by the Chairs of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee and the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee. Additional documents: Minutes: The Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report 2019/20 was presented by the Chairs of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee and the Partnership and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee.
Councillor Aled M Jones, the Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee that the Scrutiny Chairs have been involved in developing the forward work programme of both Scrutiny Committees. It was noted that a Scrutiny Champion needs to be appointed to promote the overview and scrutiny function both within the Council and also with external partners of the Authority.
· To approve the Overview and Scrutiny Annual Report for 2019/20; · to note the continued progress made in implementing our local Scrutiny development journey and the impact this is having on practice; · that the Chair of the Corporate Scrutiny Committee to continue in his role as the Scrutiny Champion for the period May, 2020 to May, 2021 in accordance with the national and local arrangements as a result of the current pandemic.
Audit and Governance Committee Annual Report 2019/20 PDF 289 KB To submit a report by the Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee as presented to the Audit and Governance Committee on 1 September 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: The Audit Committee’s Annual Report for 2019/20 was presented by Councillor Peter Rogers, Chair of the Audit and Governance Committee.
It was RESOLVED to endorse the Annual Report of the Audit and Governance Committee for 2019/20. |
Democratic Services Committee Annual Report 2019/20 PDF 428 KB To submit a report by the Chair of the Democratic Services Committee, as presented to the Democratic Services Committee on 30 July 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: The Annual Report of the Democratic Services Committee for 2019/20 was presented by Councillor Robert Ll Jones, Chair of the Democratic Services Committee.
It was RESOLVED to accept the report and to note the matters considered by the Committee during 2019/20. |